Public Action Resources

09.03.20 | Advocacy and Action, Racial Justice

    As Christians, we are called to reflect God’s reconciling love to all we encounter. And as United Methodists, we recognize “our commitment to become faithful witnesses to the gospel, not alone to the ends of the earth, but also to the depths of our common life and work.” (United Methodist Social Principles Preamble)

    Amidst the brokenness of today’s world, God calls us to be instruments of healing – transforming relationships and systems to pursue justice and peace among people, communities and nations.

    And yet for too many of us, the tone and division of public discourse discourages us from using our voice or engaging our church and family in the important civic conversations of our day. But in the face of ongoing conflict, exploitation and oppression, we know that we cannot turn inward and silent. Instead, we must engage our neighbors, proclaim our faith values, and pursue justice in our communities.

    This civic engagement can involve a variety of strategies and tactics. The Old and New Testaments are full of examples of faithful advocates whose experience both inspires and informs how we put our faith into action. Consider how God worked through:

    • The midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, whose acts of civil disobedience saved children from Pharaoh’s decree.
    • The reluctant Moses who, accompanied by his brother Aaron, challenged those in power and freed the Israelites from captivity.
    • The prophets, from Amos to Jeremiah, who publicly proclaimed timeless truths and cast a faithful vision for the community.
    • Queen Esther who used her access to power for the benefit of her people.
    • Our Savior Jesus, who persuaded with parables, stood with the marginalized and directly resisted the empire of his day.

    As United Methodists, we pursue ‘social holiness’ that is rooted in our biblical understanding, informed by John Wesley’s movement for change in English society, and built upon 250 years of work and witness by Methodists. Through acts of personal, social and civic righteousness we can reflect the reconciling love of Christ to the Church and society." (Taken from the introduction of Creating Change Together: A Toolkit for Faithful Civic Engagement  from Church and Society.)

    Additional Public Action Resources:

    Seeking Justice Individually