Taste & See: Gathering for Good

Saturday, September 23, 2017, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Katzen Art Center - American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC US 20016
Website: http://www.tasteandseedmv.com

Creating change makers

One part inspiration, one part application and one part immersion, the day has been designed to encourage and support you in taking innovative yet practical next steps so that you and your friends can start new communities with new people to do good with God.

When this event is over the exploration is not over. There are four different paths that you can take:

  1. Take these tools back to start a new place with new people that makes a positive impact in your community.
  2. Choose to be in a community with other dreamers incubating their ideas with support until you are ready to apply for a Change Maker Grant.
  3. Commit to an intensive process that transforms an inkling of an idea into a tested idea into a missional entrepreneurial pitch to impact investors (think Shark Tank for church).

For questions, contact Kayla Spears.

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