Saturday, January 21, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Diverse Church by Design is a cross-racial and cross-cultural (CRCC) leadership certificate program, It is a biblically-based experimental approach to diversity and inclusion. that has been informed by the survey the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference conducted this year with pastors and lay leaders in 80 CRCC congregations and best practices.
The program aims to increase churches' diversity and inclusion and develop ways to create God's Beloved Community where justice, equal opportunity, and love can embrace all. We will achieve our goal by a hands-on approach — exercising strategic and creative work to define diversity and inclusion challenges in your congregation—seeking innovative solutions for ministerial excellence. As a result, you will be able to develop a creative plan for your church that will help everyone feel welcome, supported, respected and included.
The curriculum is designed as a hybrid model with four learning modules. Hybrid courses entail self-paced online learning and live interactive lessons. Other live sessions will be on April 22 and July 22.