Friday, March 07, 2025 - Sunday, March 09, 2025
Location: Ocean City Convention Center, 4001 Coastal Hwy, Ocean City, MD US 21842
Website: https://igniteforyouth.com/
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...” -Matthew 28:19
You are God’s masterpiece of limitless value.
You are designed to belong and live in God’s kingdom.
You are called to bring the love of the Gospel to every person you encounter.
Jesus inspires us -- and the Holy Spirit guides us -- to step beyond our comfort zones and our insecurities.
We are called to embody God’s love as active participants in our communities and around the world: to listen, follow, &GO.
This year, at IGNITE in Ocean City, we will dive deeper into what it means to go forth into our communities and world with the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ.
Together with dynamic speakers and world-class worship teams, we will explore God’s purpose for our lives and discover how to make a meaningful impact on others. We will delve into how our unique talents and skills can foster connections, encouragement, and support within our community. Together, we’ll worship Jesus, deepen our faith, and strengthen our bonds. We’ll also listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and, of course, have plenty of fun!