Training Tuesdays: What Now? What's Next?

05.12.20 | Training Tuesdays

    The coronavirus pandemic has shaken our culture and church to the core. As churches prepare to relaunch on-site worship, some congregations are noting opportunities for hope and new vision. Together, we’re beginning to hear the shared chorus of “What Now? What’s Next?”

    On May 12, a BWC Training Tuesday webinar will delve into how churches can continue to provide ministry and leadership in this digital age. Practical, inspirational and theological questions will be explored as church leaders claim a new normal. The webinar will also examine what churches may be choosing to leave behind with the virus and what lessons and visions created during the past several weeks will they choose to carry forward.


    The Rev. Bill Brown will lead a panel discussion of  “What Now? What’s Next,” during this next Training Tuesday webinar, scheduled for May 12 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Register online and the Zoom link and password will be sent to you.