Administrator Workshop: The Message

Thursday, May 11, 2017, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Baltimore-Washington Conference Mission Center, 11711 East Market Place, Fulton, MD US 20759

The Message

Join us on May 11, 2017 as we start the day in exploring our role as storytellers and co-creators with God and the shifts we need to make in order to communicate relevantly in this new culture and then move to some practical lessons on web design and database management that support our ability to get the message through. 

Then learn... If SUCCESS were a recipe, what would be the main ingredient? When asked this question, the social media lounge produced many answers:  determination, love, commitment, accountability, having a positive attitude, humility, loyalty, and of course – faith. It’s difficult to say that there is only one “main” ingredient.  

Would you guess, though, that the answer given more often than any other outside of faith was “hard work”?  We can likely agree that with faith and hard work, we can do great things, but does it always have to be hard?  Join us for “Taking the ‘Hard’ out of Hard Work” – a workshop highlighting the ways in which web-based tools can help you with productivity, efficacy, time management, and communication, allowing you more time to focus on the things with which computers and bandwidth have no place.   

We will take you on a tour through Arena, Google’s productivity suite, online giving, and two of the top data sources at your disposal year-round!  Bring your laptop or tablet so that you can try out some of our tips and tricks.


The Day's Schedule

9:30 AM - Registration
10:00 AM - Worship
10:30 AM - Workshop A
12:30 PM - Lunch
1:30 PM - Workshop B
3:00 PM - Dismissal 

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