News and Views

Center Honors Black Methodists’ History

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Video by United Methodist Communications

“I think we all need to care more about each other’s stories. That’s all we have. I think if we understood more about each other’s stories we wouldn’t have as many things going on in the world.”

— Carol Travis, executive assistant of the African American Methodist Heritage Center

A church is not a building, but a group of people coming together with shared values. Part of the rich story of Methodism includes African Americans who chose to stay with the denomination despite being sometimes excluded or treated unfairly. Archivists hope churches and families will donate items to the African American Heritage Center, so the stories of those who built the church will remain alive for future generations.

» Read full transcript.

If you have family or church items to donate to the African American Methodist Heritage Center, you can email Carol Travis or call 973-408-3862.

You can also support the African American Methodist Heritage Center by giving to Advance project #3020514.

