We Rise United Report

We Rise United Report AC 2024

“Which commandment is the first of all?” Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”” Mark 12:28-31b (NRSVUE)

Project Overview and Summary 

The We Rise United Project seeks to end racism in all forms so that all might be free from oppression and inequities that prevent abundant life. As a Church that is ever growing in its intercultural humility, love of God, and love of humanity, this initiative both addresses the intent of the NEJ Call to Action and our commitment to cultivate beloved community so that more transformed lives transform lives in a just way. 

While we have laid a solid foundation for advancing greater cultural humility, inclusion, equity, and awareness, there is still significant work to be done. We recognize the intersectional complexities and often countercultural nature of this work and we acknowledge every community that has worked faithfully to engage in meaningful conversations and actions that are advancing anti-oppression. As we uphold principles (traits of beloved community) which include deepening relationships, examining our own perceptions, assuming positive intent, respecting differences, and engaging for understanding toward cultural humility with one another, we must consistently resist all behaviors, ideologies and practices that counter them toward the transformation of ourselves, churches, para-church communities, and world.


Based on Mark 12: 28-31, the We Rise United initiative aligns with both scripture and our United Methodist Constitution from 1968, which states, "The United Methodist Church recognizes the intrinsic value of each individual as a unique creation of God and commits to promoting healing and wholeness for all. Acknowledging the harmful impact of racism on our unity throughout history, the Church is dedicated to confronting and eradicating racism in all its forms, whether systemic or individual, within its own structures and within society at large. Collaborative efforts will be undertaken to address issues that hinder racial justice universally." Racism is a challenge that can be overcome, and this initiative aims to advance anti-racism efforts across five specific areas to foster a fair and inclusive world.

The timeframe for meeting these goals has been adapted to ensure that we are advancing equity together in meaningful, contextual and realistic ways.

Goal 1. Increase by 10% per year the number of churches who are on a pathway to becoming a church that embodies antiracism so that by 2025 all of our BWC churches are on a path toward becoming racial justice change agents. [On screen]


As noted in the 2024 Discipleship Council Report,  84% of our churches have indicated that their congregation is on a pathway toward racial justice. This increase of 3% is due, in part, to disaffiliations. We are grateful for transformed heartsets, mindsets, and actions that have advanced this work; and, we recognize there is still significant work to be done. 

Goal 2. Each local church reports on its progress as related to the Call to Action (CTA) on Racial Justice and on its internal and external conversations annually at church/charge conference with 10% more churches engaged than the year before so that by 2026 100% of our churches are doing work to grow in their Inter-Cultural Competency (ICC) (traits of beloved community) throughout the conference. [On screen]


The vast majority of churches have been reporting on progress annually. As noted in the 2024 Discipleship Council Report. We are seeking to better learn how congregations are growing in: deepening relationships, examining our own perceptions, assuming positive intent, respecting differences, and engaging for understanding toward cultural humility with one another, and we are revising related questions on church reports to better measure actions that are advancing equity for realized progress. We have also enlisted the People’s Supper to strategically work with congregations and individuals who are committed to grow in this area.

We are grateful for every increase in the number of pastors who preach on racial justice at least once a month and celebrate the faithful ways that congregations are growing in their intercultural humility. We also celebrate progress being made by congregations that have participated in a A Diverse Church by Design that has resulted in recognized shifts in cultural responsiveness. From participating in Cultural Awareness-Implicit Bias (Intercultural Development Continuum w/Implicit Bias) training, engagement with Brave Conversation Resourcers (BCRs), and practicing evidence-based strategies for bias reduction (e.g. increasing intergroup contact, using counterstereotypic imaging, microaffirmations, individuation, utilizing an equity-based approach) leaders are developing tools to create spaces of belonging and systemically advance equity. We are grateful for congregations that have worked diligently in this area and celebrate all who have maintained their commitment to integrative culturally responsive and trauma-informed ministry, especially in this unprecedented season.

Goal 3. The onboarding and development of DSs, staff, conference leaders and clergy consistently include the Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC) so that by 2022 all staff and by 2026 all active clergy leaders are working on an Intercultural Development Plan (IDP) toward developing a Gospel-centered, multicultural heart-set, mindset and skill-set.


  • BWC staff participate in annual performance reviews that include setting and achieving intercultural awareness goals. Cultural Humility training is included in quarterly staff meetings. Each staff member is assigned an IDIQA to continue growth in this area and is given tools monthly to practice bias reduction strategies, increase belonging and create greater institutional equity in and beyond their work spaces. 
  • Board of Ordained Ministry members have ongoing training in implicit bias that includes evidenced-based strategies for bias reduction/interrupting biases; cultural awareness, understanding and humility; and, inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism. (Please see BOOM report for additional information.) The Board work includes intentional outside member evaluation of IDEA+ practices and the Board has formed an IDEA+ task force to review all practices.
  • Beginning September 2024, Conference leaders will receive yearly Cultural-Humilty/IDEA+ Training.

While this is deeply connectional and multifaceted work, we celebrate progress made in this area to increase cultural awareness, reduce biases, and better prepare candidates for fruitfulness in ministry. 

Goal 4. By Spring 2025, each cross-racial/cross-cultural (CR/CC) appointment is equipped to engage in cross-cultural work from appointment through the first year with experienced guides so that both pastor and congregational leaders set goals and grow in ICC covenant (traits of beloved community).


  • Effective June 2024, for the first time in our history, cultural humility training is being offered for all new pastoral appointments. 
  • Additionally, A Diverse Church by Design course with Dr. HiRho Park is available to all and is now required for congregational leaders in CRCC appointments. All participating congregations receive sojourners and support. The next cohort begins on January 18, 2025, https://www.bwcumc.org/article/a-diverse-church-by-design/.
  • CRCC pastoral leaders are being organized into groups for additional resourcing, support, and peer-engagement. 
  • Provided an opportunity for CRCC leaders to attend Facing the Future (CRCC) conference sponsored by GCORR.

Goal 5. Our institutional practices are just and inclusive regarding race/ethnicity, gender, ability, and other elements of diversity so that we see the ICC covenant (traits of beloved community) throughout the conference (including Retreat and Camping Ministry).


We continue to identify, review, and update BWC policies and practices for greater inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism embodiment. These policies include sites and committees with active BWC staff: Archives and History, Board of Ordained Ministry, Campus Ministries, Conference Center, Deaf Shalom Zone, Retreat and Camping Ministries, Nominations and others.

Policy revisions are only a part of the systemic transformation we seek. As we work to improve policies, we are also inviting individuals (each of us)  to do the individual and personal work needed to realize equity for all. 

Additionally, we celebrate general church and conference-wide grants to support multicultural ministry, belonging and community. For additional information, please see the Advocacy and Action report.

As the body of Christ, we have a substantial collective ministry ahead of us. The ongoing pursuit of racial equity is a lifelong commitment that involves every individual. May individuals, communities, and nations come to fully embody God's intentions for God’s glory and the common good.

Respectfully submitted by Rev. Dr. Stacey Cole Wilson, Executive Minister of Beloved Community

2023 report

“Of all the commandments, which is the most important? “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:28-31b

Project Overview: The We Rise United Project seeks to end racism in all forms so that all might be free from oppression and inequities that prevent abundant life. As a Church that is ever growing in its intercultural competence, love of God, and love of humanity, this initiative both addresses the intent of the NEJ Call to Action and increases BWC's cultural humility so that more transformed lives transform lives in a sustainable way. 


Rooted in Mark 12: 28-31, We Rise United project is consistent with scripture and our United Methodist Constitution drafted in 1968 which affirms, “The United Methodist Church proclaims the value of each person as a unique child of God and commits itself to the healing and wholeness of all persons. The United Methodist Church recognizes that the sin of racism has been destructive to its unity throughout its history. Racism continues to cause painful division and marginalization. The United Methodist Church shall confront and seek to eliminate racism, whether in organizations or in individuals, in every facet of its life and in society at large. The United Methodist Church shall work collaboratively with others to address concerns that threaten the cause of racial justice at all times and in all places.” Racism is a solvable problem. This project is an effort to continue the work of antiracism toward an equitable and just world as related to five specific goal areas.

The timeframe for meeting goals has been modified but the goal areas themselves have not.

Goal 1. Increase by 10% per year the number of churches who are on a pathway to becoming a church that embodies antiracism so that by 2022 (now 2025)  all of our BWC churches are on a path toward becoming racial justice change agents. 


As noted in the 2023 Discipleship Council Report,  80% of our churches have indicated that their congregation is on a pathway toward racial justice, 1% fewer than reported the previous year. 

We are grateful for transformed heartsets, mindsets, and actions that have advanced this work; and, we recognize there is significant work to be done. We are also aware that we may not fully know the impact the pandemic, church closures, disaffiliations, and local church mergers and other matters have impacted this data.

Goal 2. Each local church reports on its progress as related to the Call to Action (CTA) on Racial Justice and on its internal and external conversations annually at church/charge conference with 10% more churches engaged than the year before so that by 2026 100% of our churches are doing work to grow in their Inter-Cultural Competency (ICC) (traits of beloved community) throughout the conference. 


The vast majority of churches have been reporting on progress annually. As noted in the 2023 Discipleship Council Report: 

  • There is a slight increase in the number of pastors who preach on racial justice at least once a month. 
  • 1% more congregations report monthly dialogue and learning opportunities

While there is a slight increase in the number of pastors who preach on racial justice at least once a month, there are several ways that congregations are growing in their intercultural competency. From participating in Cultural Awareness-Implicit Bias training, engagement with Brave Conversation Resourcers (BCRs), enrolling in A Diverse Church by Design and the Journey to Beloved Community Course, leaders are developing tools to create spaces of belonging and systemically advance equity. We are grateful for congregations that have worked diligently in this area and celebrate all who have maintained their commitment to this ministry especially in this unprecedented season.

Goal 3. The onboarding and development of DSs, staff, conference leaders and clergy consistently include the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) so that by 2022  all staff and by 2024 (now 2026) all active clergy leaders are working on an Intercultural Development Plan (IDP) toward developing a Gospel-centered, multicultural heart-set, mindset and skill-set.


  • BWC staff report on work-related IDP goals as a part of their annual performance reviews and training is included in quarterly staff meetings. Staff are encouraged to continue IDP development, to practice bias reduction strategies, increase belonging and create greater institutional equity in and beyond their work spaces. 
  • Board of Ordained Ministry members have ongoing training in implicit bias that includes evidenced-based strategies for bias reduction/interrupting biases; cultural awareness, understanding and humility;  and, inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism. (Please see BOOM report for additional information.)

While this is deeply connectional and multifaceted work, we celebrate the progress made in this area to grow cultural awareness, reduce biases, and better prepare candidates for fruitfulness in ministry.

Goal 4. By Spring 2022 (now 2025), each cross-racial/cross-cultural (CR/CC) appointment is equipped to engage in cross-cultural work from appointment through the first year with experienced guides so that both pastor and congregational leaders set goals and grow in ICC covenant (traits of beloved community).


  • Cultural humility training is offered for all new pastoral appointments.
  • A Diverse Church by Design Course with Dr. HiRho Park is available to all and specifically invites congregational leaders in CRCC appointments. All participating congregations receive sojourners and support.

We are currently assessing the impact of these cohorts and revising support as provided.

Goal 5. Our institutional practices are just and inclusive regarding race/ethnicity, gender, ability, and other elements of diversity so that we see the ICC covenant (traits of beloved community) throughout the conference (including Retreat and Camping Ministry).


We continue to identify, review, and update BWC policies and practices to ensure that they embody our principles of inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism. This includes Retreat and Camping Ministries, Campus Ministries and other ministries with active BWC staff.

Policy revisions are only a part of the transformation we seek. As we work to improve policies, we are also inviting individuals to do the individual and personal work needed to realize equity for all. 

Additionally, we celebrate:

  • The Journey to Beloved Community Course, Cohort III, 8-session course (with over  65+ participants who’ve completed this training to date representing over 50 congregations across our connection);
  • 18+ Brave Conversation Resourcers trained and deployed across the affiliation who are available and ready to support congregational leaders as requested.
  • General church and conference-wide grants to support multicultural ministry, belonging and community. For additional information, please see the Advocacy and Action report.

We have significant work to do together as the body of Christ. Advancing racial equity is life work and includes each of us. May lives, communities and nations realize all that God intends. 

Respectfully submitted by Rev. Dr. Stacey Cole Wilson, Executive Minister of Beloved Community

2022 report

The Baltimore-Washington Conference seeks to end racism in all of its forms so that all might be free – liberated from oppression and inequities that prevent abundant life. Through committing to be a church that is ever growing in its intercultural competence and embodying antiracism, this 7-year initiative launches us into a life cycle of antiracism work that both seeks to address the intent of the NEJ Call to Action and increase our capacity to build beloved community so that we can see all the people, deepen discipleship, live and love like Jesus, and multiply our impact.

Our five goals along with their progress markers are:

Goal 1. Increase by 10% per year the number of churches who are on a pathway to becoming an antiracist church so that by 2022 all of our BWC churches are on a path toward becoming racial justice change agents. The following deliverable is required to achieve Goal 1:

Progress: At last year’s annual conference, we celebrated 80% of churches who reported being on the pathway toward becoming racial justice change agents. We haven’t moved the needle significantly yet and invite church leaders to connect with us as we are strategically engaging persons in this work. 

Goal 2. Each local church reports on its progress as related to the Call to Action (CTA) on Racial Justice and on its internal and external conversations annually at church/charge conference with 10% more churches engaged than the year before so that by 2026 100% of our churches are doing work to grow in their Inter-Cultural Competency (ICC) (traits of beloved community) throughout the conference. The following deliverable is required to achieve Goal 2:

Progress: (Please see the Discipleship Report), We’ve accomplished the first half of this goal and are inviting congregations not on a pathway toward racial justice do the work to grow in six actions of Beloved Community. These six actions are: 

1. Seek relationships because this is how Jesus lived (with an understanding that we are interrelated and interconnected people). 
2. Examine my own assumptions and perceptions so that I might avoid projecting my cultural values onto others. 
3. Listen for understanding because agreement is optional.
4. Respect different forms of expression understanding that I may not really know what is going on. 
5. Assume positive intent as we are all moving onto perfection.
6. Exercise cultural humility understanding that the world in which I was born is just one model of reality. 

Goal 3. Using a validated assessment, we consistently onboard and develop DSs, staff, conference leaders and clergy consistently so that by 2022 all staff and by 2024 all active clergy leaders are working on growing a Gospel-centered, multicultural heart-set, mindset and skill-set.

Progress: As reported last year, we have strengthened the accountability structure so that residents-in-ministry, the Board of Ordained Ministry, District Committees on Ordained Ministry, DSs and staff are resourced to grow in their ability to embody inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism.

Goal 4. By Spring 2022, each cross-racial/cross-cultural (CR/CC) appointment is equipped to engage in cross-cultural work from appointment through the first year with experienced guides so that both pastor and congregational leaders set goals and grow in ICC covenant (traits of beloved community).

Progress: In addition to orientation for all new CRCC appointments, the 2022 class of a Diverse Church by Design started with over thirty congregations represented. The deadline to apply for the next cohort will be shared at the required CRCC orientation. 

Goal 5. Our institutional practices are just and inclusive regarding race/ethnicity, gender, ability, and other elements of diversity so that we see the six actions of Beloved Community Covenant practiced throughout the conference.


• Ongoing efforts to examine pay equity and policy and procedures across our Annual Conference–including BOOM’s Gender and Equity
• We are in the process of identifying and reviewing BWC policies and practices to ensure that they embody our principles of inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism. 
• An Asian American Pacific Islander $10,000 Grant from the General Board of Global Ministries designated to dismantle racism specific to those communities through public witness, education, outreach and action. 
• BWC Church and Community Equity Grants for persons disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. $36,000 was distributed to congregations in 7 of the 8 Districts.
• Human Relations Day Grant in the amount of $10,000 to continue building beloved community

Additionally, we give thanks for:

• A Second People’s Supper: Brave Conversations About Racial Justice. This will launch in June and other brave conversation suppers are happening even now across our conference in local churches. Registration deadline for the conference-wide Brave Conversations is June 15.
• Congregations that are embodying and multiplying this work in and beyond their local communities with faithfulness, empathy, compassion and great resolve.

Submitted by:
Rev. Dr. Stacey Cole Wilson, Executive Minister of Beloved Community

2021 report

As was reported at the 2020 Annual Conference Session, under the leadership of Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling, our collaborative work to end racism and to grow in cultural humility was accelerated and expanded. We recognize that not all churches, communities, and individuals are of one mind regarding racial justice. And, we support our United Methodist’s constitution's Articles IV and V that call us to do this Gospel work. 

From July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021, we have:

  • Trained all conference staff (including District Superintendents) in inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism practices. All staff are participating in monthly check-ins to support these practices with Dushaw Hockett of the SPACES Project.
  • Incorporated the Intercultural Competency toward Beloved Community Covenant into staff expectations.
    • Seeking relationship, because this is how Jesus lived.
    • Examining my own assumptions and perceptions so that I might avoid projecting my cultural values onto others.
    • Listening for understanding because agreement is optional.
    • Respecting different forms of expression, understanding that I may not really know what is going on.
    • Assuming positive intent as we are all moving onto perfection.
    • Exercising cultural humility, understanding that the world into which I was born is just one model of reality.
    • Began testing an online interactive curriculum to support leaders -- staff, lay, clergy, church -- in committing to and living out the Beloved Community Covenant and identifying their next faithful steps.
    • We’ve partnered with The People’s Supper to train over 65 congregational leaders to become brave space table hosts and participate in the first Mapping a Pathway to Racial Justice conference-wide series. This intensive training spanned over the course of five months; and, we are working with interested persons to replicate these transformational conversations in their local contexts.
    • Introduced the importance and core principles of building the beloved community at each transition workshop for congregations receiving a new pastor.
    • In partnership with Rev. Dr. HiRho Park, we’ve developed a curriculum, A Diverse Church by Design, for Cross Racial/Cross Cultural appointments and churches who need to better connect with their communities. 
    • Conducted 134 Intercultural Development Inventory debriefs with personalized Intercultural Development Plans to help persons develop a strategy for taking their next faithful developmental step towards cultural humility. This brings our total to about 300 IDI debriefs since we began this work in April 2019. This includes staff, members of BOOM, chairs of conference boards and committees and other leaders.
    • Through Communications, we’ve published 25 news and feature stories, 9 viewpoint pieces, and 149 articles, conversations and encouragements about Beloved Community and making inclusive, diverse, equitable antiracist choices.
    • With the Discipleship Council and Cabinet, we’ve added questions to the Church Profile form for congregations to report on where the congregation is on the path toward racial justice. 556 churches completed the form and 498 answered this question. From these results we estimate that 83% of Baltimore-Washington Conference Churches are on a pathway to becoming racial justice change agents. This includes churches who are at various levels of living out their Commitment to Becoming an Antiracist Church.
    • With the Racial Justice Team, we’ve developed collaborative workgroups to support leaders and congregations who need support with: getting started, getting churches on board, and/or legislative action. Additionally, we are making resources available to support laity and clergy to have brave conversations needed for fruitful ministry.
    • With congregational leaders, we offered various forms of public witness against racially-motivated acts of violence upon people and property including church-community vandalism.

We know this is a journey of a lifetime and that each choice we make -- each action we take or don’t take -- either makes us an agent of God’s liberating love or not.