Ministry Resources

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    Celebrating Love Feasts
    03.25.20 | Wellness and Missions

    Love Feasts are a unique Wesleyan ritual created and encouraged in a time in our history when circuit-riding preachers could not always be present to consecrate the bread and wine. Love feasts draw people together around a simple, shared and holy...

      Mental Health in the Times of COVID-19
      03.24.20 | Covid-19 Resources

      Need Help? Know Someone Who Does?  Contact the Disaster Distress Helpline | Call 1-800-985-599 Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline | Call 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224 The outbreak of coronavirus...

        Prayers During COVID-19 Pandemic

        "Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks." -- Philippians 4:16 (CEB)

          Virtual Outreach and Partnerships
          03.17.20 | Wellness and Missions

          Microgrants for Coronavirus Response In the wake of COVID-19, faith communities that are feeding, clothing, and caring for persons in crisis are invited to apply to COVID-19 Peace with Justice micro-grants.  These micro-grants...

            Collecting Tithes from a Distance
            03.17.20 | Administration & Operations

            Providing opportunities for people to continue to give in times of disruption is essential. Online giving is an important part of that. These resources will assist you and your congregation in your stewardship efforts. How can I add a...

              Virtual Small Group Resources

              Providing small group activities and curriculum online is an ideal to keep people connected with God and one another. 

                Staying Connected Through Technology
                03.17.20 | Wellness and Missions

                During this period of caution and social distancing due to COVID-19, the district administrators of the Baltimore-Washington Conference offer this information to help keep congregations and communities connected while maintaining health and...

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