Ministry Resources

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Grouped by: Wellness And Missions

    Celebrating Love Feasts
    03.25.20 | Wellness and Missions

    Love Feasts are a unique Wesleyan ritual created and encouraged in a time in our history when circuit-riding preachers could not always be present to consecrate the bread and wine. Love feasts draw people together around a simple, shared and holy...

      Virtual Outreach and Partnerships
      03.17.20 | Wellness and Missions

      Microgrants for Coronavirus Response In the wake of COVID-19, faith communities that are feeding, clothing, and caring for persons in crisis are invited to apply to COVID-19 Peace with Justice micro-grants.  These micro-grants...

        Staying Connected Through Technology
        03.17.20 | Wellness and Missions

        During this period of caution and social distancing due to COVID-19, the district administrators of the Baltimore-Washington Conference offer this information to help keep congregations and communities connected while maintaining health and...
