Thursday, September 22, 2022, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Every moment we have a decision whether to create more inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism (IDEA) or less. This 8-session course will focus on six actions that you and community partners can take to grow in building beloved community and hence create spaces of belonging and becoming.
6 Modules of content is made available in Assembly, the BWC's electronic learning platform, every Thursday starting immediately after orientation:
Thursday, Sep 22 | Module 1: Seeking Relationships
Thursday, Sep 29 | Module 2: Examining our Perceptions
Thursday, Oct 6 | Module 3: Listening for Understanding
Thursday, Oct 13 | Module 4: Respecting Differences
Thursday, Oct 20 | Module 5: Assuming Positive Intent
Thursday, Oct 27 | Module 6: Growing in Cultural Humility
8 Facilitated Zoom Sessions are held every Thursday. The purpose of our these sessions is to provide you with the opportunity to apply the material
you've been engaging with. At the core of all the lessons, there is one variable that remains constant and that is people. These facilitated sessions give you access to people who are on the
journey alongside you so that you can practice, connect, debrief, and go deeper in your learning. We hope you utilize these sessions as a safe and brave space to grow.
Facilitated Zoom Sessions are approximately 75 minutes. Self-directed content is designed to take about 75 minutes of your time. This is inclusive of exercises and 2.5 minute podcasts.