CM District News, Events and Updates ~ 2/6/2020
News & Events
• February 7-9—ROCK 2020
ROCK 2020 will be held at the Convention Center in Ocean City. The weekend retreat and revival for youth will feature Aaron Shust (My Savior, My God and My Hope is in You) leading praise and worship, along with B Haley from Toby Mac as the main speaker and the Morgan State U Praise Dance Team. Go to at www.bwcumc.org/ROCK to register and get more details.
• February 18—Lenten Day Apart: Where Have All of the Prophets Gone?
Bishop LaTrelle Easterling will host the clergy of the Baltimore-Washington Conference in a Lenten Day Apart. The speaker will be Dr. Teresa L. Fry Brown, the Bandy Professor of Preaching at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta.
When Tuesday, February 18, 2020 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM |
Where Glen Mar UMC, 4701 New Cut Rd., Ellicott City, MD |
Fee Includes Lunch $45-Active Clergy/$30-Retired Clergy |
Register online https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=5661 |
• March 7—Washington Region: Connect Leadership Summit (Registration deadline is February 29)
Church leaders and laity are invited to a day of learning. At this one-day training opportunity, you can immerse yourself in one of six learning tracks or explore two topics relevant to your interests and ministry in expert-led workshops.
Date and Location Saturday, March 7, 2020, 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM River Hill High School, 12101 Clarksville Pike, Clarksville, MD |
Keynote Speaker Daniel Im, author of “No Silver Bullets", will help you lead, thrive, and create a culture of discipleship in your church. |
Fee $40—includes meals and materials |
Get Details Visit https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx? to learn more and register! |
• March 20-22 ~ 2020 BWC Youth Leader Retreat
Location: Camp Manidokan
Youth leaders from the BWC will connect with other leaders for a weekend of worship, training, and intentional reflection and restoration. Deadline to register is March 6, sign-up at https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=5745
• April 18 ~ Pre-Conference Briefing, Clergy Executive and Laity Sessions
Location: Ranson Civic Center, 432 W. 2nd Ave., Ranson, WV
This briefing will share information and prepare laity and clergy members for the Annual Conference Session of the BWC on May 27-29 in Baltimore. This event is usually held the first day of the Annual Conference Session. Save the date, registration coming soon.
• April 21 (9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) ~ Central Maryland Spring Clergy Gathering
NEW LOCATION: BWC Mission Center, 11711 E. Market Place, Fulton
Active clergy, please sign-up today for this half-day gathering, you will earn .25 CEUs. Reserve your seat today -- https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=5727
• April 27 (9 a.m.) ~ 2nd Annual Seeds of Security Golf Tournament
Location: Hobbit's Glen Golf Club in Columbia
SOS benefits survivors of domestic violence through education, advocacy, resources, and safe housing. More information can be found at https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1371739-2020-04-27-sos-golf-tournament/
• May 2-3 ~ Washington Region Lay Servant Ministries Academy: Basic & Advanced Courses Available
Location: BWC Mission Center, 11711 E. Market Place, Fulton
Interested in becoming a certified lay servant or need to renew your certification? Mark your calendar for these upcoming courses. Registration coming soon.
• May 5-15 ~ General Conference
Location: Minneapolis, MN
General Conference is an international body of nearly 1,000 delegates that generally meets every four years. Learn about GC2020 -- https://www.resourceumc.org/en/churchwide/general-conference-2020
• May 27-29 ~ 236th Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference
Location: Waterfront Marriott Hotel in Baltimore
The theme for the 2020 Annual Conference will be "We Are One: Going Out in Mission." Learn more here https://www.bwcumc.org/events/2020-annual-conference/
More details and registration coming soon.
• June 12-13 – Lay Servant Ministries Academy: Advanced Course (First UMC of Hyattsville)
• June 27-28 – Lay Servant Ministries Academy: Basic Course (Goshen UMC)
• July 13 –17 ~ Jurisdictional Conference -- Volunteers needed for NEJ. Contact Rev. Patricia Allen, NEJ Host Chairperson at
• September 12-13 ~ Washington Region Lay Servant Ministries Academy
MORE Opportunities
Certified Lay Ministers Class
Applications for the next class of Certified Lay Ministers are now being accepted. Learn more and see if you qualify -- https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/leadership-development/laity-development/. Click "Learn More" under Certified Lay Ministers for information and application pack. The deadline is July 1. The next class, which is a two-year commitment, will start in September. Questions can be directed to Linda Flanagan (
), Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries.
"Who Are We as United Methodist?" Bible Study
Is the suggested start date for Part 2 of this bible study series. "Who Are We as United Methodists?," is a six-week, small group session designed to explore our Wesleyan heritage and the theology and passion of this movement of faith called Methodism. Find more information online at https://www.bwcumc.org/resources/who-are-we//
Training Tuesday Webinars
On-demand training for current, newly appointed and aspiring members on the SPRC, Trustee Board, Finance, Church Council, Nominations and Unified Board. Visit https://www.bwcumc.org/events/training-tuesdays/ to play-back one or all the webinars.
BWC Scholarship Application Process Opens
The BWC awards scholarships are for qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2020. The application process opens January 3 and closes March 5. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application which includes uploading their current transcripts. In addition, the student must provide contact information for their pastor and one additional church reference. The pastor and reference will be contacted and asked to submit information on the student's participation in the local church. The entire process will be completed online. Learn more and apply -- https://www.bwcumc.org/administration/local-church-resources/scholarships/.
A Season of Gratitude
Use the seven weeks encompassing the Thanksgiving (U.S.), Advent and Christmas seasons to pour out your gratitude. Download the handout at https://www.resourceumc.org/en/content/a-season-of-gratitude.
Mental Health First Aid Training
A growing number of church leaders are preparing to respond to signs of mental illness in their congregations through a Mental Health First Aid training course. Participants are empowered to assess situations, listen appropriately and direct those in need to professional help. Go to https://www.resourceumc.org/en/content/churches-offer-mental-health-fist-aid-training to learn more and find a class nearby.
"Not the Only One"
The United Methodist Church has launched an advertising campaign to help offer encouragement through community. Research continues to emphasize people are experiencing a growing sense of loneliness. In fact, nearly half of Americans feel alone or left out, and it's taking a mental and physical toll on them. The new ads encourage people to visit a local United Methodist church. The message is that the Church doesn't have all of the answers. Rather, our belief is that hope and answers can be found when seeking God together. The first video ad is available for viewing and sharing on YouTube.
UMC Market
This program is free for both you as a shopper and to your home Ministry. You generate a donation every time you click through umcmarket.org site or browser extension, and shop. The amount you earn is shown for each store and will vary throughout the year. In addition to earning, you will also get the same sales/discounts (and often better) as if you went directly to the store site and your ministry earns a donation at the same time. Visit https://www.gcfa.org/partners/umc-market/ to learn more.
Resources for Local Church Leaders
Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church has launched its newly redesigned website, UMCDiscipleship.org. The updated look and redesigned architecture are doorways to new and improved ways to resource the UMC, especially in the area of preparing for weekly workshop. The UMC also offers a webpage with resources for local church leaders at https://www.resourceumc.org.
Engage College Students: Lunch and Learn via Zoom
Is your church located near a college campus, community college or trade school and interested in learning how to better engage young adults and college students? Join Rev. Brandon Harris, The Protestant Chaplain to the Main Campus at Georgetown University, for a monthly conversation on engaging Millennials and Generation Z, innovative forms of worship, and church-based college ministries. Lunch & Learn from noon to 1 p.m. on: Dec. 5, Jan. 9, Feb. 6, March 12, May 7, and June 4. Sign up (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeFq4ImEYxgs70WhTi-VzfgAcgOoHtd03LkwbAv2kIVZIbvkg/viewform) to receive reminders and the link to join.
Gratitude Resources for Families
Scripture, prayer and questions are available to get families talking about an attitude of gratitude. See the full list -- http://www.umc.org/what-we-believe/get-them-talking-gratitude
2019 Conference Journal
Order your copy today.
BWC Programs Directory
View the Conference Leaders directory for a list of programs and contacts.
Volunteers are needed for NEJ
Interested? Contact Rev. Patricia Allen, NEJ Host Chairperson at
Opportunity Zones
OZs are available in the State of Maryland which may be applicable to congregations in the CM District.
• Learn more about OZs
• Determine which OZs are specific to Central Maryland
Online Courses for Youth Leaders
Two online courses are available to teach adults how to mentor young people listening for and pursuing a call. Each course is 3-weeks and $45. More information and enrollment is available at www.beadisciple.com/timothy.
St. Mary's Ecumenical Institute
The Baltimore based Institute announces a new scholarship/internship covering both the cost of four courses and book expenses for one year. Preference will be given to a United Methodist interested in the MDiv partnership with Lancaster Theological Seminary. For more information, contact Kaye Guidugli at
Spiritual Direction Opportunity
Life is filled with paradox: times of great joy and times of great suffering; times of certainty and times of indecision. Of course, the list could go on and on, but in all times God is present with us and wants us to know that. Making the time to seek God, to explore the question “What do I hear from God in this situation?”, and to explore the complementary question “Who am I called to be in this situation?” describe the core of a Spiritual Direction relationship. Cathie Leimenstoll is a retired Elder from the Tennessee Conference and moved to Maryland seven years ago to be near family. She will soon become a certified Spiritual Director in May. At no charge, she is approved to begin meeting with people who are interested in spiritual direction. Her commitment in this is to be a non-anxious companion with a person during a specific time in his/her spiritual journey, to pray with and for the person, to offer resources when appropriate, and to listen deeply to the individual and to the Holy Spirit who is ever-present when two or three are gathered in Jesus’ name. It is a privilege to walk with one another as we seek a deeper relationship with the God we serve in all our life-situations. If you would like more information about such an opportunity, email
and use the subject line Spiritual Direction.
Introducing Winter Grace Senior Ministries, Inc.
WGSM is a non-profit organization with a mission to “Enrich and Empower the Lives of Older Adults through Christian Initiatives Connecting People, Ideas, and Resources.” WGSM seeks to assist churches in starting and growing their Older Adult ministries with a holistic approach that addresses the wide variety of needs of Older Adults and their families. Ministry for, by, and with Older Adults values the dignity and worth of each individual, encourages engagement of the gifts and talents of each person, and grows disciples of Jesus Christ until a person’s last breath for the transformation of the world. Additionally, WGSM connects Older Adults and their families to the resources in the community that can help each Older Adult live each day to the fullest by addressing needs from spiritual to practical. Founder and president, Debbie Burgio, is a candidate for Deacon, recommended by the Board of Ordained Ministry for Commissioning as a Provisional Deacon at the 2019 BWC Annual Conference. For more information, go to www.wintergrace.org, email
or call 443-832-3805.
United to Love: Advocacy and Action Team Sign-ups
We would like your voice at the table. The Baltimore-Washington Conference has six active teams to mobilize across our connection and they are: Creation Care (Climate/Eco-Justice), Gender Equality, Gun Violence Prevention, Immigration Rights, Racial Justice and Wealth Equity. If you are called to serve in one/more of these areas, if this is your passion and/or your faith community is leading in one or more of these areas, we would like to hear from you. Please go to http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/ to sign-up so that we can connect with you.
Criminal Justice Mercy and Ministries Resources and Survey for Faith Communities
The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church has a new CJAM website that has been created for congregations to become more aware and resourced in this vital area. You are invited to go to, http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries/ check out the resources and take the questionnaire so that we can better connect with you in this area. To go directly to the survey, please visit http://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/advocacy-action/criminal-justice-and-mercy-ministries-questionnaire/.
Are You Called to Lead Beyond Your Local Faith Community?
The Nominations Committee is seeking a few good men and women to serve in key leadership roles including in the areas of Leadership Development, New Faith Expressions, Young People’s Ministry, Abundant Health (including local and global missions, holistic health and ERT), Advocacy & Action, Native American Ministry, Gender Equality (COSROW), and the Board of Trustees. In addition to passion and experience in the above, some boards are seeking persons with expertise in training, coaching, grant administration, project management, and data analysis and evaluation. Please complete this leadership interest form and encourage gifted young leaders (30 or under) to do the same: https://www.bwcumc.org/conference-agency-leadership-nominations/.