District News

CHD CC Meeting Minutes template, Edit Nomination & more / 2019 Evaluations due Dec. 1

Posted by Penny Gaver on

Good Afternoon Friends – I see a light at the end of the tunnel.  Now, I ONLY have Church Conference cluster meetings to focus on until early November. So below are the questions you asked recently.  Please be patient if I don't get back with you right away.  As a substitute here is  link to Arena FAQs: https://www.bwcumc.org/administration/church-conference-forms/ 

Reminder --  Church Conference Packet – Copies for MY PACKET should be only ONE SIDED and NO STAPLEScopies for your church are up to you.

  • Putting items in the order listed on the CC Checklist expedites my review of the packet.
  • Only include items in Section#2 on theChecklist and the Clergy Misconduct form too. ALL FORMS now live in Arena, so I have easy access. 
  • EXCEPTION:  CHD Lay Servant committee asking for a hard copy of the LS Annual Report and related certificates.

MEETING MINUTES―Although we meet as clusters, each church is responsible for recording information about their OWN church, taking care to record things like who attended, and any vote counts taken.  NOTE:  Your Church Administrator will then scan or upload the document into the Church's Arena Record, after the meeting. Please do not sent it back to me or the DS.  Attached is a template for taking minutes at your Church Conference meeting.  Feel free to edit it as you see fit. 

EDIT NOMINATIONS REPORT – To edit the nominations committee report you must first click on the Committee Name. Open each individual person’s record to add or remove a person to/from a committee. Full details in the attached PDF “Arena Log-in Committee Toolbox.”

WHY DO I NEED TO SCAN FORMS?  We need to have a scan of the document with signature(s)  on the form.

IT WON'T LET ME EDIT THE NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT  --   To edit that report you will go into the Committee Toolbox. Click on EACH Committee Name to open the individual person’s record to add or remove a person to/from a committee. Full details in the attached PDF “Arena Log-in Committee Toolbox.”

REPLACE DOCUMENT IN A SUBMITTED ARENA REPORT – No worries!!!  Reports are not locked after they are submitted, so locate the report and click on document to remove it and follow instructions to upload the new document. Be careful when you upload the signed copy of forms such as Compliance and Misconduct into Arena. I am seeing numerous BLANK or incorrect forms uploaded which must be removed and replaced with the signed form.

Clergy Compensation – Our Human Resources Department will review the compensation and get back with Clergy about health insurance and other benefits. To expedite the process, make sure these lines are completed: Line 29 -Pastor's Conference Relationship, Line 30 -Appointment status and Line 31 -  Interim Appointment are filled out especially for part-time pastors. These are drop down boxes for you to select the correct answer.

Remember the Clergy compensation form in the 2019 Church Conference packet is for 2020 and runs from 1/1/2020 – 12/31/2020. The only time comp runs from 7/1 – 12/31 is if there is a NEW appointment.

SPRC CHAIR DIDN’T SIGN FORM – Most times they come to the cc meeting but in CHD if they can’t make it to the meeting they can sign off after the vote is taken at the Council Meeting.  If it says SPRC Chair on the form, they MUST sign it.

CAN’T FIND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS – Still getting questions about where to find a few forms. They include: Candidate for Ordained Ministry, Certificate of Compliance, Clergy Sexual Misconduct, and both Compensation Forms.  These forms are list with the Worksheets but are marked as [not a worksheet].  Just double-click to download and open, save to CC 2019 folder on c-drive where you will put all documents as you work on them.  This helps know where the files are that will be uploaded.

ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS: Most of them require you to click on the name of the report to open it, enable editing, enter what needs completed, print it out, sign and date, then scan and upload into Arena but don’t forget a hard copy goes in CC packet.   Remember – do not include the Laity Sexual Misconduct Questionnaire into the CC packet; it is retained by the church.

Unique form:  Candidate for Ordained Ministry Church Conference Recommendation [not a worksheet]  This is printed out and candidate fills it out and signs it. Pastor signs at bottom if they are an elder [if not take it to Church Conference meeting and have Elder sign off but make sure to complete the Vote count]. After the form is signed, scan it and upload into the church’s Arena record under Candidates for Ordained Ministry.  See print screen of Arena report below.  The signed off form can be uploaded AFTER Church Conference, so the signature and count can be obtained.

2019 Evaluations are on-line

Home > Resources > Church Conference Forms > 2019 Evaluations are on-line and ready to access in Arena. They must be completed in Arena BEFORE December 1, 2019.


There are only 3 forms this year. See below for who completes what form.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need clarification.

Peace and Blessings,
Miss P

Penny R Gaver
Cumberland-Hagerstown District Administrator

“Thank you God for work that matters!”

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