Community Organizing Training

Friday, January 05, 2024 - Sunday, January 07, 2024
Location: West River Retreat Center, 5100 Chalk Point Rd. , West River, MD US 20778

Faithful & Fearless: Igniting Purpose, Organizing for Change!

Being faithful and fearless is the focus of this Community Organizing retreat, designed to empower participants to be intentional and work with purpose as they create change in their communities and beyond. Designed for individuals and groups, the retreat will be held on Friday, Jan. 5, starting at 10 a.m., through Sunday, Jan. 7, at West River Retreat Center near Annapolis.

Scholarships are available to make the retreat free for young adults. 1.7 CEUs will be offered to clergy. 

Are you passionate about engaging your congregation to be more involved in your community? Do you want to work more effectively on justice issues? Join leaders from across the BWC in a Community Organizing Training Retreat from Jan. 5-7, 2024, at West River Camp near Annapolis. The three-day training, led by Kristin Kumpf and the Rev. Dorlimar Malave, will teach you the essential skills and knowledge to be an effective community organizer and help you understand the dynamics of change and policy-making, empowering you to advocate for the issues that matter most to you and your community. 

Here's what you can expect from the training:

  1.  Understanding theological principles to faithfully and fearlessly engage in social change   
  2.  Grassroots Organizing: Gain a deep understanding of community organizing techniques, from building a strong network to mobilizing community support.
  3.  Becoming an Agent of Change: Discover your potential as a change-maker and develop the confidence to take action on the causes that resonate with you.
  4. Creating Strategies for Change: We'll guide you through the process of identifying critical issues in your community and developing effective strategies to address them.
  5.  Community Building: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for change. Build lasting relationships and networks that will support your efforts.

By the end of the training, you'll be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools to drive positive change in your community. Join us on this transformative journey and make a lasting impact on the world around you. Together, we can create a better future for all! Don't wait; be the change you want to see. 

Because one person alone can't change the world, participants are asked to attend in teams. For example, if a congregation wants to send a participant, we invite you to send 3-5 young people or 5-8 people, including other church leaders/members. Districts, you are encouraged to send a team of 5-8 people. Solo participants are welcome; however, the training is more impactful if you have a team. Together, you will be guided to create a strategy for social change, which is best accomplished by a committed team.

The cost, which includes five meals, is $170. Scholarships are available to young adults ages 17-35.  

For more details, contact Emma Arely Escobar at .



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