News and Views

Annual Conference Session Postponed

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March 27, 2020
In response to the coronavirus, the Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Baltimore has canceled all groups meeting at its venue through May. As a result, the 236th session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, scheduled for May 27-29, has been postponed.

Current plans call for a one-day session, which is expected to be held sometime between September and November at a site to be determined. At that session, the 2021 proposed budget, nominations, and candidates for ordination and commissioning will be addressed. Conference leaders have stressed that care will be taken to honor the work and ministry of the ordinands and those to be commissioned. Candidates for ordination or commissioning can contact the Revs. C. Anthony Hunt or John Nupp with any questions or concerns. 

Refunds will be provided within two weeks to the more than 250 people who have already registered. Cancellations for hotel registrations are being handled by the Marriott. If you have any questions about the hotel registration, please contact the Marriott directly.

The Pre-Conference Briefing will be replaced with a virtual "State of the Church" meeting, which will be held the morning of Saturday, April 18. The session will include a time for questions and answers.

In addition, conference leaders will be offering videos of Palm/Passion Sunday and Easter Sunday to be used by local churches. The Palm Sunday worship will be led by the BWC's district superintendents. Bishop Easterling will preach the Easter sermon. More details will be announced in Monday's

For more information and resources, see the BWC's Coronavirus Resources.
