
The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church connects 571 churches from Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay, through the national halls of power in Washington, D.C., amid Baltimore’s vibrant streets and up among the Allegheny Mountains in Western Maryland and the panhandle of West Virginia.

The Conference’s 1,025 clergy and 128,521 lay members, led by Bishop LaTrelle Easterling, live out their faith, certain of the vision that “transformed lives transform lives.”

Each Sunday, more than 28,643 United Methodists gather in this region for worship. Throughout the week, these people participate in ministries that focus on young people, advocacy and action, wellness and missions, leadership and new expressions of faith.  

 As a connectional church, the Baltimore-Washington Conference joins in ministry with 12 million United Methodists in churches around the world.

Our Vision and Mission

The mission of the Baltimore-Washington Conference is to inspire and equip local faith communities to develop disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, so that more Transformed Lives Transform Lives.  

Conference Leadership and Staff

The BWC is led by Bishop LaTrelle Easterling and Lay Leader Delores Martin. The conference staff of more than 50 people does its ministry at the BWC’s Mission Center in Fulton, Md.

Regions and Districts

Learn about each of the BWC’s four regions and eight districts:

Baltimore Region: Baltimore Metropolitan District, Baltimore Suburban District

Southern Region: Annapolis District, Washington East District

Washington Region: Central Maryland District, Greater Washington District

Western Region: Cumberland-Hagerstown District, Frederick District 

Archives and History

Baltimore is the birthplace of The United Methodist Church in the New World. Methodism officially began in America in 1784, when Bishops Francis Asbury, Thomas Coke and 60 pastors met at Lovely Lane Meeting House in Baltimore to organize a church that would shape the identity of a new nation. This region was also the cradle of the Evangelical United Brethren Church. Read more.

Conference Offices