09.25.20 | Wellness and Missions
Problem Gambling Awareness Month | American Diabetes Association Alert Day (Fourth Tuesday in March) | National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week: March 30th to April 5th | Download PDF
Problem Gambling Awareness Month
Public Health Objective:
Problem Gambling Awareness Month is a grassroots campaign that depends on the participation of NCPG State Affiliates, organizational and individual members, state health agencies, gambling companies, recovery groups, and a wide range of healthcare organizations and providers. 2021 will be the 17th year of this event. Groups across America hold conferences, air Public Service Announcements (a toolkit is provided at www.ncpgambling.org ), provide counselor trainings, host screening days, run social media campaigns and many other activities to increase public awareness of problem gambling and the availability of prevention, treatment, and recovery services. For details, including how to sign up for free materials, please visit: https://www.ncpgambling.org/programs-resources/programs/pgam/
Ministry Ideas:
- Use PGAM to decide in reach/outreach for congregation/community.
- Post awareness messages from toolkit on social media/website.
- Obtain 1-800-GAMBLER confidential helpline posters and post in community/share with congregation (obtain from www.ncpgambling.org or state affiliates which is listed on website).
- Collaborate with other faith communities to plan a public awareness event: Gamblers Anonymous and state affiliates (i.e., Maryland Council on Problem Gambling for Maryland and Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling and other state affiliates for materials/technical assistance/speakers).
- Joy Documentary
(Documentary of a Maryland Gambling Addict Who Goes to Prison as a result of embezzlement to support gambling disorder) - Glenn Story: Gambling in the Military (Journey of a Veteran Gambling Addict)
Social Media:
American Diabetes Association Alert Day (Fourth Tuesday in March)
Public Health Objective:
American Diabetes Association Alert Day is observed annually on the fourth Tuesday in March. This one-day “wake up call” informs the American public about the seriousness of diabetes and encourages all to take the diabetes risk test and learn about your family’s history of diabetes.
Ministry Ideas:
- Use social media messaging (fact sheets provided below) for this day but commit to post regularly.
- Upload the #AmericanDiabetesAssociationAlertDay to post on social media.
- Provide diabetes health awareness on your website this day (consider ongoing too).
- Lift up Diabetes Awareness by having medical or public health speakers share information with the congregation (during worship, provide info before and after worship/other programming).
- Consider asking a church member to share their testimony of journey (one who is managing it well).
- Pastor can insert diabetes risk factors in liturgy/sermon.
- Children’s Ministry: Do a children’s moment during worship on heart awareness (providing visual objects that are engaging/relatable) to illustrate diabetes. Also lift childhood diabetes as they may have family/peers with childhood diabetes.
- Christian Education Class: Ask all ministry teachers to lift diabetes awareness. Provide opportunities for children who may have a family member with diabetes and give them opportunities to be supported by talking about it; offer God’s comfort (note many children have parents/caregivers/family members who are managing diabetes/may needs support).
- Sponsor a Nutrition Class for the congregation and open to the community.
- Feeding Programs: Provide healthy items (less processed foods, canned foods that have higher sodium levels, etc.) and include a diabetes awareness fact (watch literacy depending on community also) and resources for medical support.
- Upload to website diabetes awareness videos provided below.
Fact Sheets:
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week: March 30th to April 5th
Mental Health Objective:
In 2010, the National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW) brought adolescents together to discuss scientific facts about drugs, and the health impacts it has on the bodies and brains of teens.
Ministry Ideas:
- Include national drug and alcohol fact sheet in the church bulletin.
- Have a bible study/sermon on the topic of alcohol and drugs and equate it to how God wants people to treat their bodies as temples, etc.
- Have pamphlets, posters, flyers, etc., to educate and bring awareness about drug and alcohol use.
- Provide a “detox truck,” which allows individuals who are using to detox.
- “Prayer Day” for those who are using, knows someone using, uplifting users who are struggling to stop using.
- Have an addictions counselor come and speak to members about alcohol and drug usage and the impacts it has on the body, mind, and soul.
- Provide communal resources for those who may be using (treatment facilities, contact information, free urinalysis testing, etc.).
- Develop an advocacy program/ministry in place for those who may be in denial and need extra support.
- Drug Abuse, Causes, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
- Teen Health: Substance Use and Abuse
- Teen Addiction