Q: What will participants learn in the Catalyst Initiative?
A: Participants will learn to more deeply and intentionally cultivate discipleship, to discern and experiment, to build better relationships with one another and those in the...
As we approach the 2024 Primary Elections, lead your congregations to the polls using the information and resources below. Keep an eye out for a D.C. Primary Elections voting guide to be published soon!
Presenter: Rev. Cary James, Jr.
Do you know the composition and charge of the committee on finance? Do you know the difference a positive cash flow and a balanced budget? Church Finance plays a vital role in the daily operations of a church...
Speaker: Jason Moore
Have you heard all the buzz about A.I. and are wondering what it is and if it should be used in the church? Have concerns about ethics and theology? Worried that it may take over like a sci-fi movie? Join Jason Moore for a...
It’s that time of the year again, Statistical Report Season. This is our second year using the new AC Stats system, so plan to join us as we refamiliarize ourselves with the system and learn about any changes for 2023. We strongly encourage...
Conflict is a normal part of congregational life. The Baltimore-Washington Conference conflict transformation policy recognizes that every congregation experiences conflict at times and provides a process for engaging the conflict in healthy ways...