On Wednesday, May 28, 1975, at approximately 9:30 p.m., a young Marcus Matthews knelt before Bishop James K. Mathews in the nave of the majestic Washington National Cathedral and was ordained an Elder in The United Methodist Church. The Bible he placed his hands on that night belonged to none...
Dr. Sondra Wheeler grew up knowing Scripture by heart. Today, she helps her students know the heart of Scripture.
Ancient church mothers and fathers often greeted one another with the phrase, “Give me a word.” This greeting led to the sharing of insights and wisdom. Today we continue this tradition with this monthly column.
Grace and peace to you as we journey together into the season of Lent.
I have to confess, this year I miss the tradition of gathering with the clergy of the Baltimore-Washington Conference on Ash Wednesday. I am in Zimbabwe for an important Board of Directors meeting for Africa University.
From its beginning, Methodism has had a rich appreciation for theological diversity. John Wesley recognized what sociologists are now beginning to measure with great precision: that organizational systems which intentionally foster and celebrate diversity of all sorts are healthier and more...
The Board of Ordained Ministry of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, meeting last month, recommended Tara “T.C.” Morrow for commissioning as a Provisional Deacon. Morrow is a woman married to another woman.
The Baltimore-Washington Conference Board of Ordained Ministry has voted to recommend to the Clergy Executive Session, Tara “T.C.” Morrow as a provisional Deacon. Morrow is a woman who is married to a woman.
More than 5,000 youth, young adults and their leaders gathered in Ocean City, Md., the first weekend of February, for the annual ROCK retreat. It is the largest gathering of United Methodists each year in the Baltimore-Washington Conference.
When entering the sanctuary, have you ever looked around to see who is at church that day? I think most of us do.
Pastor Donna C. Snodgrass died Feb. 2, 2016. A Life Celebration in her honor was held at Emory UMC in Street March 5.
Donna Channell was born June 23, 1943, in Baltimore, the daughter of the late Donald Troupe and Hilda Holloway Channell. She graduated from North Harford High School in...