News and Views

Ames UMC announces partners in community revitalization
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Ames Memorial United Methodist Church, through its nonprofit Ames Shalom Community, has announced a partnership with three organizations—Seawall Development, Blank Slate Development, and Enterprise Community Development—to redevelop 67,000 square feet in West Baltimore’s Sandtown neighborhood...

Prayers from a meeting of the Moscow Seminary Board
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The Rev. Rod Miller, recently returned from a meeting of the Moscow Seminary Board in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, along with the Revs. Charles Harrell, Doug Strong and Ted Campbell. While there, he was inspired to write several short pieces oriented to the current world context and our faith. A...

Church opens Kid's Prayground
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By Rev. Alexis F. Brown Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”  -Matthew 19:14 McKendree-Simms-Brookland UMC is celebrating the removal of a pew to create a space designed for children...

Miller named new D.S.
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“With.” That one word has defined the Rev. Dr. Jim Miller’s 36 years of pastoral ministry. It will also shape his new ministry as superintendent of the Central Maryland District. Miller, pastor of Grace UMC in Gaithersburg and chair of the Baltimore-Washington Conference...

Fire strikes steeple of St. Paul Praise and Worship Center
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We offer prayers for the Rev. Dellyne Hinton, Pastor Michelle Corbett, and the congregations of St. Paul Praise and Worship Center and Elderslie-St. Andrews UMC, who worship at the St. Paul site in Pikesville. On the morning of Oct. 14, the Baltimore County Fire Department was called to 503...

Capitol Hill UMC addresses history's legacy
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Putting justice before tradition, the congregation of Capitol Hill UMC took a bold step on Sept. 29, removing a perceived stain of racism and nationalism that was casting a shadow over its wall-sized stained glass window. Their actions make them one of the first churches in the denomination to...

Pasmore installed as Conference DS in Pen-Del
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The Rev. Dr. Tom Pasmore was installed as a conference superintendent at a special installation service Oct. 6 at Avenue UMC in Milford, Del. He will lead the Delaware District and its 111 churches. His appointment marks a new understanding of the superintendency in the Baltimore-Washington and...