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A postcard home from Zimbabwe: Africa University

Posted by Melissa Lauber on

By Melissa Lauber

Thirty members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference – 15 laity and 15 clergy – have traveled to Zimbabwe to help teach at a Pastors School and to help build the partnership between the BWC and United Methodists in Zimbabwe. Melissa shares the story of their journey in her ‘Postcards home from Zimbabwe.’

“Africa University is your school,” said Vice Chancellor Munashe Furusa, the president of the United Methodist pan-African school, as he addressed members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference.

He thanked the BWC for the $300,000 in seed money for an athletic facility given to honor Bishop Marcus Matthews on his retirement last September, and for the office furniture the BWC purchased for the vice chancellor’s new office. “I’m excited about how God brings things together,” he said. “What God has started, he is faithful to complete.”

Bishop LaTrelle Easterling, who followed Matthews as the BWC’s episcopal leader last September, told Furusa that the BWC was committed to continuing the partnership. Our responsibility, she said, “is to continue to sow into the world of our global community.” She also quoted words she remembered from her mother: “Never put a period where God put a comma.” 

“God doesn’t cease to amaze us all the time,” said Furusa, as he shared many of the innovative changes happening at the 25-year-old school. 

Africa University can “create new models of human existence,” transforming the students, the continent, and the world, he said.

Among some of the more immediate plans are:

  • Integrating the theology program into a more multi-disciplined curriculum,
  • Renovating the dormitories for female students,
  • Creating a culture of expertise by offering doctoral and post-doctoral studies,
  • Expanding research efforts,
  • Offering a degree in medicine,
  • Creating a world-class living experience for the students.

He acknowledged that these and many other components of Africa University’s vision are lofty. “We are often modest. But God can do the unthinkable,” Furusa said. “We are just the conduits of God’s work. If we don’t think big, we will be betraying God’s ambition for this place.” 

For more information about Africa University, visit


