Ministry Resources

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    Re-Entering Well FAQs - May 2021
    05.28.21 | Covid-19 Resources

    Deciding when to re-open a church facility for in-person worship and meetings is an intentional and rigorous discernment process. The Baltimore-Washington Conference’s COVID-19 Task Force has provided a number of resources. The questions below...

      Training Tuesdays: Re-entering Well Update
      05.25.21 | Training Tuesdays

      Presenters: Bishop LaTrelle Easterling and members of the BWC’s COVID-19 task force As parts of the world slowly begin to reopen after more than a year of adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic and physical distancing, congregations are...

        Decision Trees and Protocols

         Re-Entry Decision Tree   Reversing the re-entry decision tree Protocol if someone at church tests positive for COVID-19  To require masks or not to require masks   Church Gathering Risk Mitigation Tree

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