
One way we are active in mission is through our giving – not just of time and talent – but of our resources. Below are some ways you can support United Methodist relief and mission efforts.

Support BWC’s Puerto Rico Partners

Your donations will be sent directly to the Episcopal office in Puerto Rico to be directed toward immediate and operational needs not covered by UMCOR (e.g., keeping compensation and benefits in place for their clergy over the coming months as the churches and communities recover from the impact of Hurricane Maria).

» Donate online 

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)

When you make a financial donation to UMCOR, you can be assured that every dollar will go to the program you specify. UMCOR can guarantee this because all administrative costs are covered by the UMCOR Sunday offering and other undesignated gifts. Your prayer support is vital to all that UMCOR does.

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BWC Advance Specials

Advance Specials are ministries that provide opportunities for second-mile giving. These ministries are lifted up as outstanding examples of programs that help people become fully alive in Christ and make a difference in an ever-changing world.

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