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Asbury Village surpasses expectations
Posted by Melissa Lauber on

Brent Bayes, Marketing and Sales Director at Asbury Methodist Village, left, and the Rev. Malcolm Frazier, Director of Pastoral Care and Counseling at Asbury, share a vast array of activities at the cite, founded in 1926. "Anticipate more” is the slogan of Asbury Methodist Village in...

New Episcopal Parsonage
Posted by Melissa Lauber on

The Baltimore-Washington Conference recently closed on a new house that will serve as its episcopal residence. The purchase comes after mold and a variety of other issues were discovered last spring in the previous parsonage in Clarksville, which was home to Bishop LaTrelle Easterling and her...

New center serves city's children
Posted by Melissa Lauber on

“There’s a war going on for the souls of our young people,” said Brendon Scott, Baltimore City Council president. It’s uncertain whether “the side of evil or of righteousness” will prevail. But the new Agape Center at John Wesley UMC will make a difference.