It’s that time of the year again, Statistical Report Season. This is our second year using the new AC Stats system, so plan to join us as we refamiliarize ourselves with the system and learn about any changes for 2023. We strongly encourage...
Below are resources that were discussed during 2023's Church Conference Session. These digital versions are available for you to download and use in whatever way best meets your needs. Print versions are available at your Conference...
Join us on this webinar as we discuss the Discipleship Ministries form, a new form that will be used for this year’s church conference. Part of the form will look familiar as it incorporates some questions from last year’s...
Join us on this webinar as we discuss what this year's Church Conference season will look like. We will walk you through the Arena forms, and show you the difference between the worksheets and forms on our website. We will show you how to end...
Presenters: District Administrators
Join us on this webinar as we discuss what the Church Conference season will look like this year. We will walk you through the Arena forms and show you the difference between the worksheets and forms on our...
The role of Nominations and Leadership Development is more than creating the roster of leaders for church conference. This webinar enabled participants to learn strategies for helping members identify and develop their God-given gifts. ...