Ministry Resources

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    08.01.24 | New Faith Expressions

    Evangelism is a word that elicits mixed emotions, especially for those of us who are United Methodists. For many, it conjures memories of encounters with judgmental zealots, overly aggressive preachers, and individuals who seem more focused on...

      Property With Purpose
      05.25.24 | Congregational Development, Trustees

      One of the many assets a congregation has is its property (building and land). While some congregations use those assets to generate revenue to help pay the bills, what if we used all our assets for the greatest good as a part of our mission to...

        Readiness Initiative
        05.24.24 | Congregational Development

        Every so often a congregation needs to step back and ask themselves, “Who are we, what are we here for, who is our neighbor, what particular mission has God given us, and what are we going to do about it?” We come to a fork in the...

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