Training Tuesday: Church Finances During the Pandemic: Tools for a Challenging Time

Training Tuesday: Church Finances During the Pandemic: Tools for a Challenging Time
Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Presenter: Paul Eichelberger

After many months of shuttered churches, how should a church finance team approach the budget cycle for 2021 as the pandemic continues to impact our ministries?  What have we learned about our finances from the 2020 activities?  How do we address goal setting in uncertain times?  Are we prepared for a second wave?  What changes must we put in place to ensure the church has a sustainable funding plan that supports vibrant ministries that meet the current needs within our communities and throughout the world?

This webinar will help us identify the common financial issues that BWC churches are experiencing at this time.  We will then explore several financial decision making tools that can be used to address these issues. 


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