Virtual Small Group Resources


    Part of continuing to be a faith community in times of disruption is providing options for people to gather online. Virtual small groups are ideal to keep people connected with God and one another.  Read about the benefits of video conferencing tools for Bible studies.

    9 Tips for Starting Online Small Group Studies Online Bible studies can bring group members together for instant interaction without the logistical hurdles of travel time, babysitters and work schedules. The Internet-based group’s home is always open so members can interact whenever it is most convenient. 

    Making the Most of Online Study Groups Scott Hughes at Discipleship Ministries helps local church leaders rethink their approach to online study groups as well as links to a series of platform options including Zoom, Google Hangout and more. Need Quick Info on How to Zoom? See video blogs on Zoom 101, scheduling meetings, meeting controls, sharing your screen, scheduling webinars, recording on zoom, and much more.

    The Upper Room offers an online setting and curriculum to explore in Getting Started with Your Private Online Classroom

    For those of you who are interested in exploring the possibilities of using technology to extend worship beyond the sanctuary, we commend a two-part series by United Methodist Communications.

    Making the Most of Online Ministries – practical assistance from Discipleship Ministries