Live and Love Like Jesus

06.03.22 | Leader Development, Advocacy and Action, Congregational Development, Wellness and Missions, Discipleship Formation

    Jesus said : “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” - John 13:34

    Living and Loving Like Jesus causes servant leaders to put themselves on the line as they proclaim good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken, set the oppressed free and comfort all who mourn. Living and loving like Jesus moves us from the seats to the streets as we take the gospel beyond the walls of our buildings. 

    It means crossing the chasm by building bridges to those who may feel left out or not fully accepted by the church. Disciples who live and love like Jesus are active in the places they go; they are active in the marketplace. 

    While the five actions contained within the Rule of Discipleship are integrated and required as we live and love like Jesus everywhere we go.

    Marketplace disciples:

    1. Recognize the image of God in others and express reverence and worthiness of that child of God in each encounter (Wholehearted Worship)
    2. Demonstrate radical hospitality and shares faith as led by the Holy Spirit (Inclusive Witness)
    3. Help out no matter position or role and invite others to serve in alignment with their interests (Compassionate Service)
    4. Practice inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism (Persistent Justice)
    5. Offer a word of encouragement authentically and humbly, rooted in God's great love, mercy and grace without being "churchy" or judgmental (Mindful Devotion)