Worshipping Outdoors Tip Sheet

02.09.22 | Covid-19 Resources

    All Tip Sheets

    The church campus must be prepared to ensure that people comply with physical distancing from the time they enter the property until they leave. (BWC Guidelines for Re-entering Well, p. 3)


    Some government leaders have “strongly encouraged” outdoor services for those congregations who choose to meet for in-person gatherings during times of high transmission rates. Churches adopting this approach must be able to safeguard those who attend. 


    As needed. However, churches must be willing and able to follow all the safety and wellness protocols prescribed for indoor worship. 

    Implementation Checklist:
    • Review all of the physical distancing and other restrictions outlined in the BWC Re-entering Well Guidelines to assure that each of these guidelines will be followed outside. 
    • Check to see if your insurance policy has any guidelines or requirements.
    • If churches choose  to hold “drive-in worship,” do the following:
      • Coordinate with local law enforcement or emergency management agencies to ensure compliance with their rules and ordinances.
      • Organize and train volunteers to direct parking.
      • Utilize cones, signage, or volunteers to direct attendees to use every other parking spot. 
      • All volunteers, staff and clergy must follow physical distancing. 
      • Any unvaccinated people outside of a vehicle must wear a mask and remain six feet away from any person not in their immediate family. 
      • Utilize cones, signage, or volunteers to block access to playground facilities and other large fields where people may tend to congregate. 
      • A good sound system is essential for outdoor worship. An FM radio format that broadcasts from a stage to people’s car radios may be an option. Test the audio system thoroughly to ensure it will operate as expected.  
    • In the event of a personal need that cannot be handled by departing the parking area and returning home, signal a volunteer for guidance.  In the event of a medical emergency, please refer to the Providing Medical Assistance during the COVID-19 Pandemic Tip Sheet.
    • If weather forces the termination of the outdoor service, it is not permissible to simply move the service inside unless CDC guidelines can be maintained. 

    Additional Resources: