District News

Baltimore Metro District Updates

Posted by Christine Taylor on

May 16, 2022

Below are list of upcoming events throughout the district and conference. Many of the events were announced in the May 9th e-Connection. If you don't receive the e-Connection, click here to sign up. You can also visit the BWC Event Calendar.  Additionally, Discipleship Opportunities page that lists various discipleship opportunities throughout the conference and beyond. Some of the events require registration via Zoom and others use Arena's registration system. If the event is using Arena for registration, please use your personal Arena account, please do not use the church's Arena information. If you have misplaced your Arena credentials, please see the Arena Event Registration Guide for assistance in retrieving your login credentials. 

We also wanted to share that the Baltimore Metropolitan District's Virtual Lay Servant Academy registration has opened. For more information, please visit the Trainings We Offer page which is found on the BWC's Laity Development page: https://www.bwcumc.org/lay-servant-ministry-training/. If you have any questions regarding the courses, please contact our Co-District Lay Servant Ministry Directors at .

Upcoming Events:

May 12th at 5 pm: The Unfinished Church Podcast: The Unfinished Church is a new podcast focusing on the holy work of antiracism. Join us on The Unfinished Church Facebook page on Thursday May 12 at 5 p.m. for a launch event hosted by Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey.  A unique collaboration by host Bishops LaTrelle Easterling, Michael McKee, and Gregory Palmer, The Unfinished Church features conversations with well-known activists, authors, preachers and teachers about what it means to love our neighbors in the ways Christ has called us to love. To stay connected and up-to-date follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. Learn more and explore opportunities to engage at https://theunfinishedchurch.org/

May 14th at 10 am: BMCR Town Hall Meeting: The Conference Black Methodists for Church Renewal will hold a town hall meeting to discuss a resolution concerning proceeds from the sale of African American church properties coming before the Annual Conference Session. The town hall will be Saturday, May 14, at 10 a.m. at Westphalia UMC, 9363 D'Arcy Road in Upper Marlboro. This is a hybrid session; registration is required. All are welcome. 

May 15th: Annual Conference Registration Deadline: 238th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held online June 1-3. The Service of Ordination and the Memorial Service will be open to invited guests only at Glen Mar UMC, but these services, and other worship and plenary sessions, will be live-streamed on the BWC website. Register. Laity registration is open to laypersons serving on Boom and Lay Members to Annual Conference.  If you are not serving in one of these two capacities, we invite you to participate via the live-stream on the BWC website. Please sure that if you are a Lay Member to Annual Conference that you complete your register on/by the deadline; there will be no late registrations.

May 21stConfirmation Class Rally: As Lovely Lane UMC, founded in 1772, commemorates 250 years of ministry, they invite all confirmation classes to come (after waiting two long years) for a celebration. The Rev. Wanda Duckett, the Baltimore Metropolitan District Superintendent, will speak. There will be a history quiz, name that tune (Wesley hymn version), and much more. Email for questions and reservations. This will be the first of three unique events at Lovely Lane UMC for its 250th anniversary. 

May 23rd- 25thClergy explore Bonhoeffer's legacy: The Rev. Al Hammer, a Deacon who served in the BWC, is now the executive director of Olmsted Manor United Methodist Retreat Center, in the middle of the Allegheny National Forest, in Pennsylvania. Hammer invites all clergy to a continuing education event that focuses on the life and writing of theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The Rev. C. Anthony Hunt, senior pastor of Epworth Chapel UMC in Baltimore, will lead this pastors’ academy, to be held May 23-25. Learn more and register.

May 23rd: Faithful Climate Action Fellowship: Creation Justice Ministries is partnering with other organizations to do the third iteration of the Faithful Climate Action Fellowship. Are you or do you know a young person who is Christian, Jewish, or Muslim concerned about the climate crisis? Join us in exploring how our faith traditions can support and guide our climate activism. Young Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (18-26) in the United States (including U.S. territories) are invited to apply for the Faithful Climate Action Fellowship. Visit the website to learn more and submit an application. The application deadline is May 23, 2022. This is an opportunity for young, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to serve as Fellows who will engage in 7 weeks of evening training to hone climate action skills. Weekly interactive webinars from July 7 through August 18, 2022, and will provide a chance to meet young faith and climate leaders across the country. Fellows are also responsible for doing a project ranging from op-eds to artistic expression to delivering a message to their house of worship/faith community and participate in faith-based resource development. This is a time commitment of only 2-3 hours per week plus the time needed to complete a project and is designed to fit with full-time employment or schoolwork. A $500 stipend will be provided upon successful completion of the fellowship. To learn more go to: https://www.creationjustice.org/bipocfellowship.html

May 24th at 8 pm: Raise Up Your Voice Against Racism: Hosted by  Asian American Language Ministries (AALM), May's topic will be an informative discussion on migration, immigration, and racism. Rev. Carlos Samuel Reyes Rodríguez,  Racial Equity and Community Engagement Manager at the National Justice For Our Neighbors, in Annandale, VA and Rev. Jack Amick, Director of Global Migration and Special Assignments at UMCOR in Atlanta, GA. The conversation will be moderated by Rev. Neal Christie, Baltimore Washington Conference, and Dr. Dana Lyles, Director and Team Lead, Multiethnic Ministries at Global Ministries. Please register here for May's "Raise Up Your Voice Against Racism" webinar.

May 27th at noon: A Faithful Response to the War in Ukraine: It’s Impact and What Makes What Peace?: Join a conversation on the war in Ukraine with people on the ground there: As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its third month, it has brought calls for prayer and statements of deep concern from United Methodists globally; it has also brought first-hand accounts of the impact of the war and ways United Methodists respond to the trauma of people in harm’s way. Join a discussion with Rev. Oleg Starodubets, the district superintendent of the Ukraine Conference; Rev. Dr. Julia Starodubets, a pastor and medical doctor in the Ukraine Conference; and Rev. Bill Lovelace, missionary who ministers with migrants in the Norway Conference. This conversation is supported by the BWC In Mission Together -- Eurasia Committee. Registration information will be in next week’s e-connection.  To register click, here.

June 1st-3rd: 238th Annual Conference: Registration for Annual Conference, which will be held online June 1-3 is now open. To register, click the following link: https://na.eventscloud.com/ereg/newreg.php?eventid=669627&

June 6th- July15th: IDEA Corps Summer Internship: The IDEA Corps, focusing on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Antiracism, is a new six-week internship for students ages 18-23 offered by the Baltimore-Washington Conference.  Applications are due April 18. Learn more and apply.

June 9th: Ethnic Local Church Forum 2022:  Thursday, June 9, 1:30-3:00 pm or Thursday, June 9th, 6:30 pm- 7:30 pm. To learn more and to register, click here

June 25thUnderstanding Your Congregation & Community through Your ComparativeInsite Report: Your District Missional Action Planning (dMAP) team is working to ensure that your church has the data it needs to develop meaningful relationships and ministry with your community using  the ComparativeInsite report from MissionInsite. One of the first steps in this process is to upload resident, active participants in order to run the ComparativeInsite report–the most ministry-impacting MissionInsite standard report. Click here for a step-by-step guide. Registration will open soon.


The recording and accompanying resources for the  Stay or Go Information Session is now available and can be accessed via the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/resources-for-united-methodists-discerning-our-future/. Please share this resource with your congregation.

Arnolia UMC will be hosting food trucks every Thursday, from 5 to 8 p.m., starting April 21 through October. Outdoor seating and games for adults and children will be available. Follow the Arnolia United Methodist Church Facebook page to see which trucks will come each week.

Becoming a Certified Lay Ministers (CLM): Applications for the 2022-2024 CLM class of the Baltimore-Washington Conference are now being accepted. Learn more and see if you qualify. The application process includes meeting with the pastor, local SPRC, and the district superintendent before the July 1 deadline. The class starts in September and is a two-year commitment. Questions may be directed to Linda Flanagan, Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries. 

 March 25, 2022

Happy Spring, Baltimore Metropolitan District! Check out the discipleship opportunities below.



Discipleship Opportunities

 The Baltimore-Washington Conference offers a number of opportunities for learning and growing in faith and discipleship. Scroll down this list of some of the offerings to put your faith into action.

Action and Advocacy 


 IDEA Corps Summer Internship: The IDEA Corps, focusing on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Antiracism, is a new six-week internship for students ages 18-23 offered by the Baltimore-Washington Conference. It will take place June 6 through July 15. Applications are due April 18. Learn more and apply.


The Seeds of Security Annual Golf Tournament, which raises funds to assist victims of domestic violence, will be held Monday, April 25, at 9 a.m. at Hobbit’s Glen Golf Course at11130 Willow Bottom Drive, in Columbia. Tickets are $150 for a single play and $500 for a team of four. You can choose to register one player or a team of four. Register for the event

Young People's Ministry


A Spirituality of Justice retreat, for youth ages 12-18, will be held April 1-3 at West River Center near Annapolis. Young people will explore different types of spiritual practices, hear from leading conference justice workers, and talk through what they’re learning in small groups. The cost is $52 per person. Youth will need a Safe Sanctuary chaperone. Register.

Christians Engaged in Faith Formation will hold their monthly meeting April 7 at 10 a.m. The theme for the conversation will be “Kids on Mission – Connecting with the community and budget-friendly missions.” Learn more and see how to get connected.

Manidokan and West River will hold an Open House on April 10 from 2 to 5 p.m. for new and prospective campers and families to visit the sites, ask questions, and become familiar with the property and programs. No registration is necessary. If this time does not work for a family they can reach out to Manidokan or West River to schedule another time to visit the site.

Confirmation Class Rally: As Lovely Lane UMC, founded in 1772, commemorates 250 years of ministry we invite all confirmation classes to come (after waiting two long years) for a celebration on May 21, at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Wanda Duckett, the Baltimore Metropolitan District superintendent, will speak. There will be a history quiz, name that tune (Wesley hymn version), and much more. Email '); // ]]> for questions and reservations. This will be the first of three unique events at Lovely Lane UMC for its 250th anniversary.

Lives change at summer camp. This summer, the BWC's Retreat and Camping Ministries offers a vast array of experiences for those entering third grade through adults in residential and day camps.

Wellness and Missions

 Lenten Study -- Learning Sign Language as a Spiritual Discipline: Participants are invited to register for a virtual sign language class via Zoom to further their spiritual growth during Lent. This introduction to sign language will be held March  26, at 11 a.m. Contact the Rev. Leo Yates to request accommodations and ask questions. Children are welcome to join with an adult. Register.

Autism Awareness Month is the topic of discussion for April's Accessibility Conversation on April 1 at 11 a.m.. Rev. Melinda Baber, a person on the Autism spectrum, is the guest speaker. Join us on April 1 at 11 a.m. via Zoom. Learn more and register.  

Mark your calendar: Baltimore-County Christian Work Camp, which includes a large number of United Methodist leaders and volunteers who perform home repairs for the needy, will be held July 17-22. Learn more.


Leadership Development 

Appointment Transition Workshop: All clergy who are retiring or transitioning to new appointments are requested to attend a virtual workshop on Saturday, April 2, from 9 a.m. to noon. The keynote speaker will be Rev. Jack Shitama, the Director of the Center for Vital Leadership. To register, contact your District Office.

Becoming a Certified Lay Ministers (CLM): Applications for the 2022-2024 CLM class of the Baltimore-Washington Conference are now being accepted. Learn more and see if you qualify. The application process includes meeting with the pastor, local SPRC, and the district superintendent before the July 1 deadline. The class starts in September and is a two-year commitment. Questions may be directed to Linda Flanagan, Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries.

Deacon Coffee Chats: A monthly deacon coffee chat, which is open to deacons and soon-to-be-deacons of both the BWC and Pen-Del Conferences, is held on the third Friday of the month at 3 p.m. Join via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87014319537#success) Meeting ID: 870 1431 9537; Phone in: 301-715-8592.

Annual Conference registration: Registration is now open to clergy and lay members for the June 1-3 session of the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference. Learn more.

New Faith Expressions

BWC grants available to assist your church: A new, non-renewable grant for up to $5,000 to help launch a new faith expression that reaches new people is now available through the BWC. The conference is also offering congregational development grants, through the Unified Funding Task Force, to assist churches with launching other new ministry initiatives, new or renewed congregation development, and leader development. Online applications must be submitted by March 20. Learn more and apply.


Cocoa, Cookies, and Carols: A Baltimore Metropolitan District Christmas Party
Hosted by the District Lay Leaders
Join us Sunday, December 19 from 2-4 pm at Faith Community UMC, located at 5315 Harford Road, Baltimore, MD 20214.
We are asking churches of the Baltimore Metro District to bring gifts to benefit Susanna Wesley House.
Drop off your gifts and enjoy cocoa, cookies, and carols in the parking lot.
Gift Suggestions: Small Stockings filled with learning puzzles/small toys, sweet treats, gift cards in varying amounts, pots, pans, towels, sheets sets, pillowcases, learning toys, games for youth, cash donations, and tickets to local shows and events. Gifts of labor from skilled/licensed professionals in electrical, carpentry, painting, and janitorial services.

 August 19, 2021 

Upcoming Events

(and ministries inside and outside the connection)

August 23rd at 6 pm: Abundant Health Webinar: An online webinar on “Youth Mental Health -Tips to Ease Transition to the School Year.” To register: https://bwcumc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VCQM4D-oT1G-uMS7YXHzfw. A session in Spanish will be held at 7:30 p.m. https://bwcumc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Rqu4O-DWSOChBXEke1s7ow. You will receive an email confirmation containing the Zoom information upon completion of your registration.

August 24th at 10 am: Conference-Wide Presiding Elder Training: If you are an elder in full connection, we encourage you to register to participate in the training. Presiding Elders contribute significantly to the success of church conference season. We remain ever grateful to our presiding elders; church conferences wouldn't work without you. If you wish to serve as a presiding elder, please register to participate in the training session: https://bwcumc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtcOuvqD0uGtTms25s70j2ilS8oTrXPao4. The August 24th training is general training and will not detail how each district will conduct church conferences.

August 31st at 11 am: District Level Presiding Elder Informational MeetingThis informational meeting will review the district's presiding elder expectations and responsibilities. Registration via Zoom is required: https://bwcumc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpdO-sqT0uHdB-i9P0e9et3AdjoqlPwB8K. You will receive an email containing the link to join upon completion of your registration.

August 31st at 7 pm: Town Hall Meeting: The town hall meeting will provide information about the Peninsula-Delaware and Baltimore-Washington Conference affiliation, hosted by Bishop LaTrelle Easterling. On Sept. 1, Bishop LaTrelle Easterling will begin providing episcopal leadership for both the Peninsula-Delaware and Baltimore-Washington conferences. This affiliation will provide significant financial savings for the denomination and enable new connections and ministry opportunities between the two conferences.  If you have any questions ahead of the session, submit them to Registration is required; you will receive an email confirmation containing the Zoom information upon completion of your registration. To register: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=5984.

September 9th at 6:30 pm: Abundant Health Webinar: A webinar on “Finding Hope and Healing After Traumatic Grief.”  To register:  https://bwcumc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_05W5agvFRSiNb4ofIXn3vg.

September 9th at 7 pm: A Diverse Church by Design:  A workshop on cross-racial and cross-cultural ministry will provide a framework and resources to build multicultural churches. To register: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=5986.

September 18th at 10 am: ROCK 2022/Youth Rally Planning Meeting at BWC Mission Center: This year, youth from the BWC will be joining young people from the Peninsula-Delaware Conference at their youth rally January 7-9 in Ocean City.

September 25th from 9 am- noon: Virtual Pre-Conference Session: The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

September 27th  Bishop's Day on the Baltimore Region: The event will take place at Hiss UMC (8700 Harford Rd, Parkville, MD 21234). The clergy session will take place from 2 pm- 4 pm and the laity session will take place from 7 pm- 8:30 pm. More details will be provided as they become available.

October 25th- 27th237th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore. The theme of this year’s session is “Still One: Standing, Transforming, Rising.” The Session will also be broadcast online. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference. REGISTRATION IS OPEN: Click to registerDuring registration, members will be asked whether they wish to attend in person or online. The fee is required whether a person attends in person or virtually.  The fee is required whether a person attends in person or virtually.

*Early bird registration (July 14 through Aug. 9): $139
*Regular registration (Aug. 9 through Sept. 8): $149
*Late registration (Sept. 8 through September 27 at midnight): $199

 No registration will be accepted after Sept. 27 at midnight. This is because voting codes must be generated, and registration packets mailed. Those attending virtually will receive their voting code via e-mail. There will be no on-site registration. There will not be any registration for guests. The Session will be live-streamed on the BWC website.
A virtual Pre-Conference Session will be held Saturday, Sept. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.
The deadline for submitting resolutions is Monday, Aug. 2. Resolutions should be sent to BWC Secretary Kevin Silberzahn. See the guidelines and format for submitting a resolution. Committee chairs should submit their annual reports for the Conference Journal to Silberzahn by Aug. 



GCFA (General Council on Finance and Administration): Many resources are available to churches and UMC members, including discounts on airport parking via Park N' Fly and purchases made at Home Depot and Staples. Check out the following link for more information:  https://www.gcfa.org/partners/umc-member-discounts/. Also, we encourage you to check out the various services they provide: https://www.gcfa.org/services.

Revenue opportunities for churches: The BWC Trustees are encouraging local churches to learn more about the ATP Network, a company that provides revenue-generating opportunities for local churches. The ATP Network recently introduced their new partners, REEF Technology, that provides new platforms for ministries by taking advantage of unused parking lot capacity.

Training Tuesday Archived Webinars: We want to remind everyone that all of the past Training Tuesday Webinars are archived and easily accessed via the Training Tuesday page, which also includes a link to access the YouTube playlist of all archived webinars; past trainings included Trustees, SPRC, Finance, and much more. The Training Tuesday page will also list upcoming training webinars and links to register to participate.


TAKE ACTION! This week, President Biden met with DACA recipients to discuss his immigration priorities and encourage Congress to act to protect Dreamers. You, too, can take action by contacting your Senators and asking them to pass the Dream Act of 2021, which would provide a permanent lawful status to nearly two million Dreamers and would shield them from deportation and allow them to work and support their families. Click here to contact your senators.

TAKE ACTION! The Guaranteed Refugee Admissions Ceiling Enhancement Act, or GRACE Act, would protect and restore the U.S. resettlement program by setting a minimum refugee admissions goal of 125,000 and increasing congressional oversight over the administration's operations of the resettlement program. Ask your legislator to restore the U.S.’s role as a global humanitarian leader by passing the GRACE Act. Click here to contact your congressperson.

Urgent action for Dreamers: A federal judge in Texas ruled earlier this month on DACA, a program that has shielded hundreds of thousands of undocumented young adults from deportation. His decision has thrown into question, yet again, the fate of immigrants known as Dreamers. United Methodists from the General Board of Church and Society and the Baltimore-Washington Conference called upon individuals and churches to take action. See the urgent action alert.


July 28, 2021Baltimore Metropolitan District Communication

Zoom licenses for churches Whether your church is meeting in-person, online or both, Zoom is the perfect tool for expanding connections with your community. Local churches who are new to Zoom or who already have a month-to-month Zoom plan can be a part of United Methodist Communications’ group Zoom Enterprise-level web conferencing license through April 19, 2022. Apply online

 We want to remind you that e-mail scams continue to be on the rise. If you receive an email from the Bishop or Conference staff, we kindly ask that you do not forward the email to the district office. Please report it by forwarding the suspicious email to  . For additional information, please visit https://www.bwcumc.org/news-and-views/what-you-need-to-know-about-fake-e-mails-from-conference-leaders/.


We encourage you to check out the e-Connection. If you don't receive the e-Connection, you can sign up to receive it.  Additionally, the Conference website (www.bwcumc.org) for the most up-to-date Conference information. It contains a wealth of information, including, but not limited to, COVID-19 resources, BWC events, grants and awards, leadership development opportunities, and much more. 


Upcoming Events

(and ministries inside and outside the connection)

August 2nd: Annual Conference Resolution Submission Deadline: Resolutions should be sent to BWC Secretary Kevin Silberzahn. See the guidelines and format for submitting a resolution. Committee chairs should submit their annual reports for the Conference Journal to Silberzahn by Aug. 13.

August 10th at 7:30 pm EST: What You Really Need to Know About Housing Allowances: Each year when we do the special clergy tax webinar, we get more questions about the Housing Allowance than any other topic. And the questions come not just from clergy, but from Finance Committee members, Treasurers, and SPRC chairs as well. So for the first time, we are going to offer a webinar for laity and clergy to help churches better understand this special provision and how it can be a blessing to everyone! Join Ken Sloane, Director of Stewardship & Generosity and his guest Bryan Mills, General Counsel for the General Council on Finance & Administration (GCFA), as we try to bring clarity to an often confusing topic. Participants will be able to submit questions in advance as a part of the registration process. To register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_M8ts5ZLPSi-6cP_uq_SjEg

August 24th at 10 am: Conference-Wide Presiding Elder Training: If you are an elder in full connection, we encourage you to register to participate in the training. Presiding Elders contribute significantly to the success of church conference season. We remain ever grateful to our presiding elders; church conferences wouldn't work without you. If you wish to serve as a presiding elder, please register to participate in the training session: https://bwcumc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtcOuvqD0uGtTms25s70j2ilS8oTrXPao4. The August 24th training is general training and will not detail how each district will conduct church conferences. As such, the district will hold a follow-up informational meeting with our presiding elders to share the structure and format for church conference season. Date and registration link will be forthcoming for the district-level church conference training.

September 18that 10 am: ROCK 2022/Youth Rally Planning Meeting at BWC Mission Center: This year, youth from the BWC will be joining young people from the Peninsula-Delaware Conference at their youth rally January 7-9 in Ocean City.

September 25th from 9 am- noon: Virtual  Pre-Conference Session. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

October 25th- 27th237th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore. The theme of this year’s session is “Still One: Standing, Transforming, Rising.” The Session will also be broadcast online. A virtual Pre-Conference Session will be held Saturday, Sept. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

More events listed on the District Blog and on the BWC Events Calendar.


Annual Conference

Mark your calendars for this fall's 237th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held Monday, Oct. 25 through Wednesday, Oct. 27 at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore. The theme of this year’s session is “Still One: Standing, Transforming, Rising.” The Session will also be broadcast online.

Social distancing and other COVID-19 safety protocols will be observed. This year's Session will be a hybrid one. All clergy and lay members will have the option of attending in-person or virtually. Arrangements will be made to allow those attending online to participate in the voting.
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN: Click to registerDuring registration, members will be asked whether they wish to attend in person or online. The fee is required whether a person attends in person or virtually.  The fee is required whether a person attends in person or virtually.

*Early bird registration (July 14 through Aug. 9): $139
*Regular registration (Aug. 9 through Sept. 8): $149
*Late registration (Sept. 8 through September 27 at midnight): $199

No registration will be accepted after Sept. 27 at midnight. This is because voting codes must be generated, and registration packets mailed. Those attending virtually will receive their voting code via e-mail. There will be no on-site registration. There will not be any registration for guests. The Session will be live-streamed on the BWC website.

A virtual Pre-Conference Session will be held Saturday, Sept. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

The deadline for submitting resolutions is Monday, Aug. 2. Resolutions should be sent to BWC Secretary Kevin Silberzahn. See the guidelines and format for submitting a resolution. Committee chairs should submit their annual reports for the Conference Journal to Silberzahn by Aug. 13.



Revenue opportunities for churches: The BWC Trustees are encouraging local churches to learn more about the ATP Network, a company that provides revenue-generating opportunities for local churches. The ATP Network recently introduced their new partners, REEF Technology, that provides new platforms for ministries by taking advantage of unused parking lot capacity.

If You are Between the Ages 12-30 and Want to Serve, Let Us Know: The Baltimore-Washington Conference is committed to ministry for young people, by young people. We know young people aren’t only leaders of the future church but today’s church. Complete the Youth Interest Form if you are in Middle and High School or this Leadership Interest form if you are between 19-30 years old.

The Northeastern Jurisdiction College of Bishops announced how it will address the retirement of two bishops by implementing a new formation of coverage from Sept. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2022. Included in these plans is an affiliation between the Baltimore-Washington Conference and Peninsula Delaware Conference. Bishop LaTrelle Easterling will lead these two areas. See an FAQ about the affiliation.

Training Tuesday Archived Webinars: We want to remind everyone that all of the past Training Tuesday Webinars are archived and easily accessed via the Training Tuesday page, which also includes a link to access the YouTube playlist of all archived webinars; past trainings included Trustees, SPRC, Finance, and much more. The Training Tuesday page will also list upcoming training webinars and links to register to participate Nominations and Applications Open for 2021 Session of Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute (July 18-31, 2021) Is there a high schooler in your life who is ready to learn about how their faith in Jesus Christ calls them to live and be in the world in a way that seeks justice, all while earning college credit that they can carry with them wherever they go after high school? Thanks to a grant from the Lilly Endowment, students will have all that SUYTI has to offer (room and board, program expenses, and three college credits) at a cost of only $200 per student. However, 2021 will be our final session, so now is the perfect time to apply! To nominate a student or to apply, visit www.su.edu/youththeology. For more information, contact Ian Urriola, Director of the SUYTI, by calling (540) 665-5453 or emailing   

TAKE ACTION! This week, President Biden met with DACA recipients to discuss his immigration priorities and encourage Congress to act to protect Dreamers. You, too, can take action by contacting your Senators and asking them to pass the Dream Act of 2021, which would provide a permanent lawful status to nearly two million Dreamers and would shield them from deportation and allow them to work and support their families. Click here to contact your senators.

TAKE ACTION! The Guaranteed Refugee Admissions Ceiling Enhancement Act, or GRACE Act, would protect and restore the U.S. resettlement program by setting a minimum refugee admissions goal of 125,000 and increasing congressional oversight over the administration's operations of the resettlement program. Ask your legislator to restore the U.S.’s role as a global humanitarian leader by passing the GRACE Act. Click here to contact your congressperson.

July 8, 2021Baltimore Metropolitan District Communication

Zoom licenses for churches Whether your church is meeting in-person, online or both, Zoom is the perfect tool for expanding connections with your community. Local churches who are new to Zoom or who already have a month-to-month Zoom plan can be a part of United Methodist Communications’ group Zoom Enterprise-level web conferencing license through April 19, 2022. Apply online

 We want to remind you that e-mail scams continue to be on the rise. If you receive an email from the Bishop or Conference staff, we kindly ask that you do not forward the email to the district office. Please report it by forwarding the suspicious email to  . For additional information, please visit https://www.bwcumc.org/news-and-views/what-you-need-to-know-about-fake-e-mails-from-conference-leaders/.

Violetville UMC (3648 Coolidge Ave, Baltimore 21229)  needs your help; they are seeking shoe donations. The shoe drive has been extended to July 18th. Donors can drop off their shoes on Sundays from 9:30 am- 11 am.

Rev. Irance Reddix-McCray, MD (New Waverly UMC) and  Adullum Community Healthcare Center needs our help. They are requesting mini emergency medical kits to help our unhoused neighbors in Baltimore. For the items and for more details and instructions on kit assembly, check out the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtttbuNSOcg&feature=youtu.be.

We encourage you to check out the e-Connection. If you don't receive the e-Connection, you can sign up to receive it.  Additionally, the Conference website (www.bwcumc.org) for the most up-to-date Conference information. It contains a wealth of information, including, but not limited to, COVID-19 resources, BWC events, grants and awards, leadership development opportunities, and much more. 

As always, all newly added information is in purple.

More events listed on the District Blog and on the BWC Events Calendar.

Upcoming Events

(and ministries inside and outside the connection)

June 30th- July 27th: Leadership and Family Systems Theory: BeADisciple.com is offering an online course led by the Rev. Jack Shitama on The Non-Anxious Leader: Family Systems Basics, from June 30 to July 27. The course is a deep dive into family systems theory with recorded presentations and three live, one-hour sessions (also recorded). Everything can be done asynchronously. The cost is $198. This summer, the BWC will enter into a contract with Camp Pecometh in Centreville, Md., to expand the scope of the Center so that Shitama can strategically grow leaders – lay, clergy, and young people – in both the BWC and Pen-Del conferences. This new Center for Vital Leadership will be both physical and virtual and will allow an intentional leadership development pathway to be available to all.

July 10th from 10 am to noon: Church Sign Language Interpreting Academy: The Zoom Session will have 3 tracks: introduction to church interpreting; interpreting Scripture, and introduction to sign language. Register here.


July 18th- 23rd: Baltimore County Christian Workcamp: Volunteers of all ages do home repairs for needy people. Learn more. 


July 23rd- 24th: Mission U: Hosted by the BWC's United Methodist Women and Wellness and Missions, the theme is "Do Not Lose Heart." Event open to youth and adults. Learn more and register.

August 2nd: Annual Conference Resolution Submission Deadline: Resolutions should be sent to BWC Secretary Kevin Silberzahn. See the guidelines and format for submitting a resolution. Committee chairs should submit their annual reports for the Conference Journal to Silberzahn by Aug. 13.

September 18that 10 am: ROCK 2022/Youth Rally Planning Meeting at BWC Mission Center: This year, youth from the BWC will be joining young people from the Peninsula-Delaware Conference at their youth rally January 7-9 in Ocean City.

September 25th from 9 am- noon: Virtual  Pre-Conference Session. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

October 25th- 27th237th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore. The theme of this year’s session is “Still One: Standing, Transforming, Rising.” The Session will also be broadcast online. A virtual Pre-Conference Session will be held Saturday, Sept. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

More events listed on the District Blog and on the BWC Events Calendar.


Annual Conference

Mark your calendars for this fall's 237th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held Monday, Oct. 25 through Wednesday, Oct. 27 at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore. The theme of this year’s session is “Still One: Standing, Transforming, Rising.” The Session will also be broadcast online.

Social distancing and other COVID-19 safety protocols will be observed. This year's Session will be a hybrid one. All clergy and lay members will have the option of attending in-person or virtually. Arrangements will be made to allow those attending online to participate in the voting.

Registration opens after July 4th. During registration, members will be asked whether they wish to attend in person or online. Early bird registration is $139.

There will not be any registration for guests. The Session will be live-streamed on the BWC website.

A virtual Pre-Conference Session will be held Saturday, Sept. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

The deadline for submitting resolutions is Monday, Aug. 2. Resolutions should be sent to BWC Secretary Kevin Silberzahn. See the guidelines and format for submitting a resolution. Committee chairs should submit their annual reports for the Conference Journal to Silberzahn by Aug. 13.



Black UMC Church Post Quarantine and Safe Re-Entry Survey: Gammon Seminary has joined with Black Methodists for Church Renewal and other groups to create a survey designed to gather information that can resource Black United Methodist churches, post quarantine. The survey, which is open through June 30, will collect information on factors informing decisions and timelines for Black churches to resume in-person worship at their church’s primary physical location and on how Black churches are navigating online worship. At the end of the survey, participants can request a copy of the final report. Take the survey.

Revenue opportunities for churches: The BWC Trustees are encouraging local churches to learn more about the ATP Network, a company that provides revenue-generating opportunities for local churches. The ATP Network recently introduced their new partners, REEF Technology, that provides new platforms for ministries by taking advantage of unused parking lot capacity.

Grants for online ministries: The Offices of Leadership and Congregational Development and New Faith Expressions are offering non-renewable micro-grants of up to $1,000 to help offset expenses related to launching and maintaining an online ministry, including equipment, software licenses, training, and more. If you have already purchased equipment, software or licenses you can apply to receive a reimbursement of the accrued costs. The grant will only be for those churches that DID NOT receive a grant in 2020. The closing date is June 30. Click here to apply.

If You are Between the Ages 12-30 and Want to Serve, Let Us Know: The Baltimore-Washington Conference is committed to ministry for young people, by young people. We know young people aren’t only leaders of the future church but today’s church. Complete the Youth Interest Form if you are in Middle and High School or this Leadership Interest form if you are between 19-30 years old.

The Northeastern Jurisdiction College of Bishops announced how it will address the retirement of two bishops by implementing a new formation of coverage from Sept. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2022. Included in these plans is an affiliation between the Baltimore-Washington Conference and Peninsula Delaware Conference. Bishop LaTrelle Easterling will lead these two areas. See an FAQ about the affiliation.

Training Tuesday Archived Webinars: We want to remind everyone that all of the past Training Tuesday Webinars are archived and easily accessed via the Training Tuesday page, which also includes a link to access the YouTube playlist of all archived webinars; past trainings included Trustees, SPRC, Finance, and much more. The Training Tuesday page will also list upcoming training webinars and links to register to participate Nominations and Applications Open for 2021 Session of Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute (July 18-31, 2021) Is there a high schooler in your life who is ready to learn about how their faith in Jesus Christ calls them to live and be in the world in a way that seeks justice, all while earning college credit that they can carry with them wherever they go after high school? Thanks to a grant from the Lilly Endowment, students will have all that SUYTI has to offer (room and board, program expenses, and three college credits) at a cost of only $200 per student. However, 2021 will be our final session, so now is the perfect time to apply! To nominate a student or to apply, visit www.su.edu/youththeology. For more information, contact Ian Urriola, Director of the SUYTI, by calling (540) 665-5453 or emailing   

TAKE ACTION! This week, President Biden met with DACA recipients to discuss his immigration priorities and encourage Congress to act to protect Dreamers. You, too, can take action by contacting your Senators and asking them to pass the Dream Act of 2021, which would provide a permanent lawful status to nearly two million Dreamers and would shield them from deportation and allow them to work and support their families. Click here to contact your senators.

TAKE ACTION! The Guaranteed Refugee Admissions Ceiling Enhancement Act, or GRACE Act, would protect and restore the U.S. resettlement program by setting a minimum refugee admissions goal of 125,000 and increasing congressional oversight over the administration's operations of the resettlement program. Ask your legislator to restore the U.S.’s role as a global humanitarian leader by passing the GRACE Act. Click here to contact your congressperson.

June 29, 2021Baltimore Metropolitan District Communication

The Fund Balance Report is due June 30th. The BWC facilitated a Training Tuesday Webinar to provide further guidance on the Fund Balance Report and an annual church audit. If you missed it, you can view it here: https://www.bwcumc.org/events/training-tuesdays/

Zoom licenses for churches Whether your church is meeting in-person, online or both, Zoom is the perfect tool for expanding connections with your community. Local churches who are new to Zoom or who already have a month-to-month Zoom plan can be a part of United Methodist Communications’ group Zoom Enterprise-level web conferencing license through April 19, 2022. Apply online

 We want to remind you that e-mail scams continue to be on the rise. If you receive an email from the Bishop or Conference staff, we kindly ask that you do not forward the email to the district office. Please report it by forwarding the suspicious email to  . For additional information, please visit https://www.bwcumc.org/news-and-views/what-you-need-to-know-about-fake-e-mails-from-conference-leaders/.

Violetville UMC (3648 Coolidge Ave, Baltimore 21229)  needs your help; they are seeking shoe donations. The shoe drive has been extended to July 18th. Donors can drop off their shoes on Sundays from 9:30 am- 11 am.

Rev. Irance Reddix-McCray, MD (Old Otterbein UMC) and  Adullum Community Healthcare Center needs our help. They are requesting mini emergency medical kits to help our unhoused neighbors in Baltimore. For the items and for more details and instructions on kit assembly, check out the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtttbuNSOcg&feature=youtu.be.

We encourage you to check out the e-Connection. If you don't receive the e-Connection, you can sign up to receive it.  Additionally, the Conference website (www.bwcumc.org) for the most up-to-date Conference information. It contains a wealth of information, including, but not limited to, COVID-19 resources, BWC events, grants and awards, leadership development opportunities, and much more. 

As always, all newly added information is in purple.

More events listed on the District Blog and on the BWC Events Calendar.

Upcoming Events

(and ministries inside and outside the connection)

June 30th- July 27th: Leadership and Family Systems Theory: BeADisciple.com is offering an online course led by the Rev. Jack Shitama on The Non-Anxious Leader: Family Systems Basics, from June 30 to July 27. The course is a deep dive into family systems theory with recorded presentations and three live, one-hour sessions (also recorded). Everything can be done asynchronously. The cost is $198. This summer, the BWC will enter into a contract with Camp Pecometh in Centreville, Md., to expand the scope of the Center so that Shitama can strategically grow leaders – lay, clergy, and young people – in both the BWC and Pen-Del conferences. This new Center for Vital Leadership will be both physical and virtual and will allow an intentional leadership development pathway to be available to all.

July 10th from 10 am to noon: Church Sign Language Interpreting Academy: The Zoom Session will have 3 tracks: introduction to church interpreting; interpreting Scripture, and introduction to sign language. Register here.


July 18th- 23rd: Baltimore County Christian Workcamp: Volunteers of all ages do home repairs for needy people. Learn more. 


July 23rd- 24th: Mission U: Hosted by the BWC's United Methodist Women and Wellness and Missions, the theme is "Do Not Lose Heart." Event open to youth and adults. Learn more and register.

August 2nd: Annual Conference Resolution Submission Deadline: Resolutions should be sent to BWC Secretary Kevin Silberzahn. See the guidelines and format for submitting a resolution. Committee chairs should submit their annual reports for the Conference Journal to Silberzahn by Aug. 13.

September 18that 10 am: ROCK 2022/Youth Rally Planning Meeting at BWC Mission Center: This year, youth from the BWC will be joining young people from the Peninsula-Delaware Conference at their youth rally January 7-9 in Ocean City.

September 25th from 9 am- noon: Virtual  Pre-Conference Session. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

October 25th- 27th237th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore. The theme of this year’s session is “Still One: Standing, Transforming, Rising.” The Session will also be broadcast online. A virtual Pre-Conference Session will be held Saturday, Sept. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

More events listed on the District Blog and on the BWC Events Calendar.


Annual Conference

Mark your calendars for this fall's 237th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held Monday, Oct. 25 through Wednesday, Oct. 27 at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore. The theme of this year’s session is “Still One: Standing, Transforming, Rising.” The Session will also be broadcast online.

Social distancing and other COVID-19 safety protocols will be observed. This year's Session will be a hybrid one. All clergy and lay members will have the option of attending in-person or virtually. Arrangements will be made to allow those attending online to participate in the voting.

Registration opens after July 4th. During registration, members will be asked whether they wish to attend in person or online. Early bird registration is $139.

There will not be any registration for guests. The Session will be live-streamed on the BWC website.

A virtual Pre-Conference Session will be held Saturday, Sept. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

The deadline for submitting resolutions is Monday, Aug. 2. Resolutions should be sent to BWC Secretary Kevin Silberzahn. See the guidelines and format for submitting a resolution. Committee chairs should submit their annual reports for the Conference Journal to Silberzahn by Aug. 13.



Black UMC Church Post Quarantine and Safe Re-Entry Survey: Gammon Seminary has joined with Black Methodists for Church Renewal and other groups to create a survey designed to gather information that can resource Black United Methodist churches, post quarantine. The survey, which is open through June 30, will collect information on factors informing decisions and timelines for Black churches to resume in-person worship at their church’s primary physical location and on how Black churches are navigating online worship. At the end of the survey, participants can request a copy of the final report. Take the survey.

Revenue opportunities for churches: The BWC Trustees are encouraging local churches to learn more about the ATP Network, a company that provides revenue-generating opportunities for local churches. The ATP Network recently introduced their new partners, REEF Technology, that provides new platforms for ministries by taking advantage of unused parking lot capacity.

Mission Innovation Grant Application Now Open: The BWC is offering Mission Innovation grants in the areas of Advocacy and Action, Wellness and Missions, and Young People's Ministry. Grants will be awarded to projects that connect and advance two focus areas: creating a more just and equitable (anti-racist) community, or community recovery from impact related to the COVID pandemic. Learn more and apply by July 1. See a video about these grants.

Grants for online ministries: The Offices of Leadership and Congregational Development and New Faith Expressions are offering non-renewable micro-grants of up to $1,000 to help offset expenses related to launching and maintaining an online ministry, including equipment, software licenses, training, and more. If you have already purchased equipment, software or licenses you can apply to receive a reimbursement of the accrued costs. The grant will only be for those churches that DID NOT receive a grant in 2020. The closing date is June 30. Click here to apply.

If You are Between the Ages 12-30 and Want to Serve, Let Us Know: The Baltimore-Washington Conference is committed to ministry for young people, by young people. We know young people aren’t only leaders of the future church but today’s church. Complete the Youth Interest Form if you are in Middle and High School or this Leadership Interest form if you are between 19-30 years old.

The Northeastern Jurisdiction College of Bishops announced how it will address the retirement of two bishops by implementing a new formation of coverage from Sept. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2022. Included in these plans is an affiliation between the Baltimore-Washington Conference and Peninsula Delaware Conference. Bishop LaTrelle Easterling will lead these two areas. See an FAQ about the affiliation.

Training Tuesday Archived Webinars: We want to remind everyone that all of the past Training Tuesday Webinars are archived and easily accessed via the Training Tuesday page, which also includes a link to access the YouTube playlist of all archived webinars; past trainings included Trustees, SPRC, Finance, and much more. The Training Tuesday page will also list upcoming training webinars and links to register to participate Nominations and Applications Open for 2021 Session of Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute (July 18-31, 2021) Is there a high schooler in your life who is ready to learn about how their faith in Jesus Christ calls them to live and be in the world in a way that seeks justice, all while earning college credit that they can carry with them wherever they go after high school? Thanks to a grant from the Lilly Endowment, students will have all that SUYTI has to offer (room and board, program expenses, and three college credits) at a cost of only $200 per student. However, 2021 will be our final session, so now is the perfect time to apply! To nominate a student or to apply, visit www.su.edu/youththeology. For more information, contact Ian Urriola, Director of the SUYTI, by calling (540) 665-5453 or emailing   

TAKE ACTION! This week, President Biden met with DACA recipients to discuss his immigration priorities and encourage Congress to act to protect Dreamers. You, too, can take action by contacting your Senators and asking them to pass the Dream Act of 2021, which would provide a permanent lawful status to nearly two million Dreamers and would shield them from deportation and allow them to work and support their families. Click here to contact your senators.

TAKE ACTION! The Guaranteed Refugee Admissions Ceiling Enhancement Act, or GRACE Act, would protect and restore the U.S. resettlement program by setting a minimum refugee admissions goal of 125,000 and increasing congressional oversight over the administration's operations of the resettlement program. Ask your legislator to restore the U.S.’s role as a global humanitarian leader by passing the GRACE Act. Click here to contact your congressperson.

June 22, 2021Baltimore Metropolitan District Communication

We pray for all pastors, spouses, families, and congregations preparing for a new status or appointment effective July 1. Bishop LaTrelle Easterling offers this special video message.

Also, see the many prayers of blessing and a sermon by Rev. Jenny Smith delivered at the BWC's Service of Blessing for the more than 100 clergy people making transitions in the Baltimore-Washington Conference.


The Fund Balance Report is due June 30th. The BWC facilitated a Training Tuesday Webinar to provide further guidance on the Fund Balance Report and an annual church audit. If you missed it, you can view it here: https://www.bwcumc.org/events/training-tuesdays/

Zoom licenses for churches Whether your church is meeting in-person, online or both, Zoom is the perfect tool for expanding connections with your community. Local churches who are new to Zoom or who already have a month-to-month Zoom plan can be a part of United Methodist Communications’ group Zoom Enterprise-level web conferencing license through April 19, 2022. Apply online

 We want to remind you that e-mail scams continue to be on the rise. If you receive an email from the Bishop or Conference staff, we kindly ask that you do not forward the email to the district office. Please report it by forwarding the suspicious email to  . For additional information, please visit https://www.bwcumc.org/news-and-views/what-you-need-to-know-about-fake-e-mails-from-conference-leaders/.

Violetville UMC (3648 Coolidge Ave, Baltimore 21229)  needs your help; they are seeking shoe donations. The shoe drive has been extended to July 18th. Donors can drop off their shoes on Sundays from 9:30 am- 11 am.

Rev. Irance Reddix-McCray, MD (Old Otterbein UMC) and  Adullum Community Healthcare Center needs our help. They are requesting mini emergency medical kits to help our unhoused neighbors in Baltimore. For the items and for more details and instructions on kit assembly, check out the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtttbuNSOcg&feature=youtu.be.

We encourage you to check out the e-Connection. If you don't receive the e-Connection, you can sign up to receive it.  Additionally, the Conference website (www.bwcumc.org) for the most up-to-date Conference information. It contains a wealth of information, including, but not limited to, COVID-19 resources, BWC events, grants and awards, leadership development opportunities, and much more. 

As always, all newly added information is in purple.

More events listed on the District Blog and on the BWC Events Calendar.

Upcoming Events

(and ministries inside and outside the connection)

June 23rd at 2 pm: Strengthening Community Response To Domestic Violence Virtual Town Hall: LIVE TOWN HALL to discuss launching our newest series Healing the Healers: Domestic Violence featuring survivors, faith leaders, DV advocates, and first responders talking candidly about how we better cooperate to identify and end violence in our homes and faith communities. ** When registering, we encourage you to submit a question in advance for our panelists! We will also have the chat feature open for questions & discussion throughout the event. ** By registering for an Odyssey Impact Town Hall you have also opted in to receive additional emails from Odyssey Impact. Register here.

June 26th: World Refugee Day Webinar at 2 pm: “Hosting the Host: How the Gospel of Luke Invites Us to Participate in Salvation through Hospitality," with Brian Gorman, provides a theological lens to explore immigration. Register here.


June 30th- July 27th: Leadership and Family Systems Theory: BeADisciple.com is offering an online course led by the Rev. Jack Shitama on The Non-Anxious Leader: Family Systems Basics, from June 30 to July 27. The course is a deep dive into family systems theory with recorded presentations and three live, one-hour sessions (also recorded). Everything can be done asynchronously. The cost is $198. This summer, the BWC will enter into a contract with Camp Pecometh in Centreville, Md., to expand the scope of the Center so that Shitama can strategically grow leaders – lay, clergy, and young people – in both the BWC and Pen-Del conferences. This new Center for Vital Leadership will be both physical and virtual and will allow an intentional leadership development pathway to be available to all.

July 10th from 10 am to noon: Church Sign Language Interpreting Academy: The Zoom Session will have 3 tracks: introduction to church interpreting; interpreting Scripture; and introduction to sign language. Register here.


July 18th- 23rd: Baltimore County Christian Workcamp: Volunteers of all ages do home repairs for needy people. Learn more. 


July 23rd- 24th: Mission U: Hosted by the BWC's United Methodist Women and Wellness and Missions, the theme is "Do Not Lose Heart." Event open to youth and adults. Learn more and register.


More events listed on the District Blog and on the BWC Events Calendar.


Annual Conference

Mark your calendars for this fall's 237th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held Monday, Oct. 25 through Wednesday, Oct. 27 at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore. The theme of this year’s session is “Still One: Standing, Transforming, Rising.” The Session will also be broadcast online.

Social distancing and other COVID-19 safety protocols will be observed. This year's Session will be a hybrid one. All clergy and lay members will have the option of attending in-person or virtually. Arrangements will be made to allow those attending online to participate in the voting.

Registration opens after July 4th. During registration, members will be asked whether they wish to attend in person or online. Early bird registration is $139.

There will not be any registration for guests. The Session will be live-streamed on the BWC website.

A virtual Pre-Conference Session will be held Saturday, Sept. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon. The Connectional Table will meet Saturday, Aug. 28, to discuss resolutions coming before Annual Conference.

The deadline for submitting resolutions is Monday, Aug. 2. Resolutions should be sent to BWC Secretary Kevin Silberzahn. See the guidelines and format for submitting a resolution. Committee chairs should submit their annual reports for the Conference Journal to Silberzahn by Aug. 13.



Revenue opportunities for churches: The BWC Trustees are encouraging local churches to learn more about the ATP Network, a company that provides revenue-generating opportunities for local churches. The ATP Network recently introduced their new partners, REEF Technology, that provides new platforms for ministries by taking advantage of unused parking lot capacity.

Mission Innovation Grant Application Now Open: The BWC is offering Mission Innovation grants in the areas of Advocacy and Action, Wellness and Missions, and Young People's Ministry. Grants will be awarded to projects that connect and advance two focus areas: creating a more just and equitable (anti-racist) community, or community recovery from impact related to the COVID pandemic. Learn more and apply by July 1. See a video about these grants.

Grants for online ministries: The Offices of Leadership and Congregational Development and New Faith Expressions are offering non-renewable micro-grants of up to $1,000 to help offset expenses related to launching and maintaining an online ministry, including equipment, software licenses, training, and more. If you have already purchased equipment, software or licenses you can apply to receive a reimbursement of the accrued costs. The grant will only be for those churches that DID NOT receive a grant in 2020. The closing date is June 30. Click here to apply.

If You are Between the Ages 12-30 and Want to Serve, Let Us Know: The Baltimore-Washington Conference is committed to ministry for young people, by young people. We know young people aren’t only leaders of the future church but today’s church. Complete the Youth Interest Form if you are in Middle and High School or this Leadership Interest form if you are between 19-30 years old.

The Northeastern Jurisdiction College of Bishops announced how it will address the retirement of two bishops by implementing a new formation of coverage from Sept. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2022. Included in these plans is an affiliation between the Baltimore-Washington Conference and Peninsula Delaware Conference. Bishop LaTrelle Easterling will lead these two areas. See an FAQ about the affiliation.

Training Tuesday Archived Webinars: We want to remind everyone that all of the past Training Tuesday Webinars are archived and easily accessed via the Training Tuesday page, which also includes a link to access the YouTube playlist of all archived webinars; past trainings included Trustees, SPRC, Finance, and much more. The Training Tuesday page will also list upcoming training webinars and links to register to participate Nominations and Applications Open for 2021 Session of Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute (July 18-31, 2021) Is there a high schooler in your life who is ready to learn about how their faith in Jesus Christ calls them to live and be in the world in a way that seeks justice, all while earning college credit that they can carry with them wherever they go after high school? Thanks to a grant from the Lilly Endowment, students will have all that SUYTI has to offer (room and board, program expenses, and three college credits) at a cost of only $200 per student. However, 2021 will be our final session, so now is the perfect time to apply! To nominate a student or to apply, visit www.su.edu/youththeology. For more information, contact Ian Urriola, Director of the SUYTI, by calling (540) 665-5453 or emailing   

TAKE ACTION! This week, President Biden met with DACA recipients to discuss his immigration priorities and encourage Congress to act to protect Dreamers. You, too, can take action by contacting your Senators and asking them to pass the Dream Act of 2021, which would provide a permanent lawful status to nearly two million Dreamers and would shield them from deportation and allow them to work and support their families. Click here to contact your senators.

TAKE ACTION! The Guaranteed Refugee Admissions Ceiling Enhancement Act, or GRACE Act, would protect and restore the U.S. resettlement program by setting a minimum refugee admissions goal of 125,000 and increasing congressional oversight over the administration's operations of the resettlement program. Ask your legislator to restore the U.S.’s role as a global humanitarian leader by passing the GRACE Act. Click here to contact your congressperson.

June 9, 2021

Mission u, July 23 and 24 and hosted by the United Methodist Women and the Wellness and Missions Board of the Baltimore Washington Conference, will be a virtual event this year. It is open to all, including youth 7-12 grade. 
Youth (ages 11 – 17) are free. Register.
Adult registration is $25. Register.
Questions? Contact the registrar, Rita Green, or dean of the youth school Sharon Milton.
The theme of this year's session is "Finding Peace in Today's World." Learn more.
Mission u is online this year and open to all

CFA proposes changes to Mission Shares formula

The deadline for the statistical validation form, sent to pastors and church finance chairs, has been extended to Friday, June 11.

This year’s statistical forms are closely related to a change proposed by the Council on Finance and Administration (CFA) to change the formula for determining local church Mission Shares, which takes into account the financial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Baltimore-Washington Conference congregations.
In their discernment during the creation of the proposed 2022 budget, CFA concluded that the 2020 expense statistics were so greatly influenced by the pandemic that they are, by themselves, an inadequate measure for fairly distributing the Mission Shares of the 2022 budget. 
After evaluating several approaches to this situation, the CFA believes the best resolution is to use a 3-year average of the expenses from 2018, 2019, and 2020. 
Learn more:

Read the story detailing some of the background of CFA’s proposal.

CEF seeks your input: Are you interested in forming a collaborative Sunday School? Coming together with multiple churches to strengthen your Sunday School program? Christians Engaged in Faith Formation, a gathering of clergy and lay Christian educators, are collecting information on this interest formYou can see a video on CEF’s last Zoom gathering on summer ministries for families and kids.

New ROCK dates: ROCK2022has been rescheduled. The weekend retreat for youth in Ocean City will be held from January 7 to 9, 2022.
The 38th annual Baltimore County Christian Workcamp will be held July 18-23. Volunteers of all ages will do home repairs and assist the needy. Learn more.
Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls: See the video on Breathe in All That is Beautiful from the Committee on Native American Ministries. Visit bwcumc.org/nam for additional resources.
Zoom licenses for churches: Whether your church is meeting in-person, online or both, Zoom is the perfect tool for expanding connections with your community. Local churches who are new to Zoom or who already have a month-to-month Zoom plan can be a part of United Methodist Communications’ group Zoom Enterprise-level web conferencing license through April 19, 2022. Apply online.
Black Family Cancer Awareness Week: Join the BWC Wealth and Health Equity Social Action Team, Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR), and the University of Maryland’s Project Heal in support of National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week, June 17-23. To kick-off the week of events, join in the webinar panel discussion on Thursday, June 17, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Register.
In response to The National Black Family Cancer Awareness initiative, The BWC Wealth and Health Advocacy Team is seeking to highlight stories of personal experience with cancer, from a black perspective. Learn more and contribute. Download a toolkit.
Lay Leaders offer a message of unity and hope: Delores Martin, right, the lay leader of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, commends a letter to area United Methodists from the executive committee of the Association of Conference Lay Leaders. It was written, Martin said, after deep and heartfelt discussions over the many issues that threaten to divide the church and offers hope for how God calls together in ministry, and mission. Read the letter.
Upcoming Events
Opportunities for Discipleship and Transformation
A Service of Blessing for Those In Transition 
INDOORS at Wesley Freedom UMC, Eldersburg
Tonight, June 7, 7 p.m.
For clergy and pastors receiving new appointments, celebrating retirements,
or beginning a new status. Register to attend the service. The service will also be on the BWC's Facebook channel.
ROCK planning meeting
June 12, 10 a.m.
Open to all who want to help prepare for ROCK2022. Join via Zoom.
MidAtlantic Foundation webinar
June 17, 6:30 p.m.
The webinar will cover best practices on selling or renting a parsonage. Register.
See more, like a previous webinar on Financial Impact Training for Small Churches with Rev. Cary James, and many other archived presentations. 
Black Family Cancer Awareness Week webinar
Thursday, June 17, 2 to 3:30 p.m.
Panel discussions with members of the BWC Wealth and Health Equity Social Action Team, Black Methodists for Church Renewal, and the University of Maryland’s Project Heal in support of National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week on
June 17-23. Register.
'See Me, I Am Here': Men of Color Mental Health
June 18, 7 to 8 p.m.
Webinar with Kevin Mason, program director of My Brother’s Keeper of Catholic Charities of Baltimore
Church Sign Language Interpreting Academy
July 10, 10 a.m. to noon
The Zoom session will have three tracks: introduction to church interpreting; interpreting Scripture; and introduction to sign language. Register.
Baltimore County Christian Workcamp
July 18-23
Volunteers of all ages do home repairs for needy people. Learn more.
Mission u
Online July 23, 24
Hosted by the BWC's United Methodist Women, and Wellness and Missions, the theme is "Do Not Lose Heart." Event open to youth and adults. Learn more and register.
BWC Events Calendar
Online 24/7
Be sure to visit the BWC Events Calendar frequently to stay up-to-date on all the wonderful trainings, resource webinars, and events coming in the weeks and months ahead. Visit www.bwcumc.org/events/

Discipleship News and Ideas

The U.S. Army Field Band Federal Brass will perform in a free performance at Glen Mar UMC in Ellicott City June 25 at 7 p.m. Bring chairs and/or blankets. Learn more
Mt. Olive UMC in Randallstown will hold a Summer Flea Market Saturday, June 26. Vendor space is available. Contact the church at 410-922-2853 for more information.
Mission Innovation Grant Application Now Open: The BWC is offering Mission Innovation grants in the areas of Advocacy and Action, Wellness and Missions, and Young People's Ministry. Grants will be awarded to projects that connect and advance two focus areas: creating a more just and equitable (anti-racist) community, or community recovery from impact related to the COVID pandemic. Learn more and apply by July 1. See a video about these grants.
Grants for online ministries: The Offices of Leadership and Congregational Development and New Faith Expressions are offering non-renewable micro-grants of up to $1,000 to help offset expenses related to launching and maintaining an online ministry, including equipment, software licenses, training, and more. If you have already purchased equipment, software or licenses you can apply to receive a reimbursement of the accrued costs. The grant will only be for those churches that DID NOT receive a grant in 2020. The closing date is June 30. Click here to apply.
Revenue opportunities for churches: The BWC Trustees are encouraging local churches to learn more about the ATP Network, a company that provides revenue-generating opportunities for local churches. The ATP Network recently introduced their new partners, REEF Technology, that provides new platforms for ministries by taking advantage of unused parking lot capacity.
The Baltimore-Washington Conference is hiring for three new positions:
A full-time Discipleship Ministries Administrator will assist and support a team of ministry leaders (paid and unpaid) in executing activities, events, and meetings, managing grants and financial accounts, and more. To apply for this position, send a resume and cover letter to  by June 15.
An Archives Administrator and Librarian will work 25-29 hours/week at $20/hour. This position supports the Conference mission, by presenting the story of the United Methodist tradition with clarity, accuracy, and excitement, relating past to present in meaningful ways. The position supports the routine use and preservation of the Conference’s archival records located at the Library and Museum at Lovely Lane UCM in Baltimore, which is the position’s work location. To apply for this position, send a resume and cover letter outlining how you meet the specific requirements of the position to by June 23.
Ministerial Services Administrator will work within the Discipleship Ministries Team to provide resources specifically for the Baltimore-Washington Board of Ordained Ministry so that they might develop and support effective clergy leadership. With oversight from the Chair and Executive Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry, this person is responsible for: a.) supporting potential pastoral leaders in responding to their call to ministry; b.) equipping District Committees of Ordained Ministry as they accompany these leaders in their journey to licensing or full membership; c.) supporting pastoral leaders in their continuing education requirements. To apply for this position, send a resume and cover letter to
Applications will be reviewed weekly until the right candidate is identified.

May 7, 2021

General Information:

  • Print and Kindle copies of 2020 BWC Journal are available to order at Amazon.
  • The 2021 Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference Session is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 25, to Wednesday, Oct. 27.
  • The Special Session of the General Conference, scheduled for May 8, has been canceled. The postponed 2020 General Conference of The United Methodist Church will be held Aug. 29-Sept. 6, 2022 in Minneapolis.
  • Received a suspicious e-mail from the Bishop or other Conference staff? Please report it by forwarding the suspicious email to  . For additional information, please visit https://www.bwcumc.org/news-and-views/what-you-need-to-know-about-fake-e-mails-from-conference-leaders/
We welcome the stranger; UMCOR is awarding a grant to further help refugees and migrants living in their local communities. 50 churches across the United States will be able to further help refugees and migrants living in their local communities thanks to a new grant program from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded. The deadline for the “Mustard Seed Migration Grants” is May 16th. Learn more and apply.
The Northeastern Jurisdiction College of Bishops announced how it will address the retirement of two bishops by implementing a new formation of coverage from Sept. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2022. Included in these plans is an affiliation between the Baltimore-Washington Conference and Peninsula Delaware Conference. Bishop LaTrelle Easterling will lead these two areas. See an FAQ about the affiliation.
For families who have been left to grieve the loss of loved ones due to COVID-19, FEMA will be offering financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurring after January 20, 2020. We continue to be in prayer for all the souls lost and for those left to honor their memories. We kindly ask that you share the following information regarding FEMA's upcoming Funeral Reimbursement Program. For more information and details, please visit: https://www.fema.gov/disasters/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance.
OZY Genius Awards offer 10 college students the opportunity of a lifetime: up to $10,000, along with the expert guidance and mentoring to make a genius idea into a reality. For more information and to apply: OZY Genius Awards.
BWC award nominations close May 15: At this Annual Conference session, several ministry awards will be presented to congregations in the areas of abundant health and advocacy, and to individuals for evangelism, youth ministry, and moral courage. The deadline to nominate a congregation or individual is May 15. To learn more and submit a nomination, visit bwcumc.org/awards.
If You are Between the Ages 12-30 and Want to Serve, Let Us Know: The Baltimore-Washington Conference is committed to the ministry for young people, by young people. We know young people aren’t only leaders of the future church but today’s church. Complete the Youth Interest Form if you are in Middle and High School, or this Leadership Interest form if you are between 19-30 years old.
There's Still Room for a Few More Youth in the Youth Engagement Initiative -- Sign Up by May 10: What do you wish was different in your community? What do you wish was different in your youth ministry? Get the permission, encouragement, and expert support to make those wishes realities! Learn more here. Contact Sharonda Jones to sign up.
Faith-Health symposium on substance abuse: The William S. Perper Faith-Health symposium at Johns Hopkins Hospital is now being offered as a continuing education opportunity for pastors. The event is broken into three, 90-minute webinars that focus on substance abuse. It will feature health professionals, clergy, and individuals who have experience with substance abuse. The sessions will be on May 6, and May 13, from noon to 1:30 p.m. Learn more about the individual sessions and register.


Upcoming Events: Opportunities for Discipleship, Growth, and Transformation

May 13th, 1 pm: Board of Child Care Auxiliary Meeting
EvThe keynote speaker will be L.A. Spagnola, president and chief executive officer of the Board of Child Care. Register and Zoom contact information will be sent to you.
May 15th; 1 pm: Deacon Exploration Session
Provides an overview of the Deacon's role and ministry within the life of the church. Register online. Contact the Rev. Leo Yates for more information.
May 18th; 7 pm: Training Tuesday: "Let the Oppressed Go Free"  In a conversation about his newly released book, “Let the Oppressed Go Free: Exploring Theologies of Liberation," Rev. Marvin McMickle will explore how our faith and practice enable us to rise united so that all can be free. Learn more. Register.
May 20that noon and 7 pm: Project Transformation is excited for our first in-person summer camp in Baltimore! This summer, we will need individuals and groups to volunteer to make our camps as impactful as possible. To learn more about this opportunity and Project Transformation as an organization, please join us for our Baltimore Partner Church Meeting on May 20th at noon or 7 pm. We look forward to seeing you there. Click here to register to attend.
For more event information, please visit the BWC Events Calendar.

April 14, 2021

General Information:

  • Print and Kindle copies of 2020 BWC Journal are available to order at Amazon.
  • The 2021 Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference Session is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 25, to Wednesday, Oct. 27.
  • The Special Session of the General Conference, scheduled for May 8, has been canceled. The postponed 2020 General Conference of The United Methodist Church will be held Aug. 29-Sept. 6, 2022 in Minneapolis. 
We welcome the stranger; UMCOR is awarding a grant to further help refugees and migrants living in their local communities. 50 churches across the United States will be able to further help refugees and migrants living in their local communities thanks to a new grant program from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded. The deadline for the “Mustard Seed Migration Grants” is May 16th. Learn more and apply.
The Northeastern Jurisdiction College of Bishops announced how it will address the retirement of two bishops by implementing a new formation of coverage from Sept. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2022. Included in these plans is an affiliation between the Baltimore-Washington Conference and Peninsula Delaware Conference. Bishop LaTrelle Easterling will lead these two areas. See an FAQ about the affiliation.
For families who have been left to grieve the loss of loved ones due to COVID-19, FEMA will be offering financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurring after January 20, 2020. We continue to be in prayer for all the souls lost and for those left to honor their memories. We kindly ask that you share the following information regarding FEMA's upcoming Funeral Reimbursement Program. For more information and details, please visit: https://www.fema.gov/disasters/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance.
OZY Genius Awards offer 10 college students the opportunity of a lifetime: up to $10,000, along with the expert guidance and mentoring to make a genius idea into a reality. For more information and to apply: OZY Genius Awards.


Upcoming Events: Opportunities for Discipleship, Growth, and Transformation

April 14th, April 28th, May 12th, and May 26th: After Christendom: A Crucible Course
Even though Christianity has lost its position of dominance and privilege, this online seminar explores the many possibilities now before the church. Learn more. The cost is $50. Register here.
April 17th, 10 am to noon: UMVIM 101 Training
Rev. Jeff Childs will equip and orient Volunteer in Mission leaders to prepare their teams to go out as short-term missionaries. Register.
April 20th, 7 pm: Training Tuesdays: Administrative Year in Review
Learn more about filling out local church reports including Church Conference forms, Statistical Data collection, Fund Balance reports, and Local Church Audits. Special attention will be paid to the Annual Fund Balance Report that's due June 30th. Learn more.
April 22nd: Earth Day
Celebrate with a number of worship resources. Learn more about the denomination’s creation care ministries.
April 26th: Equity 2.0
The E2 cohort provides participants with tools and accountability structures to become an IDEA (Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable, and Antiracist) leader. Learn moreRegister.
April 27th, 7 pm: Training Tuesdays: Grant Writing Basics
This webinar will provide basic steps to research and write a grant with Scheherazade W. Forman. Learn more.
May 1st 10 am to 2 pm: ACES Training
Free, online training on understanding and support children facing adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and trauma. Sponsored by Retreat and Camping Ministries and Wellness and Mission Learn more.
May 4th, 10 am to noon: Next Level Leader Academy
Evaluating, Eliminating, and Energizing: Making Ministry Matter presented by Rev. Donna Claycomb Sokol. Learn moreRegister.
May 15th; 1 pm: Deacon Exploration Session
Provides an overview of the Deacon's role and ministry within the life of the church. Register online. Contact the Rev. Leo Yates for more information.

March  30, 2021

General Information:

  • Print and Kindle copies of 2020 BWC Journal are available to order at Amazon.
  • The 2021 Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference Session is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 25, to Wednesday, Oct. 27.
  • The Special Session of the General Conference, scheduled for May 8, has been canceled. The postponed 2020 General Conference of The United Methodist Church will be held Aug. 29-Sept. 6, 2022 in Minneapolis.
April 11th Sunday After Easter Worship with the BWC Cabinet
A worship service presented by the BWC Cabinet will premiere on YouTube at 7 a.m.  After it airs, it will be available for viewing anytime. The service will feature the "Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ." After it airs, it will be available for viewing anytime at the same link. A link to a video of the service was sent to pastors on March 12. This worship experience, titled “What’s Next?: Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ,” invites us all to consider our response to the resurrection.
For families who have been left to grieve the loss of loved ones due to COVID-19, FEMA will be offering financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurring after January 20, 2020. We continue to be in prayer for all the souls lost and for those left to honor their memories. We kindly ask that you share the following information regarding FEMA's upcoming Funeral Reimbursement Program. For more information and details, please visit: https://www.fema.gov/disasters/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance.
OZY Genius Awards offer 10 college students the opportunity of a lifetime: up to $10,000, along with the expert guidance and mentoring to make a genius idea into a reality. For more information and to apply: OZY Genius Awards.


Upcoming Events: Opportunities for Discipleship, Growth, and Transformation

April 6th, 11 am; Faith, Science, Truth: Pastor, please help me decide
Nicole Rochester leads an in-depth conversation on what clergy need to know to help guide decision-making about the COVID vaccine for themselves and others, and strategies for addressing and mitigating vaccine hesitancy. Learn more.
April 8th, 9:30 am to noon and 6:30 pm to 9 pm: Both/And: Creating Hybrid Worship (The same workshop is offered at both times.)
Jason Moore leads this innovative session on maximizing hybrid worship for online and in-person audiences. See a video about this event. $20 Register for Morning Session or Register for Evening Session
April 8th, 9:30 am to 11:30 am: Christians Engaged in Faith Formation
This month's conversation is on summer ministry ideas. Join the Zoom MeetingLearn more.
April 13th, 7 pm: Training Tuesdays: Jesus and Justice
Dr. Douglas Strong explores how our United Methodist tradition holds together evangelistic piety and social advocacy. Learn more and register via Zoom
April 14th, April 28th, May 12th, and May 26th: After Christendom: A Crucible Course
Even though Christianity has lost its position of dominance and privilege, this online seminar explores the many possibilities now before the church. Learn more. The cost is $50. Register here.
April 17th, 10 am to noon: UMVIM 101 Training
Rev. Jeff Childs will equip and orient Volunteer in Mission leaders to prepare their teams to go out as short-term missionaries. Register.
April 22nd: Earth Day
Celebrate with a number of worship resources. Learn more about the denomination’s creation care ministries.
April 26th: Equity 2.0
The E2 cohort provides participants with tools and accountability structures to become an IDEA (Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable, and Antiracist) leader. Learn moreRegister.
April 27th, 7 pm: Training Tuesdays: Grant Writing Basics
This webinar will provide basic steps to research and write a grant with Scheherazade W. Forman. Learn more.
May 4th, 10 am to noon: Next Level Leader Academy
Evaluating, Eliminating, and Energizing: Making Ministry Matter presented by Rev. Donna Claycomb Sokol. Learn moreRegister.
May 15th; 1 pm: Deacon Exploration Session
Provides an overview of the Deacon's role and ministry within the life of the church. Register online. Contact the Rev. Leo Yates for more information.
March 8, 2021

Spring is clearly around the corner and we are more than thrilled to welcome the warmer weather. 

We encourage you to check out the e-Connection. If you don't receive the e-Connection, you can sign up to receive it. Click here for this week's e-Connection.  Additionally, the Conference website (www.bwcumc.org) for the most up-to-date Conference information. It contains a wealth of information, including, but not limited to, COVID-19 resources, BWC events, grants and awards, leadership development opportunities, and much more. 

As always, all newly added information is in purple. Use the links below to jump to a specific section. (Check out the district blog for more information.)

Upcoming Events


Upcoming Events:


March 10th from noon- 1 pm: Self Care: Wesley Theological Seminary's Heal the Sick program will be hosting a self-care workshop for those in ministry via Zoom. This free interactive workshop will focus on three self-care practices -- nutrition, yoga, and mindfulness. Register onlineView the flyer

March 11th at 1 pm: Reclaiming and Living Covenant Zoom Sessions; Reclaiming and Living Covenant is a new Lenten experience of Scripture, United Methodist Social Principles, and antiracist action to build Beloved Community.  During Lent, the Rev. Neil Christie, one of the denomination's leaders in justice and the Social Principles, will lead Zoom sessions of Reclaiming and Living Covenant on Thursdays from noon to 1 p.m. Christie is one of the co-authors of this curriculum, which was also written by Jennifer Kidwell of Silver Spring UMC. To register, click the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1982000-2021-02-18-reclaiming-and-living-covenant-a-lenten-bible-study-with-rev-neal-christie/

March 14th: UMCOR Sunday - the United Methodist Committee on Relief -- is the disaster relief arm of The United Methodist Church. UMCOR Sunday (formerly One Great Hour of Sharing) is a special offering that underwrites UMCOR's administrative costs so that all designated gifts will go to the project you specify. Your gift ensures UMCOR's response in times of crisis so that 100% of gifts to UMCOR help those who need it most. A pastor's and leader's kit is available, as well as downloadable resources to promote this giving opportunity.

March 16th from 9:30 am- 12:30 pm: "Healing from Woundedness" Retreat; all clergy are invited to participate in this clergy only retreat. It will be led by R. Lorraine Brown and Andy Peck-McClain, will explore how pastors can acknowledge the ways God has been a part of healing their wounds.  To register: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=5927. Register by March 12th.

March 17th  from 7 am- 7:30 amWe Rise United" Zoom Prayer Calls; We all must look to God for help, guidance, and support during this time, and as we journey forward towards reaching the goal of being an antiracist Church. To join: https://bwcumc.zoom.us/j/96302541826?pwd=bys5a1JCUHYvRlNORTJtR2FEdTBEdz09 

March 16th from 7 to 8 pm: Beyond the Crystal Ball: The State of the Church with Bishop Easterling; The last year has cast The United Methodist Church into tumultuous and Spirit-filled times. Even as people of faith, there are times when we desire greater certainty. However, there is no crystal ball that will predict or control the future. We remain in a liminal season: The General Conference postponed its policy-making work for another year and called for a Special Session May 8 to keep the denomination in order; the Northeastern Jurisdiction postponed its session, thereby creating coverage issues as bishops retire; and the Baltimore-Washington Conference is making plans to affiliate and share episcopal leadership with the Peninsula-Delaware Conference. Add to that mix the announcement of a proposed new stream of Methodism -- the Global Methodist Church -- and it becomes clear that we have more questions than answers. Amidst the unknowns, we are called to trust in God and lean even more deeply into discipleship. How are we called to faithfully respond and thrive in the season ahead? To register to participate, click here. Once registered, you will receive an email with the Zoom information to join. 

March 24thSubmission deadline for the BWC awards scholarships for qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2021.

April 17th from 10 am- noon: UMVIM 101 training will be taught via ZOOM. The Rev. Jeff Childs will equip and orient those who are planning to journey forth as volunteers in God's mission. The workshop will cover theological and biblical foundations for mission, intercultural considerations, planning, budgeting, logistics, health and safety, and how to build a mission relationship. 

April 26th: The Equity 2.0 Project Begins.  Equity 2.0 seeks to build community and provide participants with tools and accountability structures to become an IDEA (Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable, and Antiracist) leader, using evidence-based strategies for building beloved communities.To register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2Xp53VZl0yfMDXbu_daPXO_RD-x9GIKv--H_ACxptNPgoVQ/viewform.  For more information: https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/racial-justice/equity-20-eq/. For additional information, email Jodi Iyamu.

Information: (Back to the Top)

New Certified Lay Minister Class Applications are now being accepted: Applications for the next class of Certified Lay Ministers, the Baltimore-Washington Conference Class of 2021-2023, are now being accepted.  Visit the BWC's webpage on CLM page to learn more about the pre-requisite requirements. The application process includes meeting with one's pastor, church Staff-Parish Relations Committee, and the district superintendent before the July 1 deadline. The next class will start in September and is a two-year commitment. Questions can be directed to Linda Flanagan, the Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries. 

Health Minister Certificate: Wesley Theological Seminary will offer an online, 22 hour, 10-module Health Minister certificate this summer. This certificate allows participants to understand the basic foundations of health ministry, a ministry that integrates body, mind, and spirit. Learn more and register before April 12.  For more information, contact Tom Pruski

Training Tuesday Archived Webinars: We want to remind everyone that all of the past Training Tuesday Webinars are archived and easily accessed via the Training Tuesday page, which also includes a link to access the YouTube playlist of all archived webinars; past trainings included Trustees, SPRC, Finance, and much more. The Training Tuesday page will also list upcoming training webinars and links to register to participate.


Relief Kits Sought: The BWC's Disaster Response ministry team of the Wellness & Missions Board is collecting cleaning and hygiene kits to assist people in crisis. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is seeking supplies to help with continued clean-up efforts in Texas following severe weather. Learn more about the necessary details of creating a cleaning kit and creating a hygiene kit. The buckets can be brought to the BWC Mission Center, at 11711 E. Market Place in Fulton, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The front doors will be unlocked. Drop off the buckets on the table set up in the Fiesta Room, the first door on the right as you enter the building


Nominations and Applications Open for 2021 Session of Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute (July 18-31, 2021)

Is there a high schooler in your life who is ready to learn about how their faith in Jesus Christ calls them to live and be in the world in a way that seeks justice, all while earning college credit that they can carry with them wherever they go after high school? Nominate and encourage them to apply for the Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute (SUYTI). SUYTI is a two-week, credit-bearing program for any young person who is currently in high school (that is, any student who will be a rising sophomore through recent high school graduate this summer). Through a daily rhythm of worship, academic study, experiential and service learning, and (of course) sabbath rest, students will learn to become stronger Christian leaders and return home equipped to be change-agents for the reign of God. The 2021 Institute will run from July 18-31, 2021 on Shenandoah University’s main campus in Winchester. Thanks to a grant from the Lilly Endowment, students will have all that SUYTI has to offer (room and board, program expenses, and three college credits) at a cost of only $200 per student. However, 2021 will be our final session, so now is the perfect time to apply! To nominate a student or to apply, visit www.su.edu/youththeology. For more information, contact Ian Urriola, Director of the SUYTI, by calling (540) 665-5453 or emailing

March 1, 2021


Received a suspicious email that appears to come from the Conference? Don't download any attachments, click on any of the links, or forward the email to anyone.  Report it immediately: www.bwcumc.org/phishing


Although MissionInsite is not a new tool, we realize that in this season, there has been a surge in churches wishing to access the data on MissionInsite. For those who may be unfamiliar with MissionInsite, it provides instant access to in-depth demographic information about your community. The system also provides local churches the ability to locate their church members and others affiliated with the church on your map. Recognizing the importance of community outreach, the Baltimore-Washington Conference has granted all its churches access to MissionInsite. For more information on MissionInsite and who to contact, please visit the BWC's MissionInsite informational page: https://www.bwcumc.org/resources/missioninsite/


We encourage you to check out the e-Connection and the Conference website (www.bwcumc.org) for the most up-to-date Conference information. It contains a wealth of information, including, but not limited to, COVID-19 resources, BWC events, grants and awards, leadership development opportunities, and much more.

As always, all newly added information is in purple. To jump to a specific section, click on the links below:


Upcoming Events

Information (general information including Conference-wide information)

Financial Resources 

Grants, Scholarships, and Awards (includes opportunities from BWC and ministries and outside of the BWC)



Upcoming Events:  


March 16th from 9:30 am- 12:30 pm: "Healing from Woundedness" Retreat; all clergy are invited to participate in this clergy-only retreat. It will be led by R. Lorraine Brown and Andy Peck-McClain, will explore how pastors can acknowledge the ways God has been a part of healing their wounds. The content will draw on ideas from Henri Nouwen, Reesma Menakem and Flora Slosson Wuellner, with guided prayers and body practices. To register: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=5927. Register by March 12th.

March 17th  from 7 am- 7:30 am: We Rise United" Zoom Prayer Calls; We all must look to God for help, guidance, and support during this time, and as we journey forward towards reaching the goal of being an antiracist Church. https://bwcumc.zoom.us/j/96302541826?pwd=bys5a1JCUHYvRlNORTJtR2FEdTBEdz09

March 24thSubmission deadline for the BWC awards scholarships for qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2021. 

April 26th: The Equity 2.0 Project Begins. All members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference are invited to join the EQ 2.0 Cohort to help co-create a vision of a world as it should be: a world rooted in belonging without racial bias and different forms of othering. Equity 2.0 seeks to build community and provide participants with tools and accountability structures to become an IDEA (Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable, and Antiracist) leader, using evidence-based strategies for building beloved communities.To register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2Xp53VZl0yfMDXbu_daPXO_RD-x9GIKv--H_ACxptNPgoVQ/viewform.  For more information: https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/racial-justice/equity-20-eq/. For additional information, email Jodi Iyamu.


Re-Entering Well Resources: (Back to the Top)

The Baltimore-Washington Conference lies within three distinct local governments. Local churches are following government directives for meeting in their buildings but have also been advised by Conference leaders that congregations should meet for in-person gatherings only when it is safe to do so. Click the following link to access the BWC Re-Entering Well Guidelines: https://b65de766771c0b853a36-be165dca3b4cdda77f8dc2ad6b17900c.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/uploaded/b/0e10380576_1588949059_bwc-re-entry-overview-final-final.pdf.  Additionally, a copy of the Re-Entry Decision Tree to help churches determine their readiness to reopen can be found by clicking the following link: https://b65de766771c0b853a36-be165dca3b4cdda77f8dc2ad6b17900c.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/uploaded/r/0e10406490_1589490024_re-entry-decision-tree-5-14.pdf

To assist each local church's Re-Entering Well Task Force, which every congregation has been asked to create, several tip sheets, with specific recommendations, are online to assist congregations. Click the following link to access the Task Force Tip Sheets page: https://www.bwcumc.org/article/task-force-tip-sheets/

Information:  (Back to the Top)

New Certified Lay Minister Class Applications are now being accepted: Applications for the next class of Certified Lay Ministers, the Baltimore-Washington Conference Class of 2021-2023, are now being accepted.  Visit the BWC's webpage on CLM page to learn more about the pre-requisite requirements. (Click "Learn More" under Certified Lay Minister for information and application package, as well as a pastor information package.) Prospective CLM students must currently be a Certified Lay Servant or Certified Lay Speaker. The application process includes meeting with one's pastor, church Staff-Parish Relations Committee, and the district superintendent before the July 1 deadline. The next class will start in September and is a two-year commitment. Questions can be directed to Linda Flanagan, the Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries.  

United Methodists are called to advocate for the Trust Act (SB88/HB304), an immigration bill now being addressed by Maryland lawmakers. The Trust Act seeks to restore trust between law enforcement and the immigrant community by stopping the partnership between the state and ICE. Learn more.  Additional opportunities to work for immigration justices are on the BWC's Hispanic-Latino Ministry page. 

Racial Justice Resources: https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/racial-justice/ 

Permissions extended: The United Methodist Publishing House is extending full permission to all churches for use of UMPH copyrighted worship materials through July 31, 2021. To learn more: https://www.umph.org/Current-News/ArtMID/471/ArticleID/52/UMPH-Extending-Permission-to-Use-Resources-for-Online-Worship-through-July-31-2021

A gift of worship from Africa University: Africa University, the United Methodist pan-African university in Zimbabwe that is supported by your Mission Shares (apportionments), invites you to a 40-minute virtual Africa University worship service (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uXV5KB7Kzg&feature=youtu.be).  If you would like to share individual segments of the worship with your congregation, they are available on Jumpshare (https://jumpshare.com/b/2KrlieqFvHfWvB7ulRw5).

Share your story: The BWC's Racial Justice ministry team is calling on people across the conference to shine a light on the long-standing systemic and cultural practices that oppress people. For more information and to share your story, click the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/racial-justice/racial-justice-reflections/

Virtual Mission - The online mission journey to Zimbabwe, Kenya, and India began this week. Register now for the ZOE Virtual Mission Trip, which has been empowering orphans since 2005, is sponsored by the East Ohio Conference. Click the following link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/zoe-virtual-mission-trip-tickets-130285199539.

UM Volunteers in Mission is not cancelled; they've gone virtual (https://www.umvim.org/virtual-missions). The Wellness & Missions Board is interested in helping mission teams within local churches to create virtual mission trips. These are unique opportunities to provide support to ministry partners locally or abroad. The online sessions can be useful while we are unable to travel now and provide engagement opportunities for those no longer able to travel. For more information or support, email  .

Partnerships provide discounted PPE: Building on the power of partnership, The United Methodist Church and Home Depot have teamed up to ensure churches have access to PPE to safely reopen.  Learn more. In addition, On the Go Masks has been approved as a ministry partner of The United Methodist Church and will offer masks and other personal protective equipment at a substantial discount. To participate, visit https://www.gcfa.org/partners/otg-masks.

We celebrate that many BWC congregations that have committed to becoming an anti-racist church. The BWC's Discipleship Council encourages all churches to rise as they consider and sign the Commitment to Become an Anti-Racist Church by clicking the following link: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/commitment-to-becoming-an-anti-racist-church?source=direct_link&.  Resources will be provided to all the signatories to assist in their efforts to seek justice, do the work, and end racism. See an FAQ (https://www.bwcumc.org/article/faq-on-the-commitment-to-becoming-an-anti-racist-church/) and download a PDF of the Commitment to Become an Anti-Racist Church clicking the following link: https://b65de766771c0b853a36-be165dca3b4cdda77f8dc2ad6b17900c.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/uploaded/c/0e10565326_1592505033_commitment-to-becoming-an-anti-racist-churchfinalpdf.pdf. 

Share a Ray of Hope…the Conference is asking for churches to share a sentence or two about where they have seen "Rays of Hope".  In this challenging season, we could all use a little light. How is your church responding to the coronavirus? What's made you smile? What's brought you a small moment of joy? Where have you seen Rays of Hope? Click the following to Share hope. Your submission will be shared in the Monday e-connection.


Did you miss a Training Tuesday?  No worries, you can find them all in one place by clicking on the following link:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzjja0KEoJl9dHRQX1e5g2rQTECnxej80

Be sure to visit the Conference website and check your email for the e-connection to remain plugged into the latest information regarding COVID-19 and various resources available to support churches during this season of ministry. If you are not receiving the e-connection, please click the following link to sign up: Sign up for the e-connection.


Want to share your virtual worship information with the Conference and/or District?

The Conference's invitation for churches to share their virtual worship information on the Conference website remains open. Click the following link to share: https://www.bwcumc.org/news-and-views/bwc-churches-worshiping-online/ 


Grants, Scholarships, and Awards: (Back to the Top)


Want a more extensive look at what is available? Check out the Conference's webpage for grants and awards: https://www.bwcumc.org/resources/grants-and-awards/

College Scholarship Applications now open: The BWC awards scholarships for qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2021. The application process is now open and closes March 24. A variety of scholarships are offered to fit the diverse needs of our students. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application, which includes uploading their current transcripts and providing references from their pastor and another person in their church. To learn more and apply: https://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/

Nominations and Applications Open for 2021 Session of Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute (July 18-31, 2021)

Is there a high schooler in your life who is ready to learn about how their faith in Jesus Christ calls them to live and be in the world in a way that seeks justice, all while earning college credit that they can carry with them wherever they go after high school? Nominate and encourage them to apply for the Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute (SUYTI). SUYTI is a two-week, credit-bearing program for any young person who is currently in high school (that is, any student who will be a rising sophomore through recent high school graduate this summer). Through a daily rhythm of worship, academic study, experiential and service learning, and (of course) sabbath rest, students will learn to become stronger Christian leaders and return home equipped to be change-agents for the reign of God. The 2021 Institute will run from July 18-31, 2021 on Shenandoah University’s main campus in Winchester. Thanks to a grant from the Lilly Endowment, students will have all that SUYTI has to offer (room and board, program expenses, and three college credits) at a cost of only $200 per student. However, 2021 will be our final session, so now is the perfect time to apply! To nominate a student or to apply, visit www.su.edu/youththeology. For more information, contact Ian Urriola, Director of the SUYTI, by calling (540) 665-5453 or emailing

Financial Resources: (Back to the Top)

We continue to encourage you, if you have not done so already, to sign up for a Church Consultation on Local Church Finances, Online Giving, Benefits, and/or Stewardship Generosity and Planned Giving. Click the following link to sign up: https://www.bwcumc.org/article/local-church-financial-relief-consultations/.


Question and Answer from the April 18th State of the Church Webinar: https://www.bwcumc.org/state-of-the-church-qa/


To request a Group Ruling letter for the church’s 501c3 status as a UM Churchhttp://umgroupruling.org/(S(ompg1kfseplmavenl1jyeb2q))/Default.aspx


Check to ensure the church's incorporated status is in good standinghttps://egov.maryland.gov/BusinessExpress/EntitySearch


Local Church Finance Training Tuesday Webinar Video Archive: https://zoom.us/rec/play/vZZ8dun7qm03G4fHtgSDBf58W9W1LaKs2nBKq_NZnh7mByYFNlH0YLMSYuBCj39Gs2ym3UZIWNHzAFvj?startTime=1585695631000


Quarterly 941 Statement:



Additional Financial Resources:https://www.bwcumc.org/article/local-church-financial-relief-consultations/





October 26th: Recordings due for the Virtual Choir: Calling all voices, young and old from across the BWC -- You are invited to join virtually with others to be salt and light through singing the familiar spiritual, "This Little Light of Mine." It will air on Saturday, November 14, as a part of our virtual conference-wide time of equipping and celebrating, which includes the BWC Laity Session. Instructions and links to music may be found here: https://www.bwcumc.org/article/virtual-choir-instructions-this-little-light-of-mine/

October 27th: Bishop’s Day with the Baltimore Region; There will be separate sessions for clergy and laity. Please contact your church or the district office if you did not receive the district's email with the Zoom information to participate.

October 30
th – 31st: Next Level Leaders. The Academy will train leaders who understand the purpose, design, mission, character, and power of the church and are capable of leading others to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Registration closes October 28th and the cost is $30.  For more information and to register:https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1871210-2020-10-30-next-level-leaders-academy/

November 12th at 9:30 am: Christians Engaged in Faith Formation; This meeting will explore talking about racism with children and families. Join the Zoom meeting athttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89150929659. The meeting ID is 891 5092 9659. Password is 297120. Or, dial by phone: +13017158592. Future CEF meetings will be held Dec. 10, Jan. 14, Feb. 11, March 11, April 8 and May 13.

Lay Planter Training, an innovative program by New Faith Expressions and Path 1, is offering opportunities for all laity to explore how to create new ministries, including new faith communities. It includes three online classes that focus on the "why" of planting new faith communities, and seven self-paced sessions that cover how to plant a new ministry or church. A video of a Zoom session that explores details of the Lay Planter Training is online. 
The training is $100, or $200 for Certified Lay Ministers seeking specialization. Questions? Please contact Lauren Harris at
Register for the training.
Register as a CLM.


November 14th:  The Laity Session of Annual Conference will be held online Saturday, Nov. 14, from 9 a.m. to noon. This year's session is open to everyone -- all clergy and lay people. However, attendance will be limited to the first 1,000 people to register (.https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=5870) . We will livestream everything except the interactive dialogue which is why registration is required and limited.

In addition to the time of equipping, our gathering will include:

  • A time of worship and welcome from BWC Lay Leader Delores Martin; 
  • An address to leaders of the Baltimore-Washington Conference by Bishop LaTrelle Easterling;
  • Honoring the BWC's 11 new Certified Lay Ministers;
  • Presentations of five awards to churches and individuals that honor outstanding discipleship. Learn more at  www.bwcumc.org/resources/grants-and-awards.

Young People's Voices Needed for the Laity Session: It is critical for the future of our churches to have young people engaged. Encourage your youth and young adults to lift their voices as participants in this year's virtual Laity Session. Young people have three opportunities to participate by recording themselves either reading scripture, singing "This Little Light of Mine," or finishing the prompt, "The church can keep the dream alive by... " Contact Cheryl Cook at for more details.  

Church Conferences: 


To access all church conference worksheets and forms, district-specific information relating to the church conference agenda, report checklist, report signature guidance, and link to complete your church conference registration, visit https://www.bwcumc.org/resources/church-conference-forms/. Please note that forms are not located in Arena.


Please do not send any documents to the district office; all reports must be submitted via Arena.


Be reminded that due to the virtual format of church conferences, registration is required. Those wishing to participate in church conferences should plan to register no later than 2 days before the date of the conference. The Zoom information will be provided to those who registered two days before the scheduled church conference, not at the time of your registration. The registration link can be found by clicking the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/resources/church-conference-forms/.


Greetings Baltimore Metropolitan District,

We ask that you join us in prayer for the BWC as we convene for our 236th Annual Conference tomorrow, September 12th, at 9 am. The district offices were asked to share with you the following information:

To review the agenda: https://www.bwcumc.org/events/2020-annual-conference/

  • 9 a.m. -- Gathering time, for both clergy and laity with a half-hour for worship and centering. (Laity will watch the gathering time via livestream; clergy will participate via Zoom.)
  • 9:30 a.m. -- The Clergy Session 
  • 1 p.m. Plenary Session, which will include consideration of the 2021 budget.
  • 6 p.m. Service of Ordination and Commissioning

Only clergy and lay members to AC will participate via Zoom. All others will be able to view the live stream: www.bwcumc.org/livestream

For accessibility accommodations, please contact Rev. Leo Yates at 

Voting members: Your voter id information was sent the first week in September.  Please contact to receive that information, if you did not receive it.  To review the material you’ll be voting on before the session: https://www.bwcumc.org/events/2020-annual-conference/stewardship-budget/

Please refer to the Zoom Cheat Sheet for any assistance with voting as the district office will not have access to provide you with assistance with voting or your voting ids.

The proceedings and parliamentary procedures involved in this year's online session have been carefully considered by the BWC's Rules Committee. The most significant change is the number of speeches for or against an item has been raised from three to four, but the time allotted for each speech is now a minute. This change allows for greater participation.

We encourage you to review the revised rules in this season of virtual holy conferencing. Additionally, there is a video with Rev. Mark Gorman, chair of the Rules Committee, about these changes (click the following link to view): https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=cEK1v08Q2M4&feature=youtu.be

Greetings Baltimore Metropolitan District,

It's been a while since we have updated the blog.  We pray that all is well with you and your loved ones.  Church Conference is fast approaching and the schedule will be published in the coming days.  Please note that there is a conference-wide church conference report deadline of October 1st regardless of the date.  There will be a Church Conference Training Session on Tuesday, August 18th at 7 pm (see below for registration details). Please do not hesitate to contact the district office if you need assistance at .  Don't forget to check out the Conference's event calendar on the website for any upcoming events not listed below.  The website also has a wealth of support materials regarding church re-entry, grants and awards, youth ministry, lay servant ministry, and much, much more!

May God bless you and keep you in a peace that only God can provide.  Be safe, be well, and be blessed!  

August 14th at 11 am: Elevate your communication skills and boldly engage in today's cultural conversation. Danielle Strickland's Boundless Voices ministry is sponsoring this online class and it is being endorsed by the BWC's office of New Faith Expression office as a leadership resource to help people communicate well in conversations about culture. Pastors and lay leaders who want to speak on issues of race and culture in today's climate are encouraged to attend. For more information, click the following link: https://www.daniellestrickland.com/boundless-voices?utm 

August 18th at 7 pm: Training Tuesday: Church Conference Training; Join us on this webinar as we discuss what the Church Conference season will look like this year. We will walk you through the Arena forms and show you the difference between the worksheets and forms on our website. We will show you how to end someone’s term and add someone to the committee leader toolbox.  You will also learn the importance of having someone listed as the church administrator. 
We encourage anyone who will be completing a church conference form to attend this training, whether they are new or they would like a refresher course. To register, click the following link: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=5844.

Additionally, church conference forms can be found on the Conference website.  Click the following link to navigate the page: To access them, please click the following link:   https://www.bwcumc.org/administration/church-conference-forms/.  

August 19th at 1 pm: Dismantling Racism: Two new interactive town hall discussions are planned as part of the denomination's "Dismantling Racism: Pressing on to Freedom" initiative's town hall series on anti-racism to explore both old and new approaches to organizing for racial justice in church and community. In the first of the two discussions, participants will hear from a panel of seasoned leaders on Aug. 19 at 1 p.m., followed by a discussion featuring a panel of emerging leaders on Aug.  26 at 1 p.m. The webinar will be at available at UMC.org/EndRacismTownHall, as well as a live airing on The United Methodist Church Facebook page.  To Learn more, click https://www.umc.org/en/content/united-methodists-to-host-new-dismantling-racism-town-hall-discussions

August 20th at 7 pm: BWC's Young People's Ministry will host the Rev. Chap Clark in a Zoom session on "Adoptive Youth Ministry," Clark, a professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, will focus on a theology of mutual adoption and what it takes to grow a thriving youth ministry (spiritual formation as opposed to counting attendance as a measure of success) that engages the whole congregation, and the importance of the youth leader's role in making that happen.  Click the following link to register: https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1853230-2020-08-20-adoptive-youth-ministry-with-chap-clark/

August 26th at 1 pm: Dismantling Racism Follow Up: Two new interactive town hall discussions are planned as part of the denomination's "Dismantling Racism: Pressing on to Freedom" initiative's town hall series on anti-racism to explore both old and new approaches to organizing for racial justice in church and community. In the first of the two discussions, participants will hear from a panel of seasoned leaders on Aug. 19 at 1 p.m., followed by a discussion featuring a panel of emerging leaders on Aug.  26 at 1 p.m. The webinar will be at available at UMC.org/EndRacismTownHall, as well as a live airing on The United Methodist Church Facebook page.  To Learn more, click https://www.umc.org/en/content/united-methodists-to-host-new-dismantling-racism-town-hall-discussions

September 3rd and 4th: The General Board of Global Ministry's Mission Volunteer office will offer a virtual orientation experience. Orientation is for all individuals and couples interested in learning more about the Mission Volunteer program or those who are discerning future long-term volunteer service as part of their journey. There is no registration cost to share in the virtual orientation; register by click the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeb3NTvXh9_VgdwibnhfOyG1GICIj3vKkeBWXOLJBA_T4oaFQ/viewform.  Registrations will be accepted through Aug. 15

September 24th-25th: Leadership Institute; The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection has opened registration for Leadership Institute 2020, to be held online Sept. 24-25. The online event includes speakers Ron Heifetz, founder of Harvard's Center for Public Leadership; the Most Reverend Michael Curry, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church; and the Rev. Adam Hamilton, senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection. Individual tickets are $49 through Sept. 1. Details and registration can be found at li.cor.org

October 9th - 10th: Cross-Cultural Training; A virtual cross-racial/cross-cultural ministry training camp, hosted by Crowley Coaching and the North Texas Conference Center for Leadership Development, will be held on Oct. 9-10. Early-bird registration is $149. Learn more at http://www.umnewchurch.org/?fbclid=IwAR0jn1JOSH6mmFzodX1Ef-IsahJWzcdM03RwkEsPnMwk-7A7xku5XbNtgwg

The Conference is asking for churches to share a sentence or two about where they have seen "Rays of Hope".  In this challenging season, we could all use a little light. How is your church responding to the coronavirus? What's made you smile? What's brought you a small moment of joy? Where have you seen Rays of Hope? Click the following to Share hope. Your submission will be shared in the Monday e-connection.

There have been two confirmed reports of email scams asking people to purchase several gift cards totaling a large sum of money.  Often these scams use a familiar email address leading the person to believe that it is a legitimate request.  We recommend that you and your members remain vigilant as well as exercise caution opening emails from both known and unknown sources. 

We also recommend increased vigilance around the timely collection of mail due to theft.  Also, there is still time to take advantage of the Conference’s offer to assist small churches who wish to add online giving as an option to its worshippers. For more details and to sign up, click the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/article/online-giving-assistance-for-small-churches/ 

May 14th at 7 pm: Youth Ministry Rx ; Starting this Thursday, May 7, at 7 p.m., the Young People's Ministry of the Baltimore-Washington Conference will host six weekly youth ministry check-ins for youth workers across the Conference. Youth workers are invited to join for an hour of support for themselves and their ministries, hosted by Chris Sasser and John McNeill of Ministry Architects. 

Each session will have a different theme and topic for discussion and learning. In Session Two on May 14th, we’ll share some learnings about some of the best practices in virtual ministry as well as some practical suggestions and tools you can use to increase engagement in your environments. Registration is required. To register and to get more information on this session and the upcoming sessions: https://www.bwcumc.org/youth-ministry-rx/

May 12th, noon- 1 pm: BWC’s Advocacy and Action weekly webinar will feature a conversation with Lisa Cooper, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, on how to access health care and address health disparities in a COVID-19 era.

Dr. Cooper directs The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity, where she and her trans-disciplinary team work with stakeholders from healthcare and the community to implement rigorous clinical trials, identifying interventions that alleviate racial and income disparities in social determinants and health outcomes.  Registration is required. Click the following link to register: https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1805770-2020-05-12-how-to-access-health-care-and-address-health-disparities-in-a-covid-19-era/


May 14th at 10 am: The BWC's Chapter of Christians Engaged in Faith Formation will meet via Zoom. The conversation will focus on summer programming and Vacation Bible School. Christians Engaged in Faith Formation is a gathering of clergy and laity, paid and volunteer people, whose ministry involves faith formation. Join the Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9072956082

Meeting ID: 907 295 6082; Password: 6082; Or dial by phone: +1 301 715 8592


Applications for the BWC class of 2020-2022 Certified Lay Ministers are now being accepted. Go to www.bwcumc.org/ministries/leadership-development/laity-development to learn more and see if you qualify. (Click "Learn More" under Certified Lay Minister for information and application pack.) The next class will start in September and is a two-year commitment. Certified Lay Ministers preach the Word, provide care ministry to the congregation, assist in program leadership, and are witnesses in the community as part of a ministry team with the supervision and support of a clergy person. Questions can be directed to Linda Flanagan, Conference director of Lay Servant Ministries. 

Be sure to visit the Conference website and check your email for the e-connection to remain plugged in to the latest information regarding COVID-19 and various resources available to support churches during this season of ministry.   If you are not receiving the e-connection, please click the following link to sign up: Sign up for the e-connection.

We are in need of mask donations:  As of Saturday, April 18th, Governor Hogan mandated that masks or face coverings are required when in retail stores or when riding public transportation. Some people in our churches and communities are without masks, including our immigrant sisters and brothers, persons experiencing homelessness, and those working in essential jobs without essential supplies. If you or your congregation would like to donate masks, including homemade masks or bandanas, please contact the district office at   or 410-309-3447.  Download Flyer

Micro-grants for Online Worship and Technology: As the congregations of the Baltimore-Washington Conference are living in unprecedented times, the Offices of Leadership and Congregational Development and New Faith Expressions are offering practical and timely support for congregations to connect with their communities and congregations while social distancing measures are a necessity. The Conference is offering non-renewable micro-grants of up to $1,000 to help offset expenses related to launching and maintaining online ministry, including equipment, software licenses, training, and more. If you have already purchased equipment, software or licenses you can apply to receive a reimbursement of the accrued costs. To apply, click the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevJQpdGiIznPYRH6JBtrx_70aBwUzS3gr29ZYMVYstqPLYHA/viewform.   For your convenience, the district office has created and attached a hard copy of the online application to facilitate the preparation of the required information.  Additionally, you will need to know what percentage that your church paid towards their 2019 Mission Shares.  

$500 Peace with Justice Microgrant: As we support one another through the COVID-19 epidemic, we continue to respond to God's call in Matthew 25:35-26 to feed, clothe, and care for persons in need/crisis. These micro-grants are available for amounts up to $500. Applicants will be notified of their status no later than seven days after applications are received. To apply, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJysW-tMjHj6yZaOkGgn7DA6QFhQ4u2vk5cC-mqAx_8pHdxQ/viewform

Additionally, the Conference is collecting monetary donations to continue providing assistance to the vulnerable during the pandemic. Donations will help financially support churches who are continuing to support their communities via food pantries, soup kitchens, etc. To donate, click the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/news-and-views/donations-matched-for-covid-19-micro-grants/

Did you miss the State of the Church Address?

You can watch it here: 


Greetings Baltimore Metropolitan District,

What a glorious weekend it was in the Baltimore Region.  Our 2020 leadership day, newly named the Connect Leadership Summit is in the books.  We thank all who participated and pray that you found worship uplifting and the plernary session, track classes, and workshops enriching.

Upcoming Events (new events in purple): 

February 15th- March 14th: Baltimore Region’s time of intentional prayer and fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays from sunrise to sunset. (See attached flyer for more details.)

March 12th, May 7th, June 4th: Engage College Students Lunch and Learn via Zoom Is your church located near a college campus, community college, or trade school and interested in learning how to better engage young adults and college students? Join Rev. Brandon Harris, The Protestant Chaplain to the Main Campus at Georgetown University, for a monthly conversation on engaging Millennials and Generation Z, innovative forms of worship, and church-based college ministries. Lunch & Learn from noon to 1 p.m. on Feb. 6, March 12, May 7, and June 4. Sign up here to receive reminders and the link to join. Learn more about Brandon's qualifications and some of the topics for exploration.

March 23rd: Youth Members At Large Application Due; every year, three youth per district have the opportunity to serve as youth members at large to Annual Conference.  As a youth member at large, youth get to experience holy conferencing and participate in all the sessions, worship services, and vote on resolutions and reports.  If you are interested in serving, fill out the application online at: https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/young-peoples-ministries/youth-ministry/youth-members-at-large-application/  Applicants will be notified by April 1 if they are selected to serve.  Please contact Cheryl Cook at with any questions.

March 31st, 6:30 pm: Project Transformation Partner Church Meetings; You are invited to join Project Transformation as they prepare for their 3rd summer of ministry in DC and our first in Baltimore! At the meeting, you will have the opportunity to learn about 2020 summer details and ways for your congregation to get involved. This will also be your first chance to sign up to volunteer with Project Transformation this summer.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

April 18th: Pre Conference; This briefing will share information and  prepare lay and clergy members for the 236th session of Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held May 27-29, 2020 in Baltimore.  The briefing will be held at the Ranson Civic Center in Ranson, W.Va. and at Asbury UMC in Charlestown, W.Va.  Also on this day, in the afternoon, the annual lay and clergy voting sessions will be held. These sessions were traditionally held on the first day of the Annual Conference Session. Registration is required.  Click the following link to register: https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1434206-2020-04-18-pre-conference-briefing-clergy-executive-and-laity-sessions/

April 27th: Seeds of Security Golf Tournament; Seeds of Security, an entity of The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church, is a collaboration of networks and persons committed to educating, advocating, resourcing, and providing a safe haven for survivors of Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence (DV/IPV).  By attending the Seeds of Security Golf Tournament, you will help us be a source of healing for persons experiencing the practical, relational, and spiritual impact of intimate partner violence.  Last year our very own Sharp Street Memorial won the tournament.  For more information and to register, please click on the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1371739-2020-04-27-sos-golf-tournament/

Scholarship/Grant Information:

Apply for a BWC College Scholarship-application is open:  Once again, the Baltimore-Washington Conference will be awarding scholarships for qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2020. The application process opens on Jan. 3 and closes March 5, 2020. 

A variety of scholarships are offered to fit the diverse needs of our students. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application, which includes uploading their current transcripts. In addition, the student must provide contact information for their pastor and one additional church reference. The pastor and reference will be contacted and asked to submit information on the student’s participation in the local church. The entire process will be done online for ease of the student, pastor, and reference.            

For details about the individual scholarships or to apply for a scholarship, please visit http://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/

Sophia Dietsch Education Scholarship: For students of Baltimore City, only who are going into ministry/seminary student / or in the candidacy process. The award is $400 per year up to $2,000 total (no more than 5 years). Students must be a candidate for ministry in The United Methodist Church and be from Baltimore City. The student must have held membership in a church of the Baltimore-Washington Conference for at least one year. Applicant must be a degree candidate at an accredited college, university or seminary.  For more information on this scholarship and others, click the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/

Discipleship Awards - NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY!

We want to celebrate leaders and faith communities who are doing excellent ministry and transforming lives.  One of the ways we do this is through an annual call for nominations and applications which are due April 1 and will be revealed at Annual Conference unless otherwise noted.

The awards that will be presented are: 

  • Wellness & Missions - $1,000 to a faith community that exemplifies the fostering of spiritual, physical and mental health
  • Advocacy & Action - $1,000 for partnerships that advocate to transform systems which disenfranchise, marginalize and oppress
  • Harry Denman Evangelism Award - recognition for exceptional ministry of evangelism
  • Moral Courage Award - recognition for the pursuit of justice, loving-kindness, and walking humbly with God. 
  • Youth Group Leader of the Year - honors a BWC United Methodist who exemplifies inviting, inspiring and strengthening youth skilled servant workers

Nominate a deserving person today!  Visit https://www.bwcumc.org/annual-conference-awards/

Applications and Nominations for Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute Are OPEN! (please see attached flyer)

Do you have a current high schooler in your life who is ready to learn about how their faith in Jesus Christ calls them to live and be in the world in a way that seeks justice? Nominate and encourage them to apply for the Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute! SUYTI is a two-week, credit-bearing program for any young person who is currently in high school (that is, any student who will be a rising sophomore through recent high school graduate this summer). Students spend one week on SU’s campus in Winchester, VA, and one week on the campus of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC, and through a daily rhythm of worship, academic study, experiential and service-learning, and (of course) sabbath rest, learn to become stronger Christian leaders in their local communities. The 2020 Institute will run from July 19-August 1, 2020, and thanks to a grant from the Lilly Endowment, we are able to give your student all that SUYTI has to offer (room and board, program expenses, and three college credits) to our cohort members at a cost of only $200 per student. To nominate a student or to apply, visit our website at www.su.edu/youththeology. For more information, contact Ian Urriola, Director of the SUYTI, by calling (540) 665-5453 or e-mailing  .

Youth/Youth Leader Opportunities:


Youth Member at Large for Annual Conference

Every year, three youth per district have the opportunity to serve as youth members at large to Annual Conference.  As a youth member at large, youth get to experience holy conferencing and participate in all the sessions, worship services, and vote on resolutions and reports.  If you are interested in serving, fill out the application online at: https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/young-peoples-ministries/youth-ministry/youth-members-at-large-application/  Applicants will be notified by April 1 if they are selected to serve.  Please contact Cheryl Cook at with any questions.

Stay and Find Out What You Were Made For

At ROCK 2020, an awareness campaign was launched to raise funding toward youth suicide prevention. With your generous offering of $9,360 at ROCK 2020, we are expanding suicide prevention and wellness resourcing with and for youth and those who love them. (www.bwcumc.org/YPMWellness)  Watch the video and accompanying resourcing here: https://www.bwcumc.org/article/stay-suicide-prevention-campaign/ If you are a youth who wants to be involved in working with experts to develop peer resourcing, please complete this Student Leadership Cohort Interest Form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BWCSLC19.

REFRESH- 2020 Youth Leader Retreat

Working in youth ministry can be incredibly rewarding but just as equally challenging.  Whether your youth group has 10 people or 100 people, or whether you are brand new to youth ministry or a veteran youth leader, it is vital to take time to rest and reset so that you and your ministry can grow.   Join youth workers from across the BWC for a weekend to REFRESH.  Attendees will spend a weekend at Manidokan Camp & Retreat center for worship, training, and intentional reflection and restoration.  Youth & Family Ministry experts from Ministry Architects will lead the weekend alongside fellow BWC youth leaders.   Cost is $225 per person for lodging, meals, and a weekend of worship, reflection, and restoration. Register online by March 6 or contact Cheryl Cook ( ) with any questions.


The CCYM Stress Less Project offers resources to help youth battle the many sources of stress in their lives.  The project was created by youth for youth and include resources for both youth and youth workers.  More information can be found atwww.bwcumc.org/stressless.

Essential Youth Worker Training: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma – Join us on March 28th for a day event that explores the evidence-based research on long term physical and mental health implications of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), toxic stress and trauma. Facilitators are Dr. Cynthia Greer, Dr. Luane Oprea, Dr. Diane Reese, all with Trinity Washington University in D.C.   Limited registration to 50. https://www.eventbrite.com/myevent?eid=94703074445


General Opportunities:

Screenign of Bryan Stevenson’s Movie: True Justice: The United Methodist Women of Mount Olive UMC will feature Bryan Stevenson’s film, True Justice on Saturday, March 14th at 2 pm as a part of the UMW focus on "Criminalization of Communities of Color" and their commitment to "interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. See the flyer attached. For more information, please contact Cynthia Taylor at .


Relief for Puerto Rico: From our Partners in PR

Continue to support relief efforts in Puerto Rico by making a donation via https://www.shelbygiving.com/g3/ or by  donating the following to one or more of our hubs: Pampers for children and adults, Hygiene kits, Tents 

Bottles of water, First Aid kits, Inflatable beds, Blankets, Wipes

Leaders and staff of the Iglesia Metodista de Puerto Rico and ReHace IMPR report they are working hard to assist those impacted by the many devastating earthquakes that have struck Puerto Rico recently. They are addressing urgent needs, providing shelter, distributing supplies, and conducting assessments and outreach.  UMCOR has awarded a solidarity grant to undergird these initial response efforts. An UMCOR team will be traveling to the island to conduct an assessment and determine how best they can support the MCPR and ReHace in their response efforts.

To arrange donations and for more information, please contact Fred Sipes at or Rev. Stacey Cole Wilson at

Interested in Becoming a Certified Lay Minister? 

Applications for the next class of Certified Lay Minister, the Baltimore-Washington Conference Class of 2020-2022, are now being accepted.  Go to the BWC website  www.bwcumc.org/ministries/leadership-development/laity-development/  to learn more and see if you qualify and if you have met the pre-requisite requirements. (Click "Learn More" under Certified Lay Minister for information and application pack.) 

 Prospective CLM students must currently be a Certified Lay Servant or Certified Lay Speaker and must consult with their pastor before beginning the process.  The website contains information to be shared with your pastor and information about steps and deadlines that must be taken before you can register for the first class.  This application process includes meeting with the pastor, the local SPRC, and the District Superintendent before the July 1 deadline. The next class will start in September and is a 2- year commitment. Questions can be directed to Linda Flanagan, Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries, at


Criminal Justice Mercy and Ministries Resources and Survey for Faith Communities

The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has a new CJAM website that has been created for congregations to become more aware and resourced in this vital area. You are invited to go to  http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries/ check out the resources and take the questionnaire so that we can better connect with you in this area. To go directly to the survey, please visit http://www.b wcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries-questionnaire/.


The Baltimore Region’s Connect Leadership Summit, formerly known as Leadership Day, is almost here and we are excited for you to take advantage of the opportunity to learn and grow as disciples of Christ.  If you haven’t registered yet, please do so before the deadline (February 28th).  Please see Upcoming Events section for more information and the link to register.

Additionally, the final part of the 3-part conference-wide Bible study is now available.  In this final part, participants will explore our identity as United Methodist within the Baltimore-Washington Conference.  The recommended start date is Wednesday, February 26thResource materials (for all 3 parts), including the facilitator guide and participant guide, are available on the Conference website: https://www.bwcumc.org/resources/who-are-we/.

Upcoming Events: 

February 15th- March 14th: Baltimore Region’s time of intentional prayer and fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays from sunrise to sunset. (See attached flyer for more details.)

February 28th:  Registration deadline for Lay Servant Academy courses scheduled to take place on March 15thFor more information and registration, click the following link: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=5630

March 4th: District Clergy Gathering 9:30 am- 12:30 pm; John Wesley UMC; Registration is required so that we can properly prepare for your participation; click the following link to register: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=5730

March 5th:  BWC Legislative Advocacy Day in Annapolis- You’re Invited!

Join the United Methodist Women and the Advocacy and Action Network on March 5, 2020 from 8:30 am- 2 pm for our Legislative Advocacy Day in Annapolis. Meet us  at Asbury UMC located on 87 West Street in Annapolis for worship followed by workshops, lunch and a visit to the Maryland State House for legislative hearings/visits. Choose one of three workshop tracks:  Climate Justice, Immigration Reform, or School to Prison Pipeline (Restorative Justice). If you are a beginner in justice work and/ or a professional advocate, this ministry opportunity is for you. No legislative experience is necessary and legislative visits will be done in groups. All participants are asked to wear red as a color of solidarity. To register, go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nQoHHVTq_OFDJcC3aCeUZ8ls_av35q4GGHy7voeyfi8/prefill and/or for more information, contact Linda Yost, BWCUMW President, , Jeannie Lee Panesi, Social Action Coordinator, or Rev. Stacey Cole Wilson at . Please make sure to bring your photo ID if you plan to enter the State House. The event cost is $12.00. 

 March 7th: Connect Leadership Summit (formerly known as Leadership Day): Inspiring and Equipping Churches to Connect More People to Jesus; this one-day training opportunity, you’ll hear from Daniel Im, author of “No Silver Bullets,” who will help you lead, thrive, and create a culture of discipleship in your church. You can also immerse yourself in one of six learning tracks or explore two topics relevant to your interests and ministry in expert-led workshops.  Additionally, there is a Youth Cohort; we encourage you to invite your youth to attend (see attached).  To register, click the following link: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=5689

March 12th, May 7th, June 4th: Engage College Students Lunch and Learn via Zoom Is your church located near a college campus, community college, or trade school and interested in learning how to better engage young adults and college students? Join Rev. Brandon Harris, The Protestant Chaplain to the Main Campus at Georgetown University, for a monthly conversation on engaging Millennials and Generation Z, innovative forms of worship, and church-based college ministries. Lunch & Learn from noon to 1 p.m. on Feb. 6, March 12, May 7, and June 4. Sign up here to receive reminders and the link to join. Learn more about Brandon's qualifications and some of the topics for exploration.

March 31st, 6:30 pm: Project Transformation Partner Church Meetings; You are invited to join Project Transformation as they prepare for their 3rd summer of ministry in DC and our first in Baltimore! At the meeting, you will have the opportunity to learn about 2020 summer details and ways for your congregation to get involved. This will also be your first chance to sign up to volunteer with Project Transformation this summer.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

April 18th: Pre Conference; Registration will open on February 26th, but please mark your calendars and plan to participate on April 18th.  This briefing will share information and  prepare lay and clergy members for the 236th session of Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held May 27-29, 2020 in Baltimore.  The briefing will be held at the Ranson Civic Center in Ranson, W.Va. and at Asbury UMC in Charlestown, W.Va.  Also on this day, in the afternoon, the annual lay and clergy sessions will be held. These sessions were traditionally held on the first day of the Annual Conference Session. 

 April 27th: Seeds of Security Golf Tournament; Seeds of Security, an entity of The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church, is a collaboration of networks and persons committed to educating, advocating, resourcing, and providing a safe haven for survivors of Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence (DV/IPV).  By attending the Seeds of Security Golf Tournament, you will help us be a source of healing for persons experiencing the practical, relational, and spiritual impact of intimate partner violence.  Last year our very own Sharp Street Memorial won the tournament.  For more information and to register, please click on the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1371739-2020-04-27-sos-golf-tournament/

Scholarship/Grant Information:

Apply for a BWC College Scholarship-application is open:  Once again, the Baltimore-Washington Conference will be awarding scholarships for qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2020. The application process opens on Jan. 3 and closes March 5, 2020. 

A variety of scholarships are offered to fit the diverse needs of our students. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application, which includes uploading their current transcripts. In addition, the student must provide contact information for their pastor and one additional church reference. The pastor and reference will be contacted and asked to submit information on the student’s participation in the local church. The entire process will be done online for ease of the student, pastor, and reference.            

For details about the individual scholarships or to apply for a scholarship, please visit http://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/

Sophia Dietsch Education Scholarship: For students of Baltimore City, only who are going into ministry/seminary student / or in the candidacy process. The award is $400 per year up to $2,000 total (no more than 5 years). Students must be a candidate for ministry in The United Methodist Church and be from Baltimore City. The student must have held membership in a church of the Baltimore-Washington Conference for at least one year. Applicant must be a degree candidate at an accredited college, university or seminary.  For more information on this scholarship and others, click the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/

Discipleship Awards - NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY!

We want to celebrate leaders and faith communities who are doing excellent ministry and transforming lives.  One of the ways we do this is through an annual call for nominations and applications which are due April 1 and will be revealed at Annual Conference unless otherwise noted.

The awards that will be presented are: 

  • Wellness & Missions - $1,000 to a faith community that exemplifies the fostering of spiritual, physical and mental health
  • Advocacy & Action - $1,000 for partnerships that advocate to transform systems which disenfranchise, marginalize and oppress
  • Harry Denman Evangelism Award - recognition for exceptional ministry of evangelism
  • Moral Courage Award - recognition for the pursuit of justice, loving-kindness, and walking humbly with God. 
  • Youth Group Leader of the Year - honors a BWC United Methodist who exemplifies inviting, inspiring and strengthening youth skilled servant workers

Nominate a deserving person today!  Visit https://www.bwcumc.org/annual-conference-awards/

Applications and Nominations for Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute Are OPEN! (please see attached flyer) Do you have a current high schooler in your life who is ready to learn about how their faith in Jesus Christ calls them to live and be in the world in a way that seeks justice? Nominate and encourage them to apply for the Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute! SUYTI is a two-week, credit-bearing program for any young person who is currently in high school (that is, any student who will be a rising sophomore through recent high school graduate this summer). Students spend one week on SU’s campus in Winchester, VA, and one week on the campus of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC, and through a daily rhythm of worship, academic study, experiential and service-learning, and (of course) sabbath rest, learn to become stronger Christian leaders in their local communities. The 2020 Institute will run from July 19-August 1, 2020, and thanks to a grant from the Lilly Endowment, we are able to give your student all that SUYTI has to offer (room and board, program expenses, and three college credits) to our cohort members at a cost of only $200 per student. To nominate a student or to apply, visit our website at www.su.edu/youththeology. For more information, contact Ian Urriola, Director of the SUYTI, by calling (540) 665-5453 or emailing 

Youth/Youth Leader Opportunities:


Youth Member at Large for Annual Conference

Every year, three youth per district have the opportunity to serve as youth members at large to Annual Conference.  As a youth member at large, youth get to experience holy conferencing and participate in all the sessions, worship services, and vote on resolutions and reports.  If you are interested in serving, fill out the application online at: https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/young-peoples-ministries/youth-ministry/youth-members-at-large-application/  Applicants will be notified by April 1 if they are selected to serve.  Please contact Cheryl Cook at with any questions.

At ROCK 2020, an awareness campaign was launched to raise funding toward youth suicide prevention. With your generous offering of $9,360 at ROCK 2020, we are expanding suicide prevention and wellness resourcing with and for youth and those who love them. (www.bwcumc.org/YPMWellness)  Watch the video and accompanying resourcing here: https://www.bwcumc.org/article/stay-suicide-prevention-campaign/ If you are a youth who wants to be involved in working with experts to develop peer resourcing, please complete this Student Leadership Cohort Interest Form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BWCSLC19.

REFRESH- 2020 Youth Leader Retreat

Working in youth ministry can be incredibly rewarding but just as equally challenging.  Whether your youth group has 10 people or 100 people, or whether you are brand new to youth ministry or a veteran youth leader, it is vital to take time to rest and reset so that you and your ministry can grow.   Join youth workers from across the BWC for a weekend to REFRESH.  Attendees will spend a weekend at Manidokan Camp & Retreat center for worship, training, and intentional reflection and restoration.  Youth & Family Ministry experts from Ministry Architects will lead the weekend alongside fellow BWC youth leaders.   Cost is $225 per person for lodging, meals, and a weekend of worship, reflection, and restoration. Register online by March 6 or contact Cheryl Cook ( ) with any questions.

The CCYM Stress Less Project offers resources to help youth battle the many sources of stress in their lives.  The project was created by youth for youth and include resources for both youth and youth workers.  More information can be found atwww.bwcumc.org/stressless.

Essential Youth Worker Training: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma – Join us on March 28th for a day event that explores the evidence-based research on long term physical and mental health implications of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), toxic stress and trauma. Facilitators are Dr. Cynthia Greer, Dr. Luane Oprea, Dr. Diane Reese, all with Trinity Washington University in D.C.   Limited registration to 50. https://www.eventbrite.com/myevent?eid=94703074445

General Opportunities:

Screening of Bryan Stevenson’s Movie: True Justice: The United Methodist Women of Mount Olive UMC will feature Bryan Stevenson’s film, True Justice on Saturday, March 23 at 2 pm as a part of the UMW focus on "Criminalization of Communities of Color" and their commitment to "interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. See the flyer attached. For more information, please contact Cynthia Taylor at .


Relief for Puerto Rico: From our Partners in PR

Continue to support relief efforts in Puerto Rico by making a donation via https://www.shelbygiving.com/g3/ or by  donating the following to one or more of our hubs: Pampers for children and adults, Hygiene kits, Tents, Bottles of water, First Aid kits, Inflatable beds, Blankets, Wipes

Leaders and staff of the Iglesia Metodista de Puerto Rico and ReHace IMPR report they are working hard to assist those impacted by the many devastating earthquakes that have struck Puerto Rico recently. They are addressing urgent needs, providing shelter, distributing supplies, and conducting assessments and outreach.  UMCOR has awarded a solidarity grant to undergird these initial response efforts. An UMCOR team will be traveling to the island to conduct an assessment and determine how best they can support the MCPR and ReHace in their response efforts.  To arrange donations and for more information, please contact Fred Sipes at   or Rev. Stacey Cole Wilson at  

Interested in Becoming a Certified Lay Minister? 

Applications for the next class of Certified Lay Minister, the Baltimore-Washington Conference Class of 2020-2022, are now being accepted.  Go to the BWC website  www.bwcumc.org/ministries/leadership-development/laity-development/  to learn more and see if you qualify and if you have met the pre-requisite requirements. (Click "Learn More" under Certified Lay Minister for information and application pack.) 

 Prospective CLM students must currently be a Certified Lay Servant or Certified Lay Speaker and must consult with their pastor before beginning the process.  The website contains information to be shared with your pastor and information about steps and deadlines that must be taken before you can register for the first class.  This application process includes meeting with the pastor, the local SPRC, and the District Superintendent before the July 1 deadline. The next class will start in September and is a 2- year commitment. Questions can be directed to Linda Flanagan, Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries, at


Criminal Justice Mercy and Ministries Resources and Survey for Faith Communities

The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has a new CJAM website that has been created for congregations to become more aware and resourced in this vital area. You are invited to go to  http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries/ check out the resources and take the questionnaire so that we can better connect with you in this area. To go directly to the survey, please visit http://www.b wcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries-questionnaire/.

Baltimore Metropolitan District T-shirts!

Cost: $25 (additional fee for shipping)

Order Yours TODAY!


Connect Leadership Summit

Have you registered?

 Click here to register.


Click to View the Course Catalog

Epiphany Message to the Baltimore Metropolitan District

Rev. Wanda Bynum Duckett, District Superintendent

After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. (Matthew 2:9-10)

Like many people, I pray each year that God will give me a focus, a theme, a compass, an epiphany for life and ministry in the new year. I pray that God shows me the star. God always answers that prayer with a word or thought that not only guides me in the coming season, but also seems to be waiting for me as I journey forward…being confirmed along the way as if it is calling, lighting a way, and beckoning me to it. One year, that theme was ‘transformation’ and in that year practically everything and everyone around me – including me - was transformed.  In another year it was ‘grace’ and God gave me many opportunities to experience and expand my own capacity for living a grace-filled life. In yet another year, the word was simply ‘why’. In that year, God re-connected me with a profound sense of purpose.  

This year, as 2020 dawns and everyone is talking about vision, God answered my prayer a bit differently. As I prayed about what the year would bring and what I should be doing in the midst of the many significant issues I am seeing in our churches, our communities and our nation, God redirected my prayer from the things we see but cannot control, to a peaceful sense of what we actually have the capacity to effect. Rather than being concerned with what will happen in 2020 - what will happen with at-risk churches; what will happen with the increasing tide of violence in our communities; what will happen at General Conference; what will happen with appointments, finances, and congregational conflict - I believe God is clearly calling us from a place of trying to control what will happen to a place of being the people we need to be in the midst of it all.

So here, in this season of Epiphany, is God’s answer to my prayer. I share it because perhaps it’s an answer to yours as well. In this season, I believe God is calling us to be people who are:

FOCUSED – Christ was clear in literally nailing the commandments down to two upon which all the others rest: Love of God and love of neighbor. (Matthew 22: 36-40; 1 John 4:20-21) If we can be a people focused on love, we can have a profound impact on our world and its challenges. When faced with conflict, difficult choices, and hard conversations, let us allow our thoughts, words, behaviors, and decisions to be rooted in the commandment to love. The question, “Is it loving?” should guide us in all our ways.

FAITHFUL – The days ahead promise to try our faith. Will we continue to give, to serve, to show up even when things are hard and don’t go our way? Will we have the maturity to act out of what we believe about God rather than how we feel about people or issues? No prolonged infancies among us, please! (Ephesians 4:14-16) God’s word says that if we are faithful over a few things, God will make us rulers over many. (Matthew 25:23) God calls all of us to be rulers in the sense of having dominion, influence, and impact. Without mature faith and faithfulness, it is impossible to exercise this responsibility in ways that please God.

FLEXIBLE – The word our bishop uses is ‘nimble’. These times require us to be able to move flexibly with God’s Spirit.  Being faithful does not mean being rigid. We must be able to discern, adapt, and adopt new ways of being God’s faithful people in this present age. I hear God’s compelling appeal through the prophet Isaiah: See, I am doing a new thing! (Isaiah 43:19) What an exciting proposition to join God in new work and ministry. We must not allow ourselves to die of spiritual atrophy. New things require us to be flexible, nimble, and agile.

FORGIVING – As long as humans are humans, and life is life, there is always something to be forgiven. The good news is that Christ has given us the template for forgiveness, i.e. giving in the fore. While we were yet sinners, Jesus forgave us.  (Romans 5:8). The Word of God says that Christ commanded his forgiveness toward us. That lets us know that forgiveness does not always come naturally or easily; it is an intentional discipline that we must command of ourselves. What a powerful year it can be if we go into it, not waiting to see what will need to be forgiven, but ‘fore-giving’ with discipline and intention!

FEARLESS – The scariest things in life are the unknowns. Things we don’t know keep us up at night worrying and wondering. Rather than being fearful about what we don’t know, what we can’t know, and what we won’t know until God reveals it, let us be fearless because of what and Who we do know. God is able. God loves us. God has promised us good, even if that good comes through discomfort. We simply don’t know what will happen at General Conference, the upcoming local and national election(s), global conflicts, or personal conflicts. However, God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) Peace of mind and fearlessness are powerful, steadying companions, particularly in times of change, uncertainty, and anxiety.

I’m excited about 2020. Not because it promises to be a perfect year, but because we have the capacity to be a perfected people. With the help of the Holy Spirit, let us be such a people…so that history will not only reflect what happened in 2020, but generations will be inspired by the ways in which we showed up: as people of  focus, faithfulness, flexibility, forgiveness, and fearlessness who continued to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!

Blessed Epiphany!


Click to Register.


We need your help reaching our goal of collecting 300 coats, gloves, and scarves for our fellow refugee brothers and sisters who are traveling here from warmer climates.  We are hoping to collect 300 coats in total, but are looking to collect half,150 coats, before Thanksgiving. Spread the word! You can download the flyer below to help us get the word out. With your help, we can reach our goal.

Download Flyer

Training Tuesdays

Training Tuesdays is a new online training experience to inspire and equip local church leaders to connect more people with Jesus.

Using Zoom, leaders call in and connect from 7 to 8:30 p.m. to learn from an expert about their committee and its ministry. The calls are videotaped and can be accessed later online. 

The Training Tuesdays sessions listed below replace the committee training previously offered at Leadership Days.  This will prepare leaders to serve before they begin (or resume) leadership positions in January 2020.

November 5th: SPRC and Pastor
November 12th: Trustees
November 19th: Finance
November 26th: Church Council
December 3rd: Nominations
January 7th: Unified Board

Download the Flyer

Click to Register

How to participate:
  1. Register for one of the trainings to the left to obtain the meeting link.
  2. Download ZOOM 
  3. After launching Zoom, click Join a Meeting or Sign In. To sign in, use your Zoom, Google, or Facebook account. If you don't have an account, click Sign Up Free.
  4. Refer to your registration confirmation email for a direct link to the training or for the meeting ID.
  5. You can choose to have video on or off, but make sure you DO connect audio so you can ask questions. You will have the ability to mute yourself /turn your video on/off during the training through the tools at the top of your screen after connecting.
  6. To ask questions, click on Participants at the top of your screen, then raise your hand. You may ask questions aloud or via the Chat tool at the top of your screen.
Additional help getting started with ZOOM


Christ UMC  (2005 E Chase Street, Baltimore, MD 21213) invites girls ages 7- 17 to participate in a Girls Empowerment Conference on Friday,  August 9th from 1 pm- 5 pm.  The event is free to attend but registration is required.  Please see the flyer below for more details.  Click the following link to register: www.beyondbeautifultour.org


All local church administrators are strongly recommended to attend a training session. Additionally, all those who are responsible for completing any of the documents required for church conferences-as well as- pastors are also strongly encouraged to attend.  Registration is required so that we are properly prepared for your participation.  See below to register for a training session.

The training sessions will include the following:

  • Arena Accounts Overview
  • Where to find the Church Conference Form
  • How to complete the forms and submit them
  • Which forms to bring to your conference
  • Committee Leader Toolbox - How to update your committee list in Arena and how to easily contact those members. 

Upcoming Training Sessions:

Training Sessions at the Conference Center

(11711 E Market Place, Fulton, Maryland 20759)

Click the following to register for a training session at the BWC:





Monday, August 5th 10 am- 12 pm; 2 pm- 4 pm Conference Center
Wednesday, August 14th 2 pm- 4 pm; 7 pm- 9 pm Conference Center
Thursday, August 22nd 10 am- 12 pm; 7 pm- 9 pm Conference Center

Training Sessions in the District

Click the following to register for a training session in the district:





Wednesday, August 7th

10 am- 12 pm

Cherry Hill UMC

Wednesday, August 7th

2 pm-4 pm

Govans Boundary UMC

Tuesday, August 13th

6 pm- 8 pm

Chase UMC

Saturday, August 17th

10 am- 12 pm

Emmarts UMC


Baltimore Metro is going to the ballpark!

Join us on Friday, August 23rd for the Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays game.  There will be fireworks and music that night!  Tickets are $17 for ages 3 and older.  The tickets will be emailed in advance of the game.  We hope you can join us.  We had a great time last year!  If you have any questions, contact the district office at 410-309-3447 or   

Purchase Orioles tickets.

June 3rd, 2019

We would like to thank everyone for the many ways you to helped make Annual Conference a success.  Some of you were called on last minute to assist, and you did so with a smile.  We would also like to thank all who helped with the Rise Against Hunger Event, whether it was support through a monetary donation, helping to pack meals or both.  It was an overwhelming success.  Stay tuned for another Rise Against Hunger meal packing opportunity!

Please be reminded that June 12th will be our end-of-appointment year District Clergy Gathering at Beechfield UMC, located at 541 S. Beechfield Ave, Baltimore, MD, 21229 (notification of the gathering was sent on May 15th).  We want to acknowledge and celebrate the great work you have done in and out of the L.I.F.E. of the church (including those who have graduated, been ordained or commissioned).  Click the following link to register: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=4356

Upcoming Events (newly added events in purple):

June 12th: District Clergy Gathering at Beechfield UMC from 9:30 am- 12:30 pm

Click the following link to register: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=4356


June 30th: Fund Balance Report due to the District Office on April 12th an email with detailed instructions was sent to the Finance Committee and the church pastor.  If an email was not received, please contact the district office at 410-309-3447 or .  Please email your fund balance report to   or mail your report to the following address:

Baltimore-Washington Conference

ATTN: Christine Taylor

11711 East Market Place

Fulton, MD 20759


Upcoming Workshops: (Registration for these workshops are forthcoming)


Discipleship Systems:  The 3D Journey

Presenter:   Rev. Dr. Quincy D. Brown

This workshop will help clergy and laity walk through a transition of: discern / dream / develop.

The mission of the church is about making disciples. Simply put, the church is in the business of connecting people with Jesus through relationships.

One event --Two locations  --  Same information being presented at both sites

September 6, 2019, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm BWC Mission Center

September 7, 2019, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm TBD


Registration Required (registration coming soon)

Cost $35 per person (includes lunch)


From Franchise to Local Dive: Multiplying Your Church by Discovering Your Contextual Flavor

Presenter:  Jason Moore

Many local churches are stuck in a rut, have reached a plateau, or — worst of all — are declining. The temptation is to serve up the same exact ministry models that worked in another time and space but ultimately feel safe to existing churches.  Like ordering from a menu at the franchise chain restaurant and expecting the meal to be palatable in the local context, many churches try and start something new by serving up the same old thing, failing to discover what their local community is actually hungry for.


One event --Two locations  --  Same information being presented at both sites.  

Friday, November 8th  8:30 am - 3:30 pm BWC Mission Center

Saturday, November 9th  8:30 am - 3:30 pm Location TBD


Registration Required (registration coming soon)

Cost $35 per person (includes lunch)


Please check out The Conference’s event page for more information and links to registrations for various conference events, as well as opportunities for service and resourcing your ministries. 

July 1st-5th: The Hispanic Youth Leadership Academy (HYLA)

In partnership with United Methodist colleges, universities, seminaries and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) of the United Methodist Church (UMC) seeks to help high school youth and college young adults explore their call to ministry. Youth involved in HYLA gather each summer to consider issues such as Christian discipleship, vocational development, leadership in the church, college prep assistance, and a variety of other issues important to the continued development of Hispanic youth and young adults in The United Methodist Church.

Hispanic-Latinos in the BWC can still register for HYLA at Wesley Theological Seminary, July 1-5th, 2019.



Criminal Justice Mercy and Ministries Resources and Survey for Faith Communities

The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has a new CJAM website that has been created for congregations to become more aware and resourced in this vital area. You are invited to go to,http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries/ check out the resources and take the questionnaire so that we can better connect with you in this area. To go directly to the survey, please visit http://www.b wcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries-questionnaire/.

The CCYM Stress Less Project offers resources to help youth battle the many sources of stress in their lives.  The project was created by youth for youth and include resources for both youth and youth workers.  More information can be found atwww.bwcumc.org/stressless.


Annual Conference is almost here.  This year we’ve partnered with Rise Against Hunger for our Mission Focus.  Rise Against Hunger is an international relief organization whose mission is to end world hunger by the year 2030.  We plan to package 120,000 meals on-site at Annual Conference.  But we need your help to make this year’s mission focus a success.  Your donation really counts! 

$10 = 30 meals $25 = 75 meals $75 = 220 meals $150 = 440 meals

Donate and/or sign up to help package meals in a 30-minute time slot during lunch or dinner on Thursday, May 30 (registration for Annual Conference is not required to donate or to volunteer to package meals), by clicking the following link:

I want to donate/I want to pack meals

or www.bwcumc.org/RAH

Want to know more about Rise Against Hunger?

Check out their webpage: https://www.riseagainsthunger.org/about-us/


Want to see Rise Against Hunger’s impact?

Check out this video:

Growing Hope in Haiti from Rise Against Hunger on Vimeo.

The Baltimore Region Laity Gathering (scheduled for Saturday, April 27th) has been POSTPONED.  We will notify the district of the new date once we have chosen one.  

Baltimore Region Laity Gathering


Saturday, April 27, 2019

9 am – 12 pm

Friendly Farm Restaurant

17434 Foreston Road, Upperco, MD 21155

Discussion on best practices

Mini-workshop on outward mindset

Commissioning Ceremony

$35 per person

Includes Continental Breakfast and Lunch Buffet

Register Here



Baltimore Region Leadership Day 

Last year, we asked you to celebrate your part in the Baltimore Region ‘Orchestra’ with “One Band, One Sound”. This year join us on April 6, 2019 at Towson United Methodist Church to see how the “Echoes of Mercy” spread throughout our communities. We are proud to present Dr. Douglas Walker, Pastor at Temple UMC in Tampa Florida and Director of the Center for Church and Community at the Tampa Bay Center for Community Transformation, who will bring to us his extensive experience in trauma-informed ministry with a plenary and workshops to help guide us through the difficult passages ahead.

Saturday, April 6th, 8:30- 4 pm

Towson UMC

501 Hampton Ln.

Towson, MD 21286 

Pre-registration required; no on-site registration.


Contact your District Administrator for assistance with registration.

Christine Taylor, Baltimore Metropolitan District, 410-309-3447 or  

John Gauthier, Baltimore Suburban District, 410-290-7311 or  



March 7,  2019

While at times life, as we know it, may seem uncertain, never forget that there is absolutely nothing uncertain about God’s love for us.  May this Lenten season be a reminder of God’s never-ending love for all of us as well as a season of renewal for your mind and spirit.  We pray for a fresh anointing in your continued efforts to live L.I.F.E. to its fullest.  This Lenten season and beyond, may the love and peace of Christ be in you and may it be contagious and infect those in, around, and outside of your communities.


District Request:


We kindly ask that you complete the Host Church Survey.  The survey will allow for increased efficiency in the planning of events and meetings in the district.  Click the following link to complete the Host Church Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclfV9gq6teG2g6dx8hA47NmH0BqVVOB0JdT1nXIcpQm2QCMA/viewform?usp=sf_link   We kindly ask that the survey is completed by March 30th.

Leadership Training Opportunities:

Lay Servant Academy (formerly known as School of Christian Growth) is in full swing.  If you are interested in becoming certified, the initial basic course is offered on March 23rd at Epworth Chapel UMC and again on March 23rd at MD Line UMC.  Courses are also offered for those needing to take a course to maintain their certification.  Please be reminded that you must renew your certification every three years.  For more information, click https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sPZFQ80uvueSwoYIUqyqfLCSVrqlgZbh.  Registration is required. To register online, click https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=4132.

Upcoming Events (new events in purple):

March 7th: BWC Scholarship Application Submission Deadline: The scholarships are open to qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2019.  A variety of scholarships are offered to fit the diverse needs of our students. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application which includes uploading their current transcripts.

Additionally, the student must provide contact information for their pastor and one additional church reference. The pastor and reference will be contacted and asked to submit information on the student’s participation in the local church. The entire process will be done online for ease of the student, pastor, and reference.  For details about the individual scholarships or to apply for a scholarship, please visit http://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/.


March 9th: Town Hall Meeting on the Opioid Crisis at Harmony UMC, Falling Waters.

March 13th: District Clergy Gathering; CANCELLED.  Due to the vast number of events and trainings being offered, the March gathering is cancelled.  Stay tuned for when the next gathering will take place.

March 16th: Outward Mindset Training Workshop 8:30 am- 1:30 pm at Loch Raven UMC.  After the training session on December 13th of last year, we received several requests for us to extend another invitation to Rev. Brian Brown to offer a more in-depth session.  In this half-day training, on developing and implementing an outward mindset, participants will rediscover the following: (1)  Why mindset matters; (2) Two basic mindsets; (3) How we turn inward; (4) How to turn outward; and (5) Practical applications for keeping a heart at peace.  There is no cost to attend.  However, registration is required so we can prepare for your participation.  You can register by clicking the following link: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=4174 .  (An Arena is not needed to register for the event.) Please contact the district office at 410-309-3447 or if you experience any issues with registration.  There is no cost to attend.  However, registration is required so we can prepare for your participation.  There is still time to register if you are interested.  Registration will close on Wednesday, March 13th.  We ask that you encourage your laity to attend as this session will be open to all clergy and laity. 

March 22th - 24th: Youth Leader Retreat and Training; The BWC will host a weekend of training and renewal for youth leaders Mar 22-24, 2019 at Wesley Freedom UMC in Eldersburg, MD.  Whether you are new to youth ministry or a seasoned veteran, there will be training and classes appropriate for any stage of your ministry and time for restoration and renewal.  Registration and additional information are available at https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=4122.  For questions, please contact Cheryl Cook.  


April 1st:  United to Love Moral Courage Awards for Young Adults and Adults: Applications Open Now!


The United to Love Moral Courage Awards celebrate people who put their faith into action especially when doing so is uncomfortable or unpopular for the sake of justice despite risk, comfort, and or societal silence.


Do you know someone who does the right thing even when it is a difficult thing to do? Someone who advocates to improve the life of others? Are you that person? All persons who want to share their stories of moral courage are invited to apply. To apply, please go to https://www.bwcumc.org/moral-courage-awards/. Finalists will be invited to the United to Love Moral Courage Luncheon at Annual Conference and the Winner will receive the opportunity to become our Moral Courage Ambassador.

April 1st-4th:  The 2019 NEJ Mission Academy - “When Helping Helps”@ Rolling Ridge Retreat Center in North Andover, MA  -- April 1 - 4, 2019.  This year’s academy will focus on ministry initiatives that are responsible, sustainable, and asset-based.  In addition to their collaboration with UMCOR to provide a disaster response track, NEJ Mission Academy organizers will also welcome Global Missionary Willie Berman-Ramirez, NEJ United Methodist Sarah Sandsted who is co-founder of Rebuild Globally, and mission theologian Rev. Taylor Walters Denyer.  Registration is now open.  Early bird rates are in effect until March 1st, 2019.

April 6th: Baltimore Region Leadership Day:  SAVE the DATE; more details along with registration are forthcoming.

April 22nd: First Annual Seeds of Security (SOS) Golf Tournament at Hobbit’s Glen in Howard Co., 12 – 5 pm;  Join us for our first Baltimore-Washington Conference sponsored golf tournament to raise awareness of Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence ,offer greater resources, create deeper partnerships, and develop and partner with safer havens. For ticket pricing and to register yourself or a team of four, please go to https://www.eiseverywhere.com/sosgolf19

April 26th: First Annual SOS Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Gala at Turn House in Howard County at 7 pm, please go to https://www.eiseverywhere.com/ereg/index.php?eventid=386022&.  There are limited tickets. So please purchase your tickets today!

Please check out The Conference’s event page for more information and links to registrations for various conference events, as well as opportunities for service and resourcing your ministries. 


We wanted to put on your radar that it’s never too early to begin gathering the data for the church’s annual Fund Balance Report.  This report entails an audit of the 2018 fiscal year from January 1st- December 31st.  The report will be due in June.  More details will be provided in the upcoming weeks.  Kindly remind your Finance Team that they should begin work on this important task.  An email will be sent in the upcoming weeks to provide more details on this yearly obligation.

If you have not already downloaded the church’s 2018 complete church conference packet for your records, please do so as soon as possible, as the church’s ability to do so will be removed in the upcoming weeks.  The PDF packet will include all of the reports that were completed in Arena.  However, please note that any file that was uploaded into Arena will not be included, but a clickable link will be provided in the PDF report that will give you access to download the uploaded file.   Click the following link for detailed instructions on how to download the packet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SzUG_V2pNO3ttxMovfX_KNs5iiUQ-mcK/view?usp=sharing


Criminal Justice Mercy and Ministries Resources and Survey for Faith Communities

The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has a new CJAM website that has been created for congregations to become more aware and resourced in this vital area. You are invited to go to, http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries/ check out the resources and take the questionnaire so that we can better connect with you in this area. To go directly to the survey, please visit http://www.b wcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries-questionnaire/.

Resolutions to the 235th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference

All resolutions set to come before the 235th session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference are due to the Conference Secretary by April 1, 2019.  The session will be held May 29-June 1, 2019.

Resolutions should be submitted using the BWC Resolution Submission Form available at:  http://tiny.cc/bwc-resolution-form

Please note:

  • You must first consult with Mark Gorman, Chair of the Rules Committee, before submitting resolutions pertaining to Rules of the Session.  
  • For resolutions that have budget implications, you must first consult with Phil Potter, Chair of CFA before submitting the resolution.

The CCYM Stress Less Project offers resources to help youth battle the many sources of stress in their lives.  The project was created by youth for youth and include resources for both youth and youth workers.  More information can be found at www.bwcumc.org/stressless


February 22, 2019

Greetings Baltimore Metro District,

The Special Session of General Conference begins tomorrow, February 23rd and will end on February 26th.  Please include the attached congregational prayer offered to us by the Council of Bishops as a part of your worship service this Sunday.   In addition to this prayer, we ask that you continue to be in prayer daily from 2:23 pm- 2:26 pm.

On Saturday, March 2nd from 9 am – 12 pm, Bishop Easterling has called the people of the BWC to gather at the Mission Center and via live streaming to pray and share information following the Special Session of the General Conference.  We want to thank John Wesley UMC (Rev. Joan Carter-Rimbach), Grace UMC (Rev. Amy McCullough and Assoc. Pastor Dane Wood), and Epworth Chapel UMC (Rev. Tony Hunt) for graciously accepting the request to serve as the district’s live streaming host sites.  More details can be found in the Upcoming Events section. 


Criminal Justice Mercy and Ministries Resources and Survey for Faith Communities

The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has a new CJAM website that has been created for congregations to become more aware and resourced in this vital area. You are invited to go to, http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries/ check out the resources and take the questionnaire so that we can better connect with you in this area. To go directly to the survey, please visit http://www.b wcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries-questionnaire/.

Resolutions to the 235th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference

All resolutions set to come before the 235th session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference are due to the Conference Secretary by April 1, 2019.  The session will be held May 29-June 1, 2019.

Resolutions should be submitted using the BWC Resolution Submission Form available at:  http://tiny.cc/bwc-resolution-form

Please note:

  • You must first consult with Mark Gorman, Chair of the Rules Committee, before submitting resolutions pertaining to Rules of the Session.  
  • For resolutions that have budget implications, you must first consult with Phil Potter, Chair of CFA before submitting the resolution.

The CCYM Stress Less Project offers resources to help youth battle the many sources of stress in their lives.  The project was created by youth for youth and include resources for both youth and youth workers.  More information can be found at www.bwcumc.org/stressless.


We wanted to put on your radar that it’s never too early to begin gathering the data for the church’s annual Fund Balance Report.  This report entails an audit of the 2018 fiscal year from January 1st- December 31st.  The report will be due in June.  More details will be provided in the upcoming weeks.  Kindly remind your Finance Team that they should begin work on this important task.  An email will be sent in the upcoming weeks to provide more details on this yearly obligation.

If you have not already downloaded the church’s 2018 complete church conference packet for your records, please do so as soon as possible, as the church’s ability to do so will be removed in the upcoming weeks.  The PDF packet will include all of the reports that were completed in Arena.  However, please note that any file that was uploaded into Arena will not be included, but a clickable link will be provided in the PDF report that will give you access to download the uploaded file.   Click the following link for detailed instructions on how to download the packet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SzUG_V2pNO3ttxMovfX_KNs5iiUQ-mcK/view?usp=sharing

Upcoming Events (new events are in purple):

February 23st -26th: Special Session of the General Conference (Please continue to pray daily from 2:23 – 2:26 p.m.)

February 28th: Homeless Workshops; The Baltimore County Faith Initiative Group is hosting a series of training and resource sharing sessions on the issue of the Homeless in Baltimore County. These sessions are aimed at creating stronger partnerships between local faith leaders, congregants, public & private sector resource providers, and the Baltimore County Police Department.  Please see the attached flyer for more details.

Session #3

Thursday, February 28th 10 am-11:30 am Sollers Point Multi-Purpose Center (Dundalk) 323 Sollers Point Road Dundalk, Maryland 21222

March 2nd: United to Love: A Way Forward; 9 am – 12 pm 

We encourage you to gather at one of the three live streaming sites, but you can also access the live streaming on your computer, laptop, or phone by clicking the following link: https://live.gntv.info/bwac/index.html

Live Streaming Sites:

Epworth Chapel UMC- 3317 Saint Lukes Ln, Baltimore, MD 21207

Grace UMC- 5407 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21210

John Wesley UMC- 3202 W North Ave, Baltimore, MD 21216


March 7th: BWC Scholarship Application Submission Deadline: The scholarships are open to qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2019.  A variety of scholarships are offered to fit the diverse needs of our students. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application which includes uploading their current transcripts.

Additionally, the student must provide contact information for their pastor and one additional church reference. The pastor and reference will be contacted and asked to submit information on the student’s participation in the local church. The entire process will be done online for ease of the student, pastor, and reference.  For details about the individual scholarships or to apply for a scholarship, please visit http://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/.

March 7th: BWC Legislative Advocacy and Action Day in Annapolis; 8:30 -3 pm: Join us in Annapolis for our Annual Legislative Advocacy and Action Day co-sponsored by the BWC Advocacy and Action Board and The United Methodist Women. Newbies and interested advocates, join us as we address aspects of: Health Care Reform, Criminal Justice Reform: From School to Prison Pipeline, and Immigration Reform. To register or for more information, please contact Judy Smith at . The cost for this event is $6.


March 9th: Town Hall Meeting on the Opioid Crisis at Harmony UMC, Falling Waters.


March 13th: District Clergy Gathering; please let me know if your church would like to host the gathering. (Please note the this is a new date; the original date was April 3rd.)

March 16th: Outward Mindset Training Workshop 8:30 am- 1:30 pm at Loch Raven UMC.  After the training session on December 13th of last year, we received several requests for us to extend another invitation to Rev. Brian Brown to offer a more in-depth session.  In this half-day training, on developing and implementing an outward mindset, participants will rediscover the following: (1)  Why mindset matters; (2) Two basic mindsets; (3) How we turn inward; (4) How to turn outward; and (5) Practical applications for keeping a heart at peace.  You can register by clicking the following link: https://tinyurl.com/owms2019.  (An Arena is not needed to register for the event.) Please contact the district office at 410-309-3447 or if you experience any issues with registration.  We ask that you encourage your laity to attend as this session will be open to all clergy and laity.  Don’t forget to download the attached flyer to share with your congregation. 

March 22th - 24th: Youth Leader Retreat and Training; The BWC will host a weekend of training and renewal for youth leaders Mar 22-24, 2019 at Wesley Freedom UMC in Eldersburg, MD.  Whether you are new to youth ministry or a seasoned veteran, there will be training and classes appropriate for any stage of your ministry and time for restoration and renewal.  Registration and additional information are available at https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=4122.  For questions, please contact Cheryl Cook.  


April 6th: Baltimore Region Leadership Day:  SAVE the DATE; more details along with registration are forthcoming.


April 22nd: First Annual Seeds of Security (SOS) Golf Tournament at Hobbit’s Glen in Howard Co., 12 – 5 pm;  Join us for our first Baltimore-Washington Conference sponsored golf tournament to raise awareness of Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence ,offer greater resources, create deeper partnerships, and develop and partner with safer havens. For ticket pricing and to register yourself or a team of four, please go to https://www.eiseverywhere.com/sosgolf19


April 26th: First Annual SOS Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Gala at Turn House in Howard County at 7 pm, please go to https://www.eiseverywhere.com/sosgolf19.  There are limited tickets. So please purchase your tickets today!


Please check out The Conference’s event page for more information and links to registrations for various conference events, as well as opportunities for service and resourcing your ministries. 


February 11, 2019

Greetings, Baltimore Metro District,

Baltimore Metro ROCKED it out this past weekend at the BWC’s annual ROCK Youth Retreat.  We are grateful to you, your youth coordinators/directors, and your congregations for all that you all do to encourage young people in and around the district to seek God and/or grow in their relationship with Him.  We pray that this past weekend was a transformative one for all who attended and we hope to see you there again next year!

Additionally,  if your church attended ROCK, we kindly ask that you share your photos to the district’s Facebook page or email them to the district office at for us to share on the district’s Facebook page.

Please be reminded that the last day to register for the Bishop’s Lenten Day Apart, is February 18th.  The registration link can be found in the Upcoming Events section of the email.


Criminal Justice Mercy and Ministries Resources and Survey for Faith Communities

The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has a new CJAM website that has been created for congregations to become more aware and resourced in this vital area. You are invited to go to, http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries/ check out the resources and take the questionnaire so that we can better connect with you in this area. To go directly to the survey, please visit http://www.b wcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries-questionnaire/.

Resolutions to the 235th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference

All resolutions set to come before the 235th session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference are due to the Conference Secretary by April 1, 2019.  The session will be held May 29-June 1, 2019.

Resolutions should be submitted using the BWC Resolution Submission Form available at:  http://tiny.cc/bwc-resolution-form

Please note:

  • You must first consult with Mark Gorman, Chair of the Rules Committee, before submitting resolutions pertaining to Rules of the Session.  
  • For resolutions that have budget implications, you must first consult with Phil Potter, Chair of CFA before submitting the resolution.

The CCYM Stress Less Project offers resources to help youth battle the many sources of stress in their lives.  The project was created by youth for youth and include resources for both youth and youth workers.  More information can be found at  www.bwcumc.org/stressless.


We wanted to put on your radar that it’s never too early to begin gathering the data for the church’s annual Fund Balance Report.  This report entails an audit of the 2018 fiscal year from January 1st- December 31st.  The report will be due in June.  More details will be provided in the upcoming weeks.  Kindly remind your Finance Team that they should begin work on this important task.

If you have not already downloaded the church’s 2018 complete church conference packet for your records, please do so as soon as possible, as the church’s ability to do so will be removed in the upcoming weeks.  The PDF packet will include all of the reports that were completed in Arena.  However, please note that any file that was uploaded into Arena will not be included, but a clickable link will be provided in the PDF report that will give you access to download the uploaded file.   Click the following link for detailed instructions on how to download the packet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SzUG_V2pNO3ttxMovfX_KNs5iiUQ-mcK/view?usp=sharing

Upcoming Events (new events are in purple):

February 15th or 16th: The Laity Fix; This workshop will be offered twice; Friday, February 15, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and Saturday, February 16, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at the BWC Conference Center

The Laity Fix is an inclusive approach to church growth.  We will examine the challenges and opportunities within today’s faith communities for leaders.  There are many questions that congregations face today, and leadership is just one of them.  All leaders across faith communities can increase their personal leadership skills by identifying what they are and learning how to use them appropriately.   We recognize that every congregation is different, every leader leads differently and recognizing this is critical.  This workshop is designed to: Explore the value of the congregational analysis; Offer strategies for sustained leadership development; and Identify growth opportunities through mission and ministry initiatives. The world has changed!  What do we do now?   Click here to register.

February 20th: Bishop’s Pre-Lenten Day Apart at Glen Mar UMC, Ellicott City.  Registration closes on Monday, February 18thTo register, please click the following link: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=4170

February 21st and February 28th: Homeless Workshops; The Baltimore County Faith Initiative Group is hosting a series of training and resource sharing sessions on the issue of the Homeless in Baltimore County. These sessions are aimed at creating stronger partnerships between local faith leaders, congregants, public & private sector resource providers, and the Baltimore County Police Department.  Click here to download the flyer for more details.

Session #1:

Thursday, February 21st 10 am-11:30 am Loch Raven Library- 1046 Taylor Ave, Towson, MD 21286

Session #2

Thursday, February 21st 7 pm-8:30 pm Lansdowne Library -500 3rd Ave, Lansdowne, MD 21227

Session #3

Thursday, February 28th 10 am-11:30 am Sollers Point Multi-Purpose Center (Dundalk) 323 Sollers Point Road Dundalk, Maryland 21222

February 23st -26th: Special Session of the General Conference (Please continue to pray daily from 2:23 – 2:26 p.m.)

March 2nd: United to Love: A Way Forward; 9 am – 12 pm The Conference Mission Center’s Live Streaming of Prayer and Information Sharing following the Special Session of General Conference.  Grace UMC, John Wesley UMC, and Epworth Chapel have offered to serve as host sites; details are forthcoming.

March 7th: BWC Scholarship Application Submission Deadline: The scholarships are open to qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2019.  A variety of scholarships are offered to fit the diverse needs of our students. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application which includes uploading their current transcripts. Additionally, the student must provide contact information for their pastor and one additional church reference. The pastor and reference will be contacted and asked to submit information on the student’s participation in the local church. The entire process will be done online for ease of the student, pastor, and reference.  For details about the individual scholarships or to apply for a scholarship, please visit http://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/.

March 7th: BWC Legislative Advocacy and Action Day in Annapolis; 8:30 -3 pm: Join us in Annapolis for our Annual Legislative Advocacy and Action Day co-sponsored by the BWC Advocacy and Action Board and The United Methodist Women. Newbies and interested advocates, join us as we address aspects of: Health Care Reform, Criminal Justice Reform: From School to Prison Pipeline, and Immigration Reform. To register or for more information, please contact Judy Smith at . The cost for this event is $6.

March 9th: Town Hall Meeting on the Opioid Crisis at Harmony UMC, Falling Waters.

March 13th: District Clergy Gathering; please let me know if your church would like to host the gathering. (Please note the this is a new date; the original date was April 3rd.)

March 16th: Outward Mindset Training Workshop 8:30 am- 1:30 pm at Loch Raven UMC.  After the training session on December 13th of last year, we received several requests for us to extend another invitation to Rev. Brian Brown to offer a more in-depth session.  In this half-day training, on developing and implementing an outward mindset, participants will rediscover the following: (1)  Why mindset matters; (2) Two basic mindsets; (3) How we turn inward; (4) How to turn outward; and (5) Practical applications for keeping a heart at peace.  You can register by clicking the following link: https://tinyurl.com/owms2019.  (An Arena is not needed to register for the event.) Please contact the district office at 410-309-3447 or if you experience any issues with registration.  We ask that you encourage your laity to attend as this session will be open to all clergy and laity.  Click here to download the attached flyer to share with your congregation. 

March 22th - 24th: Youth Leader Retreat and Training; The BWC will host a weekend of training and renewal for youth leaders Mar 22-24, 2019 at Wesley Freedom UMC in Eldersburg, MD.  Whether you are new to youth ministry or a seasoned veteran, there will be training and classes appropriate for any stage of your ministry and time for restoration and renewal.  Registration and additional information are available at https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=4122.  For questions, please contact Cheryl Cook.  

April 6th: Baltimore Region Leadership Day:  SAVE the DATE; more details along with registration are forthcoming.

April 22nd: First Annual Seeds of Security (SOS) Golf Tournament at Hobbit’s Glen in Howard Co., 12 – 5 pm;  Join us for our first Baltimore-Washington Conference sponsored golf tournament to raise awareness of Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence ,offer greater resources, create deeper partnerships, and develop and partner with safer havens. For ticket pricing and to register yourself or a team of four, please go to https://www.eiseverywhere.com/sosgolf19.

April 26th: First Annual SOS Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Gala at Turn House in Howard County at 7 pm, please go to https://www.eiseverywhere.com/sosgolf19.  There are limited tickets. So please purchase your tickets today!

Please check out The Conference’s event page for more information and links to registrations for various conference events, as well as opportunities for service and resourcing your ministries. 


January 25, 2019

Greetings Baltimore Metro District,

Next week will bring an end to January, but we know the work you are called to do continues. We remain in prayer that this year will be a year filled with God’s abundant grace and mercy as He continues to move in and through you and your congregations.  Be encouraged as you stay the course in your commitment to do the L.I.F.E. work of the district.


Criminal Justice Mercy and Ministries Resources and Survey for Faith Communities

The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has a new CJAM website that has been created for congregations to become more aware and resourced in this vital area. You are invited to go to, http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries/ check out the resources and take the questionnaire so that we can better connect with you in this area. To go directly to the survey, please visit http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries-questionnaire/.

Upcoming Events (new events are in purple):

Monday, January 28th: Statistical Reports Due by 12 noon It is strongly encouraged to begin the inputting the required data if you have not done so already.   Support materials and instructional information can be found by clicking the following links: https://tinyurl.com/2018statsinfohttp://www.bwcumc.org/administration/finance/statistical-reports/

January 31st: Last day to sign up for United to Love: Advocacy and Action; We would like your voice at the table. The Baltimore-Washington Conference has six active teams to mobilize across our connection, and they are: Creation Care (Climate/Eco-Justice), Gender Equality, Gun Violence Prevention, Immigration Rights, Racial Justice, and Wealth Equity. If you are called to serve in one/more of these areas, if this is your passion and/or your faith community is leading in one or more of these areas, we would like to hear from you. Please go to http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/ to sign-up so that we can connect with you.

February 8th-10th: ROCK Youth Retreat; Registration prices increased on January 1st. Click here to register. 

February 9th: District Pizza Party at ROCK Retreat; The party will take place at the Carousel Hotel from 12:30- 2 pm for our ROCK participants.

February 15th or 16th: The Laity Fix; This workshop will be offered twice; Friday, February 15, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and Saturday, February 16, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at the BWC Conference Center

The Laity Fix is an inclusive approach to church growth.  We will examine the challenges and opportunities within today’s faith communities for leaders.  There are many questions that congregations face today, and leadership is just one of them.  All leaders across faith communities can increase their personal leadership skills by identifying what they are and learning how to use them appropriately.   We recognize that every congregation is different, every leader leads differently and recognizing this is critical.  This workshop is designed to: Explore the value of the congregational analysis; Offer strategies for sustained leadership development; and Identify growth opportunities through mission and ministry initiatives. The world has changed!  What do we do now?   Click here to register.

February 20th: Bishop’s Pre-Lenten Day Apart at Glen Mar UMC, Ellicott City.  To register, please click the following link: https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3439&eventID=4170

February 23st -26th: Special Session of the General Conference (Please continue to pray daily from 2:23 – 2:26 p.m.)

March 2nd: United to Love: A Way Forward; 9 am – 12 pm The Conference Mission Center’s Live Streaming of Prayer and Information Sharing following the Special Session of General Conference.  Grace UMC and John Wesley UMC had offered to serve as host sites.  We are hoping to add a 3rd site and will provide more details in the coming weeks.

March 7th: BWC Scholarship Application Submission Deadline: The scholarships are open to qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2019.  A variety of scholarships are offered to fit the diverse needs of our students. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application which includes uploading their current transcripts. Additionally, the student must provide contact information for their pastor and one additional church reference. The pastor and reference will be contacted and asked to submit information on the student’s participation in the local church. The entire process will be done online for ease of the student, pastor, and reference.  For details about the individual scholarships or to apply for a scholarship, please visit http://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/.

March 7th: BWC Legislative Advocacy and Action Day in Annapolis; 8:30 -3 pm: Join us in Annapolis for our Annual Legislative Advocacy and Action Day co-sponsored by the BWC Advocacy and Action Board and The United Methodist Women. Newbies and interested advocates, join us as we address aspects of: Health Care Reform, Criminal Justice Reform: From School to Prison Pipeline, and Immigration Reform. To register or for more information, please contact Judy Smith at . The cost for this event is $6.

March 9th: Town Hall Meeting on the Opioid Crisis at Harmony UMC, Falling Waters.

March 13th: District Clergy Gathering; please let me know if your church would like to host the gathering. (Please note the this is a new date; the original date was April 3rd.)

Please check out The Conference’s event page for more information and links to registrations for various conference events, as well as opportunities for service and resourcing your ministries. 

March 16th: Outward Mindset Training Workshop.  After the training session on December 13th of last year, we received several requests for us to extend another invitation to Rev. Brian Brown to offer a more in-depth session.  This session will use the Outward Mindset: Seeing beyond Ourselves as its foundation.  A registration link will be made available in the upcoming week.  Please note that the event registration will not require registrants to have an Arena account.  We ask that you encourage your laity to attend as this session will be open to all clergy and laity.

April 6th: Baltimore Region Leadership Day:  SAVE the DATE; more details along with registration are forthcoming.

April 22nd: First Annual Seeds of Security (SOS) Golf Tournament at Hobbit’s Glen in Howard Co., 12 – 5 pm;  Join us for our first Baltimore-Washington Conference sponsored golf tournament to raise awareness of Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence ,offer greater resources, create deeper partnerships, and develop and partner with safer havens. For ticket pricing and to register yourself or a team of four, please go to https://www.eiseverywhere.com/sosgolf19.

April 26th: First Annual SOS Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Gala at Turn House in Howard County at 7 pm, please go to https://www.eiseverywhere.com/sosgolf19.  There are limited tickets. So please purchase your tickets today!



January 3, 2019
Greetings Baltimore Metro


Happy and Blessed New Year!

As we embark on the new journey that 2019 brings, we are anticipating that God is up to something good.  We pray that God will continue to do a marvelous work in you and through you and the congregations and communities you serve.  We are especially excited to see the work that is beginning to take place as you begin to cement the cluster model via joint cluster worship and other activities.  We pray that this clustering bears much fruit that blesses those around you.
The EZRA System is open for review and preparation for the submission of your 2018 Statistical Report.  A separate detailed email was sent regarding EZRA along with informational materials. If you did not receive the email, please contact the district office via email at .  You can also access the informational material that was attached by clicking the following link: https://tinyurl.com/2018statsinfo.  Additionally, information can be found on the BWC website: http://www.bwcumc.org/administration/finance/statistical-reports/   If the designated person responsible for submission of the report has not logged into the system, please motivate them to do so to make certain that there are no issues.  I encourage you to begin to input the data no later than January 11th. This will ensure that the submission deadline can still be met even if a problem arises.
Upcoming Events:
January 3rd - March 7th: BWC Scholarship application submission window.  The scholarships are open to qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2019.  A variety of scholarships are offered to fit the diverse needs of our students. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application which includes uploading their current transcripts. In addition, the student must provide contact information for their pastor and one additional church reference. The pastor and reference will be contacted and asked to submit information on the student’s participation in the local church. The entire process will be done online for ease of the student, pastor, and reference.  For details about the individual scholarships or to apply for a scholarship, please visit http://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/.
January 7th: Last day to submit 2019 Pastor Compensation and Benefits corrections to the Benefits Office.  Corrections or changes to salary submitted to the Benefits Office after January 10 will not take effect until the February billing.    
January 10th: Young People’s Ministry Strategic Plan Update; Join the BWC and members from Ministry Architects on Thursday, January 10 at 7pm for an update on the strategic plan for Young People’s Ministry in the BWC.  After a year of focus groups, surveys, trainings, and more conversations, a three-year, preliminary strategic plan has been outlined and is ready for review and feedback prior to bringing it before Annual Conference session on June 1.
We invite conference leaders, and everyone involved in areas of young people’s ministry (from camping to youth to campus ministry) to learn more about the process and the plan moving forward. Light refreshments will be provided. Register here.
January 15th: Last day to pay your 2018 Mission Shares (Apportionments)
January 28th: Statistical Reports Due by 12 noon
January 29th- 31st: Bishop’s Sexual Ethics and Boundary Training Sessions.  (Arnolia UMC will host the January 30th session.)  To register for one of the sessions, please click here.  Attendance is required for all clergy and laity assigned to pastoral roles (elders, deacons, licensed pastors, clergy from other denominations, extension ministers).  Lay staff from local churches or other conference leaders are encouraged to attend.  You can attend the session most convenient for you. Requests for excused absence are to be made in writing to Bishop Easterling with a courtesy copy to the DS by January 21
January 31st: Last day to sign up for United to Love: Advocacy and Action.
We would like your voice at the table. The Baltimore-Washington Conference has six active teams to mobilize across our connection, and they are: Creation Care (Climate/Eco-Justice), Gender Equality, Gun Violence Prevention, Immigration Rights, Racial Justice, and Wealth Equity. If you are called to serve in one/more of these areas, if this is your passion and/or your faith community is leading in one or more of these areas, we would like to hear from you. Please go to http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/ to sign-up so that we can connect with you.
February 8th-10th: ROCK Youth Retreat; Registration prices increase on January 1st.  Click here to register.
February 15th or 16th: The Laity Fix; This workshop will be offered twice; Friday, February 15, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and Saturday, February 16, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at the BWC Conference Center
The Laity Fix is an inclusive approach to church growth.  We will examine the challenges and opportunities within today’s faith communities for leaders.  There are many questions that congregations face today, and leadership is just one of them.  All leaders across faith communities can increase their personal leadership skills by identifying what they are and learning how to use them appropriately.   We recognize that every congregation is different, every leader leads differently, and recognizing this is critical.  This workshop is designed to: Explore the value of the congregational analysis; Offer strategies for sustained leadership development; and Identify growth opportunities through mission and ministry initiatives. The world has changed!  What do we do now?   Click here to register.
February 20th: Bishop’s Pre-Lenten Day Apart; location TBD (A registration link will be provided once available).
February 23st -26th: Special Session of the General Conference (Please continue to pray daily from 2:23 – 2:26 p.m.)
March 2nd: The Conference Mission Center’s Live Streaming of Prayer and Information Sharing following the Special Session of General Conference.  We are looking for churches in the district who can serve as satellite streaming locations.  Your church must have available parking and the necessary technology and audiovisual equipment to host.   If your church would like to serve in this capacity, please contact the district office via email: .
March 9th: Town Hall Meeting on the Opioid Crisis at Harmony UMC, Falling Waters.
March 13th: District Clergy Gathering; please let me know if your church would like to host the gathering. (Please note the this is new date; the original date was April 3rd.)
Please check out The Conference’s event page for more information and links to registrations for various conference events, as well as opportunities for service and resourcing your ministries. 
