District News

Let's Connect Baltimore Metropolitan District: Feb. 23, 2017

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Welcome to the Baltimore Metropolitan District Blog- Let's Connect. Please take a look at the district and annual conference events and information:

Events and More

Registration for Annual Conference is open. This year's conference will be May 31-June 2 at Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C. All the information is available in the Registration link above. 

If you have questions about annual conference registration, please contact the registrar, Darlene Washington, (410) 309-3498 or send an email,  .

Laity Gathering on April 8, 9 am-Noon at Friendly Farms in Upperco, MD. This is a time for laity to gather and worship. We will have a special speaker, biblical storytelling and a service of commitment. Online Registration is forthcoming. 

Clergy Gathering will be on April 26, 10 AM - Noon, Trinity UMC, 2100 Winchester Ave, Catonsville. 

Many  individuals have benefited by participating in Financial Peace University and now there is a version to assist local church leaders to learn and practice solid financial principles for their church. Financial guru, Dave Ramsey has a program called "Momentum" for churches, take a look.   

Local Church News

Good Shepherd UMC - Moving ForwardGood Shepherd UMC (3800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21211) is hosting an event on March 9, 7 PM, called "Moving forward."

Until next time... 

