Zimbabwe Global Partnership

Zim VIM 2021-23

The Baltimore-Washington Conference started its partnership and ZimVIM in 1997. With natural disasters and
COVID-19 interrupting the Pastor’s School rhythm, we have re-directed the majority of mission share allocation toward
disaster response and projects with local congregations already engaged in mission and ministry with Zimbabwe. Under the leadership of Community UMC and Bel Air UMCs we have participated in building a clinic and rebuilding schools.

Click here for a video on the school project at Hanwa with the involvement of 7 UMC churches.

Mashambanhaka Mission Revitalization Project.

On November 1, 2021 a major storm passed through the Mashambanhaka UMC Mission. Every building at the Mashambanhaka Primary School sustained significant damage and several of these buildings were condemned for future use by the Zimbabwe Government. In March 2022, the BWC responded to our request for disaster recovery funding with a $30,000 award through a specially designated Zimbabwe Mission & Ministry Grant. Here is DS Henry Chareka's expression of appreciation to the Baltimore-Washington Conference.


About the Zimbabwe Global Partnership

In 1997, the Baltimore-Washington Conference created a partnership with United Methodists in the Zimbabwe Episcopal Area. As of 2007, the vision for the partnership focuses on working together in a spirit of chabadza to promote education, health, the training of pastors, and leadership and spiritual development. One of the cornerstones of the partnership is the Pastors’ School, held every two years at Africa University, with BWC leaders providing most of the support in resources and instructors. The next one is set for July 2017.

Since the start of the partnership, the BWC has also helped to build more than 20 parsonages and sanctuaries, along with schools and clinics, by providing $600,000 through the Hope Fund and sending many Volunteer in Mission teams to Zimbabwe.

Learn more:

2017 Pastors School - Zimbabwe