100% at 100%
Every church becoming vital through Missional Action Planning
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
– John 10:10b
In one word, it’s about love. We are loved by God and are living out that love in ways that create vitality and abundant life. Our response to God’s love transforms us into engaged disciples, making a difference in the communities in which we live and serve.
Missional Action Planning (MAP) is a mindset and a process to enable 100 percent of our congregations to become 100 percent vital and thriving. It is a collaborative process of discernment, prioritization and stewardship as we, together, seek to love God and neighbor and live out the Great Commission.
These dimensions of vitality enable congregations of any size to thrive:
The Conference resources churches to strengthen these aspects of vitality and create their own Missional Action Plans for vitality through a number of resources:
- Congregational Development initiatives for in-depth learning and resourcing opportunities tailored to meet each church’s specific needs. These include the Catalyst and Readiness Initiatives as well as A Diverse Church By Design. Each initiative results in personalized missional actional plans based on the congregation’s current state of vitality and context.
- iMAP framework, supported by superintendents, conference staff and dMAP (District Missional Action Planning) teams that provide tools to help churches understand their context for ministry, identify opportunities for collaborative outreach and take their next steps toward becoming 100 percent vital.
- Building Beloved Community – creating an inclusive, diverse, equitable and anti-racist church and world through congregational cohorts, resource persons that support brave conversations and opportunities to grow.
- Training Tuesdays – online learning webinars to resource and empower church leaders in mission and ministry.
- Extensive ministry resources for vitality – in five key areas: