02.03.20 | Young Peoples Ministry, Wellness and Missions
Positive Childhood Experiences
According to a 2019 study, researchers found that adult reports of specific positive family experiences in childhood (including closeness, support, loyalty, protection, love, importance, and responsiveness to health needs) were associated with lower rates of adolescent pregnancy across all ACEs exposure levels. We understand that positive childhood experiences “buffer” adverse childhood experiences and/or mental health experiences.
Fact sheet
Media Viewing
Balancing Adverse Childhood Experiences and Positive Childhood Experiences
How Positive Childhood Experiences Affect Mental Health
How Positive Childhood Experiences May Buffer Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years). For example:
- experiencing violence or abuse
- witnessing violence in the home or community
- having a family member attempt or die by suicide
ACES can also include aspects of the child’s environment that can undermine their sense of safety, stability, and bonding such as growing up in a home with:
- substance misuse (including problem gambling)
- mental health problems
- instability due to parental separation or household members being in jail or prison
ACEs are linked to chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance misuse in adulthood. ACEs can also negatively impact education and job attainment/opportunities. The good news is that ACEs can be prevented. (cdc.gov). Support is available. You.are.not.alone.
Media Viewing:
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Fact Sheets/Resources:
What's Your ACEs Score/Resilience Scores?
ACEs Infographic
Child Abuse and Neglect Facts/Prevention
Understanding Children's Mental Health Fact Sheet - Mayland Coalition for Families (this nonprofit provides support to families including parents, caregivers, youth, etc.)