Ministries & Resources for Vitality

All ministries and resources of the Baltimore-Washington Conference support congregations and leaders to achieve 100% vitality and bridge the gap between where we are and where God is calling us to be. A vital church isn't determined by church size, money, number of programs or the latest technology. Vital churches see and respect all people; deepen discipleship; live and love like Jesus; and multiply and grow their impact.

See All the People | Deepen Discipleship | Love Like Jesus | Multiply Impact Develop Leaders

 See & Respect All the People

Building authentic relationships so that people inside and outside of the church are known, accepted, respected and valued as children of God.

 Deepen Discipleship

Creating paths for more people to witness Jesus Christ through acts of justice, compassion, devotion, and worship under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

 Live & Love Like Jesus

Taking the Gospel beyond the walls of the church to serve the poor, heal the heartbroken, set the oppressed free and comfort all who mourn.

 Multiply Impact

Listening and discerning with the broader community to reshape church ministry and repurpose resources for the greatest good. 

 Develop Leaders

Developing mature Jesus followers, both lay and clergy, who use their gifts to build up the body of Christ for the transformation of the world.

Looking for Answers? 

If you are not sure where to start or how to find the resources your congregation needs,
take a look at the leadership directory for a list of knowledgeable people you can contact based on what you are looking for! 

Download Leadership Directory