Growing Generosity: Six Best Stewardship Practices

11.09.15 | Administration & Operations, Finance | by Betsy Schwarzentraub

    By Betsy Schwarzentraub

    What best practices in the local church correlate with increased financial giving? A six-year study  of the congregations in the United Church of Canada revealed six essential behaviors:

    1. Operational management with sound fundraising methods, including mission clarity, a narrative budget, an annual giving program, donor appreciation, and multiple opportunities for financial giving;
    2. Integration of stewardship in worship, using stewardship resources in worship planning, preaching stewardship almost every week, nurturing young stewards through children's messages, and celebrating the offering as an act of worship;
    3. Stewardship formation creates a culture of gratitude and generosity, including stewardship education with youth and adults through classes, confirmation, Vacation Bible School, Bible study and small groups, legacy giving seminars, and personal finance training;
    4. Stewardship leadership by clergy and laity through involvement in wider church roles and stewardship training;
    5. Opportunities for spiritual nurture through Bible study and small-group ministries, encouraging a shift of self-image from consumer to steward;
    6. Engagement in social justice concerns that reveal a clear congregational DNA and mission as the basis for an effective stewardship strategy, resulting in community outreach opportunities.

    "Stewardship connects to all aspects of church life," says researcher Barbara Fullerton (United Church of Canada). "It is an ongoing conversion process of daily decisions that relate to all that we are, do, and have, both individually and in community."

    Questions for Discussion:

    In which of these six core practices can your congregation engage more intentionally?

    How can you weave these components into your church plan and evaluation process?


    Editor's Note:

    Here are some links that might be helpful to you in your implementation of best practices in your congregational context:

    >50 Ways to Encourage Faithful Giving and 50 Ways to Improve Your Annual Campaign from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership gives some practical ideas.

    >Discipleship Ministries resources include topics such as generous living, worship and prayer, budget building, stewardship strategies, campaigns and planned giving, webinars and more.

    >Ministry Matters includes articles that help leaders cast vision, walk the talk and avoid common potholes and mistakes about stewardship.