09.25.20 | Wellness and Missions
American Diabetes Month | The Great American Smoke Out | International Survivors of Suicide Day | Download PDF
American Diabetes Month
Public Health Objective:
November is National Diabetes Month, an opportunity for local and regional advocates to team up and work with partners across the United States to raise awareness of the illness. One in 10 Americans have diabetes, and another 84 million are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The campaign hopes to raise awareness of symptoms, promote healthy living and ensure people are aware of risk factors (www.awarenessdays.com).
Ministry Ideas:
- Sponsor a Step Out Walk to raise critical funds and show support for all people living with diabetes (www.diabetes.org).
- Invite a Nutritionist to offer a 1 or 2-session event teaching the congregation about healthy nutrition to manage diabetes and reduce risk factors.
- Host exercise classes for youth/adults and build motivation for healthy exercise (exercise reduces risks and manages symptoms).
- Have a speaker who can give a health minute sharing own/family experience with diabetes.
Social Media:
Fact Sheets:
The Great American Smoke Out (Nov. 21)
Public Health Objective:
The Great American Smoke Out is an annual intervention event on the third Thursday of November by the American Cancer Society. More than 34 million Americans still smoke cigarettes, and smoking remains the single largest preventable cause of death and illness in the world (www.cancer.org).
Ministry Ideas:
- Begin promoting the Great American Smoke out ahead of time to promote interest, provide awareness resources, and publicize with the flyers and posters. The goal is that a smoker will commit to cease smoking on this day.
- Publicize Nicotine Anonymous: due to pandemic ZOOM meetings are being held; online fellowship may be attractive to persons also after the pandemic restrictions are lifted.
- Find media with someone dealing with negative outcomes of smoking (CDC Video)
- Tips From Someone Who Was a Former Smoker (CDC Video)
- What Happens When You Stop Smoking?
Social Media:
Fact Sheets:
- Download the Great American Smoke out Event Tools and Resources (posters, flyers, info sheets) for use in workplaces, health systems, and other places in your community. Additional Tobacco Cessation materials are available with a login that you can request.
International Survivors of Suicide Day (Nov. 23)
Mental Health Objective:
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day was designated by the United States Congress as a day when the friends and family of those who have died by suicide can join for healing and support. This day always falls on the Saturday before American Thanksgiving.
Ministry Ideas:
- Make Suicide and mental illness part of the conversations in your church during by mentioning it during prayer at different church events i.e. bible study, Sunday service.
- Create a group for members who have survived suicide to connect with one another via Zoom once or twice a month.
- Develop a prayer call list to provide daily encouragement through bible scriptures and testimonial conversations.
- Put together a virtual celebration for suicide survivors, where survivors can celebrate life and their loved ones.
- Invite survivors at your church to share their stories by highlighting them on your church website or social media outlets using the hashtag #HONORUS and encourage members to explore the hashtag.
- Offer free self-assessment for all members who would like to be assessed.
- Sponsor a survivor by donating and sending the proceeds to an identified suicide survivors’ group.
- Develop an accountability group for survivors to ensure they stay on the path of strong mental health.
- International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day Documentaries
- Boy Interrupted Documentary
- Taps: A podcast and book on dealing with suicide loss