Gender Equity (COSROW)

BWC Gender Equity (COSROW) Chairpersons

Chairperson Position is Open
Please contact Fathima Rifkey with any questions or concerns.

The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women champions the complete involvement of women in all aspects of The United Methodist Church. We strive to ensure that every individual, regardless of gender, age, or role – whether clergy or laity, male or female, adult or child – is acknowledged as a valued and equal member of God's human family. Our conviction lies in the belief that a congregation where every member is fully engaged and empowered is fundamental to The United Methodist Church's mission of "making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."

Through training, education, research and monitoring, GCSRW:

  • Addresses gender discrimination and sexism within church structure
  • Nurtures clergy and lay leaders in the church
  • Raises awareness of women’s issues and opportunities
  • Educates church leaders and seminarians on sexual ethics and policies
  • Supports victims/survivors of sexual harassment or abuse
  • Develops guidelines for inclusive and expansive language
  • Trains and supports Central Conferences women
  • Monitors annual conferences and the General Conference for inclusiveness